Home Artificial Intelligence Sending Docker Images to Amazon ECR using jenkins pipeline →Aws part 11 Create a Jenkins Pipeline: Here’s is code given below :

Sending Docker Images to Amazon ECR using jenkins pipeline →Aws part 11 Create a Jenkins Pipeline: Here’s is code given below :

Sending Docker Images to Amazon ECR using jenkins pipeline →Aws part 11
Create a Jenkins Pipeline:
Here’s is code given below :

To establish Jenkins to push Docker images to Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) with Jenkins pipeline script, you possibly can follow the steps outlined below:

Install the needed plugins:

a. AWS Steps Plugin – This plugin provides a set of AWS steps for Jenkins Pipeline. It’s required to interact with ECR.

b. Docker Pipeline Plugin – This plugin provides Docker-based Pipeline steps. It’s required to construct and push Docker images to ECR.

Create an Amazon ECR repository:

a. Go to the Amazon ECR console.

b. Click on the “Create repository” button.

c. Give your repository a reputation and click on on the “Create repository” button.

a. Create a latest Jenkins Pipeline job.

b. Within the Pipeline script section, write the Jenkins Pipeline script to construct and push the Docker image to ECR.

pipeline { agent any environment { ECR_REGISTRY = “your_ecr_registry_here” ECR_REPOSITORY = “your_ecr_repository_here” DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG = “your_docker_image_tag_here” } stages { stage(“Construct Docker image”) { steps { script { docker.construct(“${ECR_REGISTRY}/${ECR_REPOSITORY}:${DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG}”) } } } stage(“Push Docker image to ECR”) { steps { script { withCredentials([[$class: ‘AmazonWebServicesCredentialsBinding’, accessKeyVariable: ‘AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID’, secretKeyVariable: ‘AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY’]]) { docker.withRegistry(“https://${ECR_REGISTRY}”, “ecr:us-east-1:${AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID}”) { dockerImage.push(“${ECR_REGISTRY}/${ECR_REPOSITORY}:${DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG}”) } } } } } } }

Arrange AWS credentials in Jenkins:

a. Go to Jenkins -> Credentials.

b. Click on the “Global credentials (unrestricted)” link.

c. Click on the “Add Credentials” button.

d. Select “AWS Credentials” from the Kind drop-down list.

e. Enter your AWS access key ID and secret access key.

f. Click on the “OK” button.

Save the Pipeline job and run it. Jenkins will construct and push the Docker image to ECR.

That is it! You might have now arrange Jenkins to push Docker images to Amazon ECR with Jenkins Pipeline script.


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