Home Artificial Intelligence Setting Up Python Projects: Part II

Setting Up Python Projects: Part II

Setting Up Python Projects: Part II

Photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko on Unsplash

Whether you’re a seasoned developer or simply getting began with 🐍 Python, it’s necessary to know easy methods to construct robust and maintainable projects. This tutorial will guide you thru the means of establishing a Python project using a number of the hottest and effective tools within the industry. You’ll learn easy methods to use GitHub and GitHub Actions for version control and continuous integration, in addition to other tools for testing, documentation, packaging and distribution. The tutorial is inspired by resources equivalent to Hypermodern Python and Best Practices for a latest Python project. Nevertheless, this will not be the one strategy to do things and you may have different preferences or opinions. The tutorial is meant to be beginner-friendly but additionally cover some advanced topics. In each section, you’ll automate some tasks and add badges to your project to indicate your progress and achievements.

The repository for this series might be found at github.com/johschmidt42/python-project-johannes

  • OS: Linux, Unix, macOS, Windows (WSL2 with e.g. Ubuntu 20.04 LTS)
  • Tools: python3.10, bash, git, tree
  • Version Control System (VCS) Host: GitHub
  • Continuous Integration (CI) Tool: GitHub Actions

It is anticipated that you just are aware of the versioning control system (VCS) git. If not, here’s a refresher for you: Introduction to Git

Commits can be based on best practices for git commits & Conventional commits. There’s the conventional commit plugin for PyCharm or a VSCode Extension that provide help to to jot down commits on this format.



  • Formatters & linters (isort, black, flake8, mypy)
  • Configurations (isort, .flake8, .mypy.ini)
  • Command management (Makefile)
  • CI (lint.yml)
  • Badge (Linting)
  • Bonus (Automatic linting in PyCharm, Create requirements.txt with Poetry)

In case you’ve ever worked in a team, you already know that to realize code and magnificence consistency, that you must agree on formatters and linters. It should provide help to with onboarding latest members to the codebase, create fewer merge conflicts and customarily save time because developers don’t need to care about formatting and magnificence while coding.

In case you don’t know the difference between a formatter & linter and/or would really like to see them in motion, take a look at this tutorial!

One option for formatting and linting Python code is wemakepyhton, which claims to be the “strictest and most opinionated Python linter ever”. Nevertheless, I prefer the favored combination of isort and black as formatters, flake8 as linter and mypy as static type checker. mypy adds static typing to Python, which is one of the vital exciting features in Python development without delay.

We’re going to add these tools to our project with Poetry. But since these tools will not be a part of the applying, they needs to be added as dev-dependencies. With Poetry 1.2.0, we now can use dependency groups:

Poetry provides a strategy to organize your dependencies by groups. As an example, you may have dependencies which can be only needed to check your project or to construct the documentation.

When adding the dependencies, we are able to specify the group the should belong to with --group .

> poetry add --group lint isort black flake8 mypy

Structuring the dev-dependencies in groups will make more sense later. The foremost idea is that we are able to save time and resources in CI pipelines by installing only the dependencies which can be required for a selected task, equivalent to linting.

Because isort and black don’t agree on a only a few points, we’d like to implement that isort uses the profile black.

So we add the configuration within the pyproject.toml file:

# pyproject.toml
profile = "black"

flake8 also must “use the black profile”. Nevertheless, flake8 has not (yet) adopted pyproject.toml because the central location for project configuration (see this heated discussion, or use the pyproject-plugin), that’s why we add it in a .flake8 file:

# .flake8[flake8]
max-line-length = 88
extend-ignore = E203

For mypy, we are able to add the configuration of the tool based on the docs:

# pyproject.toml
# third party import
ignore_missing_imports = true
# dynamic typing
disallow_any_unimported = true
disallow_any_expr = false
disallow_any_decorated = false
disallow_any_explicit = true
disallow_any_generics = false
disallow_subclassing_any = true
# platform
python_version = "3.10"
# untyped
disallow_untyped_calls = true
disallow_untyped_defs = true
disallow_incomplete_defs = true
disallow_untyped_decorators = true
# None and Optional
no_implicit_optional = true
# Warnings
warn_return_any = false
warn_unreachable = true
# Misc
pretty = true

Mypy has many settings that you would be able to customize to fit your preferences. I won’t cover all of them here, but I encourage you to read the mypy documentation and learn easy methods to configure the static type checker to your project!

Let’s see our latest tools in motion:

> isort . --checkSkipped 2 files> black . --checkwould reformat src/example_app/app.pyOh no! 💥 💔 💥
1 file can be reformatted, 1 file can be left unchanged.
> flake8 ....> mypy .Success: no issues present in 2 source files

Only one in all the tools (black) reported a problem that we are able to fix. Omitting the --check flag will run the formatter black for us on our Python files.

> black .

At this point we could consider adding pre-commit hooks that run these linters each time we commit. But using mypy with pre-commit is slightly fiddly, so I’ll leave it as much as you when you want (and like) pre-commit hooks.

As we add latest tools to our project, we also need to recollect some commands to make use of them. These commands can get complicated and hard to recollect over time. That’s why it’s useful to have a single file where we are able to store and name commands for our project. That is where the Makefile is available in. Many devs are unaware that you would be able to use make in a Python project to automate different parts of developing a project. It’s a typical tool on this planet of software development with languages equivalent to C or C++. It will possibly be used, for instance, to run tests, linters, builds etc. It’s an underutilized tool, and by integrating it into your routine, you possibly can save time and avoid errors.

GNU Make controls the generation of executables and other non-source files of a program from this system’s source file.

That way, we don’t need to recollect all of the commands and their arguments and options. It lets us specify a set of tasks via a typical interface and allows us to run several commands sequentially.

# Makefile
@black .
@isort .
@black . --check
@isort . --check
@flake8 .
@mypy ./src
@mypy ./src --html-report ./mypy_html
format: format-black format-isortlint: lint-black lint-isort lint-flake8 lint-mypy

To do stuff with make, you type make in a directory that has a file called Makefile. You can too type make -f to make use of a special filename. By default, make prints out the command before it runs it, so that you would be able to see what it’s doing. But there may be a UNIX dogma saying that “success needs to be silent”. So to silent commands in a goal, we are able to start the command with a `@` character. Now we just have to run these two commands in a shell

> make format
> make lint

to run all our formatters and linters on our source code. If you need to know more concerning the format in a makefile, easy methods to set variables, add pre-requisites and phonies, I highly recommend to read: python-makefie by Aniket Bhattacharyea!

If you need to have a well documented Makefile, take a look at the bonus a part of this part at the underside!

Now that we now have a couple of more config files and a latest Makefile as a task runner, our project should resemble this:

├── .flake8
├── Makefile
├── README.md
├── poetry.lock
├── pyproject.toml
└── src
└── example_app
├── __init__.py
└── app.py
2 directories, 8 files

Working in a team of skilled software developers brings plenty of challenges. Ensuring that nothing is broken and everyone seems to be working on the identical formatted code is one in all them. For this we use continuous integration (CI), a software development practice that permits members of a team to integrate their work regularly. In our case, to date, latest features (feature branches) that changed source files have to pass our linters to preserve style consistency. There are a number of CI tools equivalent to CircleCI, TravisCI, Jenkins etc., but within the scope of this tutorial we’ll use GitHub’s CI/CD workflow solution GitHub Actions.

Now that we are able to run our formatters and linters locally, let’s arrange our first workflow that may run on a GitHub server. To do that, we’ll create a latest feature branch called feat/lint-ci and add the file .github/workflows/lint.yml

Let’s break it right down to ensure we understand each part. GitHub motion workflows should be created within the .github/workflows directory of the repository within the format of .yaml or .yml files. In case you’re seeing these for the primary time, you possibly can check them out here to higher understand them. Within the upper a part of the file, we give the workflow a reputation name: Linting and define on which signals/events, this workflow needs to be began: on: ... . Here, we wish that it runs when latest commits come right into a PullRequest targeting the foremost branch or commits go the foremost branch directly. The job runs in an ubuntu-latest* (runs-on) environment and executes the next steps:

  • checkout the repository using the branch name that’s stored within the default environment variable ${{ github.head_ref }} . GitHub motion: checkout@v3
  • install Poetry with pipx since it’s pre-installed on all GitHub runners. If you’ve a self-hosted runner in e.g. Azure, you’d have to install it yourself or use an existing GitHub motion that does it for you.
  • Setup the python environment and caching the virtualenv based on the content within the poetry.lock file. GitHub motion: setup-python@v4
  • Install only the necessities which can be needed to run different linters with poetry install --only lint **
  • Running the linters with the make command: poetry run make lint Please note, that running the tools is barely possible within the virtualenv, which we are able to access through poetry run.

*We could also run this in a container (docker) but containerisation can be covered in Part VI

**We used poetry install --only lint to simply install the dependencies within the group lint . You would possibly wonder: How can we check if these dependencies are enough to run the tools locally? Well, in poetry 1.2.0, the environment will depend on each the Python interpreter and the pyproject.toml file. So we would wish to delete the present environment with poetry env remove or poetry env remove --all , then create a latest clean environment with poetry env use python3 and run poetry install --only lint . This looks as if a hustle, right? agree, but that’s how it really works for now. You possibly can read more about this issue on this StackOverFlow Post.

Now that we now have our first workflow, how can we see it in motion? Or higher yet: How can we test it before pushing it to GitHub? There are two ways to do this:

  1. We are able to push our changes and see the outcomes on GitHub
  2. We are able to use the tool act, which lets us run GitHub actions locally and avoid the trial-and-error approach.

Let’s try the primary option and push our changes to our feature branch. After we open a pull request, we are able to see that the workflow has began running.

First running workflow in GitHub actions (linting) — Image by creator

And we may also see that it actually failed:

First failed workflow in GitHub actions (linting) — Image by creator

The explanation for this error is that we didn’t run this command

> poetry install/home/runner/work/python-project-johannes/python-project-johannes/example_app doesn't contain any element

before to examine if our app was installed accurately within the site-packages directory or if the name or mapping was unsuitable. We are able to solve this by ensuring that the name attribute in our pyproject.toml matches the name of our src directory and in addition removing the package attribute for now:

# pyproject.toml[tool.poetry]
name = "example_app"

Running the pipeline a second time, we see that … it fails again!

Failing workflow — Image by creator

This time, our static type checker mypy reported errors due to unfollowed imports . We are able to reproduce this by running the identical commands from the workflow locally (only install lint packages). Seems that mypy tries to follow the imports in a file but when it may well’t (since it was not installed with poetry install —- group lint), then it would have Any types! That is described within the mypy documentation. We are able to solve this by installing our application dependencies AND the lint dependencies with

> poetry install --with lint

This time, we see that it succeeded, Hallelujah!

Successful workflow — Image by creator

And to summarise, here’s how our repository tree looks like now:

├── .flake8
├── .github
│ └── workflows
│ └── lint.yml
├── Makefile
├── README.md
├── poetry.lock
├── pyproject.toml
└── src
└── example_app
├── __init__.py
└── app.py
4 directories, 9 files

After we merge our PR to the foremost branch, the workflow will run again. We are able to display the status of our CI pipeline on the homepage of our repository by adding a badge to the README.md file.

To get the badge, we’d like to click on a workflow run (foremost branch) and replica the lines

Create a standing badge from workflow file on GitHub — Image by creator
Copy the badge markdown — Image by creator

The badge markdown might be copied and added to the README.md:

Our landing page of the GitHub now looks like this ❤:

Image by creator

If you need to understand how this magically shows the present status of the last pipeline run in foremost, take a look the commit statuses API on GitHub.


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