Home Artificial Intelligence Linear Regression In Depth (Part 2) Multiple Linear Regression Definition Closed-Form Solution Multiple Linear Regression Example Linear Regression in Scikit-Learn Analyzing the Regression Errors Gradient Descent The SGDRegressor Class Key Takeaways

Linear Regression In Depth (Part 2) Multiple Linear Regression Definition Closed-Form Solution Multiple Linear Regression Example Linear Regression in Scikit-Learn Analyzing the Regression Errors Gradient Descent The SGDRegressor Class Key Takeaways

Linear Regression In Depth (Part 2)
Multiple Linear Regression Definition
Closed-Form Solution
Multiple Linear Regression Example
Linear Regression in Scikit-Learn
Analyzing the Regression Errors
Gradient Descent
The SGDRegressor Class
Key Takeaways

Photo by ThisisEngineering RAEng on Unsplash

In the primary a part of this text we formally defined the linear regression problem and showed learn how to solve easy linear regression problems, where the information set comprises just one feature. Within the second a part of the article, we’ll discuss multiple linear regression problems, where the information set may contain any variety of features.

We are going to first generalize the closed-form solution now we have found for easy linear regression to any variety of features. Then we’ll suggest an alternate approach for solving linear regression problems that is predicated on gradient descent, and discuss the professionals and cons of this approach vs. using the closed-form solution. As well as, we’ll explore the classes in Scikit-Learn that implement each approaches, and exhibit learn how to use them on a real-world data set.

Recall that in regression problems we’re given a set of n labeled examples: D = {(₁, y₁), (₂, y₂), … , (ₙ, yₙ)}, where is an m-dimensional vector containing the of example i, and yᵢ is an actual value that represents the of that example.

In problems, we assume that there’s a linear relationship between the feature vector and the label y, so our model hypothesis takes the next form:

The linear regression model hypothesis

Our goal is to search out the parameters of this model that may minimize the sum of squared residuals:

The fee function in extraordinary least squares (OLS) regression

Within the previous a part of the article, now we have shown learn how to find the optimal for the case of m = 1 using the . We are going to now extend these equations for any variety of features m.

To simplify the derivation of the conventional equations for the overall case, we first define a matrix X that comprises the values of all of the features in the information set, including the intercept terms:

The design matrix

This matrix known as the . Each row within the design matrix represents a person sample, and the columns represent the explanatory variables. The scale of the matrix are n × (m + 1), where n is the variety of samples and m is the variety of features.

As well as, we define the vector as an n-dimensional vector that comprises all of the goal values:

The goal vector

These definitions allow us to write down the extraordinary least squares (OLS) cost function in the next matrix form:

The OLS cost function in matrix form


We first note that:

The dot product of a vector with itself is just the sum of all its components squared, due to this fact now we have:

As was the case in easy linear regression, the function J() is convex, hence it has a single local minimum, which can be the worldwide minimum. So as to find this global minimum, we compute the gradient of J() with respect to and set it to zero.

The gradient of J() with respect to is:

Within the last two steps of the derivation above, we used basic rules of derivatives of functions of vectors, which will probably be explained in additional detail in a future post.

We now set this gradient to zero with the intention to obtain the conventional equations:

Due to this fact, the optimal that minimizes the least squares cost function is:

The closed-form solution to extraordinary least squares

Note that we assumed here that the columns of X are linearly independent (i.e., X has a ), otherwise XᵗX shouldn’t be invertible, and there isn’t any unique solution for *.

When the columns of X are linearly dependent, we call this phenomenon . Mathematically, a set of variables is if for all samples i:

Perfect multicollinearity

where λₖ are constants, and xᵢₖ is the worth of feature k in sample i.

In practice, perfect multicollinearity is rare (e.g., it might probably be brought on by by accident duplicating a variable in the information). Nevertheless, even lesser degrees of multicollinearity, where two or more features are highly correlated with one another (but not perfectly correlated), could cause issues each when fitting the model (the coefficients turn into very sensitive to small changes in the information) and when interpreting the outcomes (it becomes hard to discover which features have probably the most impact on the model’s predictions).

The interested reader can find more info concerning the multicollinearity problem and learn how to handle it on this Wikipedia article.

To exhibit the usage of the closed-form solution, let’s construct a linear regression model for the California housing data set, available from the sklearn.datasets module. The goal on this data set is to predict the median house value of a given district (house block) in California, based on 8 different features of that district, equivalent to the median income or the typical variety of rooms per household.

We first import the required libraries, and initialize the random seed with the intention to have reproducible results:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


Then, we fetch the information set:

from sklearn.datasets import fetch_california_housing

data = fetch_california_housing()
X, y = data.data, data.goal
feature_names = data.feature_names

To explore the information set, we merge the features (X) and the labels (y) right into a Pandas DataFrame, and display the primary rows from the table:

mat = np.column_stack((X, y))
df = pd.DataFrame(mat, columns=np.append(feature_names, 'MedianValue'))
The primary five rows from the California housing dataset

We will further investigate the information set by calling the DataFrame’s info() method, which provides information concerning the form of the columns and whether or not they contain any missing values:


Luckily, this data set comprises only numerical features and has no missing values. Due to this fact, no data preprocessing is required here (the closed-form solution doesn’t require normalization of the information).

We now split the information into 80% training set and 20% test set:

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2)

Let’s now write a general function to search out the optimal * for any given data set, using the closed-form solution now we have found earlier:

def closed_form_solution(X, y):
w = np.linalg.inv(X.T @ X) @ X.T @ y
return w

We will implement the closed-form solution in a single line of code!

Before we are able to use this function to search out the optimal , we’d like to append a column of 1s to the matrix X_train with the intention to represent the intercept term. This could be easily done with the function np.column_stack():

X_train_b = np.column_stack((np.ones(len(X_train)), X_train))

We are actually able to fit our model to the training set:

w = closed_form_solution(X_train_b, y_train)

The optimal is:

array([-3.68585691e+01,  4.33333407e-01,  9.29324337e-03, -9.86433739e-02,
5.93215487e-01, -7.56192502e-06, -4.74516383e-03, -4.21449336e-01,

This vector has 9 components: one for every of the 8 features in the information set, and an additional weight for the intercept (w₀).

Let’s now evaluate the model on the training and the test sets. It can be crucial to judge your model on each of them, because a big discrepancy between the training and the test scores may indicate that your model is overfitting.

We start by finding the R² rating on the training set. To that end, we first get the predictions of the model on the training examples by multiplying the matrix X_train_b by the vector :

y_train_pred = X_train_b @ w

We now use the r2_score() function from sklearn.metrics to search out the R² rating on the training set:

from sklearn.metrics import r2_score

train_score = r2_score(y_train, y_train_pred)
print(f'R2 rating (train): {train_score:.5f}')

The rating we get is:

R2 rating (train): 0.60890

Let’s do the identical on the test set. We’d like to append a column of 1s to X_test before we get the model’s predictions on it:

X_test_b = np.column_stack((np.ones(len(X_test)), X_test))
y_test_pred = X_test_b @ w

test_score = r2_score(y_test, y_test_pred)
print(f'R2 rating (test): {test_score:.5f}')

The rating we get is:

R2 rating (test): 0.59432

The rating shouldn’t be high, which indicates that the connection between the features and the label won’t be linear. In such cases, non-linear regression models, equivalent to regression trees or k-nearest neighbors can provide higher results.


Let’s say we by accident duplicated every point in the information set after which ran linear regression again. How will this affect the weights of the model?
Hint: Think what’s going to occur to the design matrix X and the labels vector , and the way these changes will affect the conventional equations.

The answer could be found at the tip of this text.

Scikit-Learn provides a category named LinearRegression that also implements the closed-form solution to the extraordinary least squares problem.

By default, this class robotically adds a column of 1s to the design matrix, so you don’t want so as to add it manually as we did earlier (unless within the constructor you set the parameter fit_intercept to False).

Let’s use this class to suit a regression model to the identical data set:

from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

reg = LinearRegression()
reg.fit(X_train, y_train)

The fitted parameter vector is stored in two attributes of this class:

  • coef_ is an array that comprises all of the weights aside from the intercept
  • intercept_ is the intercept term (w₀)

Let’s print them:


The output is:

[ 4.33333407e-01 9.29324337e-03 -9.86433739e-02 5.93215487e-01
-7.56192502e-06 -4.74516383e-03 -4.21449336e-01 -4.34166041e-01]

We get the exact same coefficients as we did with the computation in NumPy.

The rating() approach to this class returns the R² rating of the model. It only requires the matrix X and the vector of the information set you need to get the rating on (so no must compute the model’s predictions). For instance, we are able to get the R² rating on the training and the test sets as follows:

train_score = reg.rating(X_train, y_train)
print(f'R2 rating (train): {train_score:.5f}')

test_score = reg.rating(X_test, y_test)
print(f'R2 rating (test): {test_score:.5f}')

R2 rating (train): 0.60890
R2 rating (test): 0.59432

As expected, we get the identical R² scores as before.

Along with evaluating the general performance of the model, we regularly want to research the behavior of our regression errors. For instance, are the errors normally distributed around 0 or are they skewed? Are there any inputs for which our model has particularly high prediction errors?

Answers to those questions will help us find the source of those errors. For instance, if the errors will not be normally distributed around 0, this might indicate that the linear regression model shouldn’t be suitable for our data set and we’d like to try other regression models (e.g., polynomial regression). Or, if our model has particularly high prediction errors on some samples, they could be outliers and we’d like to research where they arrive from.

A plot that may enable you answer these questions known as a . This plot shows the residuals on the y-axis vs. the anticipated values of the model on the x-axis.

Let’s write a function to create this plot:

def plot_residuals(y_train_pred, y_train, y_test_pred, y_test):
plt.scatter(y_train_pred, y_train_pred - y_train, s=2, marker='o', c='b', label='Training')
plt.scatter(y_test_pred, y_test_pred - y_test, s=2, marker='s', c='m', label='Test')

xmin = min(y_train_pred.min(), y_test_pred.min())
xmax = max(y_train_pred.max(), y_test_pred.max())
plt.hlines(y=0, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, color='black')

plt.xlim(xmin, xmax)
plt.xlabel('Predicted values')

We will now call this function to point out the residuals each on the training and the test sets:

plot_residuals(y_train_pred, y_train, y_test_pred, y_test)

We will see that the majority of the errors are symmetrically distributed around 0, but there are some outliers on the far ends of the input range, which can require further investigation.


Download the Students Marks dataset from Kaggle. Construct a linear regression model to predict a student’s mark based on their study time and variety of courses they took. Compute the RMSE and R² rating of the model each on the training and the test sets. Plot the residuals vs. the anticipated values. What are you able to learn from this plot on the information set?

Although the closed-form solution gives us a direct option to find the optimal parameters of the regression model, it suffers from a couple of drawbacks:

  1. The closed-form solution is computationally inefficient when now we have numerous features, because it requires the computation of the inverse of XᵗX, which is a m × m matrix (m is the variety of features). Computing the inverse of a matrix has a runtime complexity of O(m³) under most implementations.
  2. It requires to have all the design matrix X in memory, which shouldn’t be all the time feasible if now we have a really large data set.
  3. It doesn’t support online (incremental) learning, since any change to the design matrix X requires re-computation of the inverse of XᵗX.

Gladly, there may be an alternate approach for locating the optimal , which is . Gradient descent is an iterative approach for locating a minimum of a function, where we take small steps in the wrong way of the gradient with the intention to catch up with to the minimum:

Gradient descent

So as to use gradient descent to search out the minimum of the least squares cost, we’d like to compute the partial derivatives of J() with respect to every certainly one of the weights.

The partial derivative of J() with respect to any of the weights wⱼ is:

Due to this fact, the gradient descent update rule is:

The gradient descent update rule

where α is a learning rate that controls the step size (0 < α < 1).

As a substitute of updating each component of individually, we are able to update all the vector in a single step:

The gradient descent update rule in vector form

Gradient descent could be applied in certainly one of the next modes:

  1. — the weights are updated after we compute the error on all the training set.
  2. — a gradient descent step is performed after every training example. On this case, the gradient descent update rule takes the next form:
SGD update rule

SGD typically converges faster than batch gradient descent because it makes progress after each example, and it also supports online learning since it might probably process latest data points one by one. Then again, SGD is less stable than batch gradient descent, and its convergence to the worldwide optimum shouldn’t be guaranteed (although in practice it gets very near the optimum).

Note that at any time when you utilize gradient descent, it’s essential to make certain that your data set is (otherwise gradient descent may take steps of various sizes in several directions, which can make it unstable).

The category SGDRegressor in Scikit-Learn implements the SGD approach for fitting a linear regression model. The particular form of regression model is set by its loss parameter. By default, its value is ‘squared_error’, which implies fitting an extraordinary least squares model. Other options include ‘huber’ and ‘epsilon_insensitive’ (the loss function utilized in Support Vector Regression), which will probably be discussed in future articles.

Along with the loss function, the constructor of this class has a couple of other essential parameters:

  • penalty — the form of regularization to make use of (defaults to ‘l2’).
  • alpha — the regularization coefficient (defaults to 0.0001).
  • max_iter — the utmost variety of epochs over the training data (defaults to 1000).
  • learning_rate — learning rate schedule for the burden updates (defaults to ‘invscaling’).
  • eta0 — the initial learning rate used (defaults to 0.01).
  • early_stopping — whether to stop the training when the validation rating shouldn’t be improving (defaults to False).
  • validation_fraction — the proportion of the training set to put aside for validation (defaults to 0.1).

Since we’d like to normalize our data before using SGD, we’ll create a pipeline that consists of two steps:

  1. A StandardScaler that normalizes the features by removing the mean and scaling them to unit variance.
  2. An SGDRegressor with its default settings.
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.linear_model import SGDRegressor
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline

pipeline = Pipeline([
('scaler', StandardScaler()),
('reg', SGDRegressor())

Let’s fit the pipeline to our training set:

pipeline.fit(X_train, y_train)

And now let’s evaluate the model on the training and test sets:

train_score = pipeline.rating(X_train, y_train)
print(f'R2 rating (train): {train_score:.5f}')

test_score = pipeline.rating(X_test, y_test)
print(f'R2 rating (test): {test_score:.5f}')

The scores we get are:

R2 rating (train): -485.79460
R2 rating (test): -4485.30424

These are very bad scores! What has just happened?

While you get such bad scores with gradient descent, it normally signifies that your learning rate is just too high, which causes the algorithm to oscillate between the 2 sides of the minimum:

Oscillations in gradient descent as a consequence of a high learning rate

Let’s reduce the training rate from 0.01 to 0.001 by changing the parameter eta0 of the SGDRegressor:


Let’s refit the pipeline to the training set and reevaluate it:

pipeline.fit(X_train, y_train)
train_score = pipeline.rating(X_train, y_train)
print(f'R2 rating (train): {train_score:.5f}')

test_score = pipeline.rating(X_test, y_test)
print(f'R2 rating (test): {test_score:.5f}')

The scores we get this time are:

R2 rating (train): 0.60188
R2 rating (test): 0.58393

that are just like the R² scores we obtained with the closed-form solution (they’re a bit lower, since SGD gets near the worldwide minimum, but to not the minimum itself).


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