Home Artificial Intelligence Learn how to Implement Random Forest Regression in PySpark

Learn how to Implement Random Forest Regression in PySpark

Learn how to Implement Random Forest Regression in PySpark

A PySpark tutorial on regression modeling with Random Forest

Photo by Jachan DeVol on Unsplash

PySpark is a strong data processing engine built on top of Apache Spark and designed for large-scale data processing. It provides scalability, speed, versatility, integration with other tools, ease of use, built-in machine learning libraries, and real-time processing capabilities. It’s a perfect selection for handling large-scale data processing tasks efficiently and effectively, and its user-friendly interface allows for straightforward code writing in Python.

Using the Diamonds data found on ggplot2 (source, license), we are going to walk through easy methods to implement a random forest regression model and analyze the outcomes with PySpark. In case you’d wish to see how linear regression is applied to the identical dataset in PySpark, you possibly can test it out here!

This tutorial will cover the next steps:

  1. Load and prepare the information right into a vectorized input
  2. Train the model using RandomForestRegressor from MLlib
  3. Evaluate model performance using RegressionEvaluator from MLlib
  4. Plot and analyze feature importance for model transparency
Photo by Martin de Arriba on Unsplash

The diamonds dataset comprises features comparable to carat, color, cut, clarity, and more, all listed within the dataset documentation.

The goal variable that we are attempting to predict for is price.

df = spark.read.csv("/databricks-datasets/Rdatasets/data-001/csv/ggplot2/diamonds.csv", header="true", inferSchema="true")

Similar to the linear regression tutorial, we want to preprocess our data in order that now we have a resulting vector of numerical features to make use of as our model input. We’d like to encode our categorical variables into numerical features after which mix them with our numerical variables to make one final vector.

Listed here are the steps to realize this result:



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