
에듀콘2024, ‘AI가 바꿀 미래 교육 방향’ 공개

에듀콘 조직 위원회(대표 신현대)는 내년 1월17일부터 18일까지 서울 삼성동 코엑스 A홀 전시장 에듀콘 아레나에서 '제7회 국제 교육 콘퍼런스'를 개최한다고 27일 밝혔다.  이 행사는 레고 에듀케이션이 협찬하는 아시아 대표 교육 콘퍼런스로, 교육 분야의 글로벌 리더들이 연사로...

Edtech Startup CLASSUM Expands into Corporate Productivity Platform

In a daring move driven by its recent surge in growth, CLASSUM, the revolutionary education and knowledge-sharing platform led by CEO Lee Chae-rin and Choi Yu-jin, has revealed its strategic expansion plans. Constructing upon...

Teamsparta direct seed investment to excellent startup bootcamp teams

Edutech specialist Team Sparta (CEO Lee Beom-gyu) announced on the twentieth that it had made its first seed investment in 5 excellent teams produced through the worker start-up boot camp '{Chang}'. Through this, the...

Teamsparta introduced ChatGPT-based ‘AI Tutor’ for coding lectures

Edutech start-up Team Sparta (CEO Lee Beom-gyu) announced on the thirteenth that it introduced the ChatGPT-based 'AI Tutor' service to the web coding lecture 'Sparta Coding Club' environment. AI Tutor is a service that enables...

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