
Linear Programming Optimization: Foundations

Part 1 - Basic Concepts and ExamplesLinear programming is a strong optimization technique that's used to enhance decision making in lots of domains. That is the primary part in a multi-part series that may...

8 Plots for Explaining Linear Regression to a Layman

Explain regression to a non-technical audience with residual, weight, effect and SHAP plots“And don’t use any math” was my manager’s instruction.How else am I presupposed to explain how regression works!?Little did I do know...

A bird’s eye view of linear algebra: the fundamentals

We predict basis-free, we write basis-free, but when the chips are down we close the office door and compute with matrices like fury.Linear algebra is a fundamental discipline underlining anything one can do with...

An Accessible Derivation of Linear Regression

The maths behind the model, from additive assumptions to pseudoinverse matricesTechnical disclaimer: It is feasible to derive a model without normality assumptions. We’ll go down this route since it’s straightforward enough to grasp and...

Theoretical Deep Dive into Linear Regression The Data Generation Process What Are We Actually Minimizing? Minimize The Loss Function Conclusion

You need to use some other prior distribution on your parameters to create more interesting regularizations. You may even say that your parameters w are normally distributed but with some correlation matrix Σ.Allow...

Top 10 Machine Learning Algorithms Every Programmer Should Know #1. Linear Regression: The Oldie but Goodie #2. Logistic Regression: It’s Not All About Numbers #3. Decision Trees:...

Boosting Your Method to SuccessImagine running a relay race. Each runner improves upon the previous one’s performance, and together, they win the race. That’s how these algorithms work — every latest model compensates for...

Exploring Gradient Boosting vs Linear Regression: Selecting the Best Prediction Tool and Developing a Streamlit App Creating your project’s environment Using VSCode for data evaluation Data Treatment Data...

Hey there! I’m Ana, a knowledge enthusiast and a machine learning apprentice. Welcome to my first post on Medium, where I’ll be sharing my journey and insights into the exciting world of knowledge evaluation...

The Matrix Algebra of Linear Regression

Looking under the hood on the matrix operations behind linear regression11 min read·12 hours agoFitted ValuesWe've got now used some linear algebra to seek out the best-fitting parameters for a straightforward linear regression model....

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