Home Artificial Intelligence Generative AI: The Idea Behind CHATGPT, Dall-E, Midjourney and More

Generative AI: The Idea Behind CHATGPT, Dall-E, Midjourney and More

Generative AI: The Idea Behind CHATGPT, Dall-E, Midjourney and More

The world of art, communication, and the way we perceive reality is rapidly transforming. If we glance back on the history of human innovation, we would consider the invention of the wheel or the invention of electricity as monumental leaps. Today, a latest revolution is happening—bridging the divide between human creativity and machine computation. That’s Generative AI.

Generative models have blurred the road between humans and machines. With the arrival of models like GPT-4, which employs transformer modules, now we have stepped closer to natural and context-rich language generation. These advances have fueled applications in document creation, chatbot dialogue systems, and even synthetic music composition.

Recent Big-Tech decisions underscore its significance. Microsoft is already discontinuing its Cortana app this month to prioritize newer Generative AI innovations, like Bing Chat. Apple has also dedicated a significant slice of its $22.6 billion R&D budget to generative AI, as indicated by CEO Tim Cook.

A Recent Era of Models: Generative Vs. Discriminative

The story of Generative AI isn’t only about its applications but fundamentally about its inner workings. In the factitious intelligence ecosystem, two models exist: discriminative and generative.

Discriminative models are what most individuals encounter in day by day life. These algorithms take input data, resembling a text or a picture, and pair it with a goal output, like a word translation or medical diagnosis. They’re about mapping and prediction.

Generative models, then again, are creators. They do not just interpret or predict; they generate latest, complex outputs from vectors of numbers that usually aren’t even related to real-world values.


The Technologies Behind Generative Models

Generative models owe their existence to deep neural networks, sophisticated structures designed to mimic the human brain’s functionality. By capturing and processing multifaceted variations in data, these networks serve because the backbone of various generative models.

How do these generative models come to life? Often, they’re built with deep neural networks, optimized to capture the multifaceted variations in data. A main example is the Generative Adversarial Network (GAN), where two neural networks, the generator, and the discriminator, compete and learn from one another in a novel teacher-student relationship. From paintings to style transfer, from music composition to game-playing, these models are evolving and expanding in ways previously unimaginable.

This does not stop with GANs. Variational Autoencoders (VAEs), are one other pivotal player within the generative model field. VAEs stand out for his or her ability to create photorealistic images from seemingly random numbers. How? Processing these numbers through a latent vector gives birth to art that mirrors the complexities of human aesthetics.

Generative AI Types: Text to Text, Text to Image

Transformers & LLM

The paper “Attention Is All You Need” by Google Brain marked a shift in the best way we take into consideration text modeling. As an alternative of complex and sequential architectures like Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) or Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), the Transformer model introduced the concept of attention, which essentially meant specializing in different parts of the input text depending on the context. One in every of the essential advantages of this was the convenience of parallelization. Unlike RNNs which process text sequentially, making them harder to scale, Transformers can process parts of the text concurrently, making training faster and more efficient on large datasets.

In an extended text, not every word or sentence you read has the identical importance. Some parts demand more attention based on the context. This ability to shift our focus based on relevance is what the eye mechanism mimics.

To know this, consider a sentence: “Unite AI Publish AI and Robotics news.” Now, predicting the subsequent word requires an understanding of what matters most within the previous context. The term ‘Robotics’ might suggest the subsequent word might be related to a particular advancement or event within the robotics field, while ‘Publish’ might indicate the next context might delve right into a recent publication or article.

Self-Attention Mechanism explanation on a demmo sentence
Self-Attention Illustration

Attention mechanisms in Transformers are designed to attain this selective focus. They gauge the importance of various parts of the input text and choose where to “look” when generating a response. It is a departure from older architectures like RNNs that attempted to cram the essence of all input text right into a single ‘state’ or ‘memory’.

The workings of attention could be likened to a key-value retrieval system. In attempting to predict the subsequent word in a sentence, each preceding word offers a ‘key’ suggesting its potential relevance, and based on how well these keys match the present context (or query), they contribute a ‘value’ or weight to the prediction.

These advanced AI deep learning models have seamlessly integrated into various applications, from Google’s search engine enhancements with BERT to GitHub’s Copilot, which harnesses the aptitude of Large Language Models (LLMs) to convert easy code snippets into fully functional source codes.

Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-4, Bard, and LLaMA, are colossal constructs designed to decipher and generate human language, code, and more. Their immense size, starting from billions to trillions of parameters, is considered one of the defining features. These LLMs are fed with copious amounts of text data, enabling them to understand the intricacies of human language. A striking characteristic of those models is their aptitude for “few-shot” learning. Unlike conventional models which need vast amounts of specific training data, LLMs can generalize from a really limited variety of examples (or “shots”)

State of Large Language Models (LLMs) as of post-mid 2023

Model Name Developer Parameters Availability and Access Notable Features & Remarks
GPT-4 OpenAI 1.5 Trillion Not Open Source, API Access Only Impressive performance on a wide range of tasks can process images and text, maximum input length  32,768 tokens
GPT-3 OpenAI 175 billion Not Open Source, API Access Only Demonstrated few-shot and zero-shot learning capabilities. Performs text completion in natural language.
BLOOM BigScience 176 billion Downloadable Model, Hosted API Available Multilingual LLM developed by global collaboration. Supports 13 programming languages.
LaMDA Google 173 billion Not Open Source, No API or Download Trained on dialogue could learn to discuss virtually anything
MT-NLG Nvidia/Microsoft 530 billion API Access by application Utilizes transformer-based Megatron architecture for various NLP tasks.
LLaMA Meta AI 7B to 65B) Downloadable by application Intended to democratize AI by offering access to those in research, government, and academia.

How Are LLMs Used?

LLMs could be utilized in multiple ways, including:

  1. Direct Utilization: Simply using a pre-trained LLM for text generation or processing. As an example, using GPT-4 to put in writing a blog post with none additional fine-tuning.
  2. Nice-Tuning: Adapting a pre-trained LLM for a particular task, a technique referred to as transfer learning. An example could be customizing T5 to generate summaries for documents in a particular industry.
  3. Information Retrieval: Using LLMs, resembling BERT or GPT, as a part of larger architectures to develop systems that may fetch and categorize information.
Generative AI ChatGPT Fine Tuning
ChatGPT Nice Tuning Architecture

Multi-head Attention: Why One When You Can Have Many?

Nevertheless, counting on a single attention mechanism could be limiting. Different words or sequences in a text can have varied forms of relevance or associations. That is where multi-head attention is available in. As an alternative of 1 set of attention weights, multi-head attention employs multiple sets, allowing the model to capture a richer number of relationships within the input text. Each attention “head” can concentrate on different parts or features of the input, and their combined knowledge is used for the ultimate prediction.

ChatGPT: Probably the most Popular Generative AI Tool

Starting with GPT’s inception in 2018, the model was essentially built on the inspiration of 12 layers, 12 attention heads, and 120 million parameters, primarily trained on a dataset called BookCorpus. This was a powerful start, offering a glimpse into the long run of language models.

GPT-2, unveiled in 2019, boasted a four-fold increase in layers and a focus heads. Significantly, its parameter count skyrocketed to 1.5 billion. This enhanced version derived its training from WebText, a dataset enriched with 40GB of text from various Reddit links.

GPT-3, launched in May 2020 had 96 layers, 96 attention heads, and a large parameter count of 175 billion. What set GPT-3 apart was its diverse training data, encompassing CommonCrawl, WebText, English Wikipedia, book corpora, and other sources, combining for a complete of 570 GB.

The intricacies of ChatGPT’s workings remain a closely-guarded secret. Nevertheless, a process termed ‘reinforcement learning from human feedback’ (RLHF) is thought to be pivotal. Originating from an earlier ChatGPT project, this system was instrumental in honing the GPT-3.5 model to be more aligned with written instructions.

ChatGPT’s training comprises a three-tiered approach:

  1. Supervised fine-tuning: Involves curating human-written conversational inputs and outputs to refine the underlying GPT-3.5 model.
  2. Reward modeling: Humans rank various model outputs based on quality, helping train a reward model that scores each output considering the conversation’s context.
  3. Reinforcement learning: The conversational context serves as a backdrop where the underlying model proposes a response. This response is assessed by the reward model, and the method is optimized using an algorithm named proximal policy optimization (PPO).

For those just dipping their toes into ChatGPT, a comprehensive starting guide could be found here. Should you’re seeking to delve deeper into prompt engineering with ChatGPT, we even have a sophisticated guide that light on the most recent and State of the Art prompt techniques, available at ‘ChatGPT & Advanced Prompt Engineering: Driving the AI Evolution‘.

Diffusion & Multimodal Models

While models like VAEs and GANs generate their outputs through a single pass, hence locked into whatever they produce, diffusion models have introduced the concept of ‘iterative refinement‘. Through this method, they circle back, refining mistakes from previous steps, and steadily producing a more polished result.

Central to diffusion models is the art of “corruption” and “refinement”. Of their training phase, a typical image is progressively corrupted by adding various levels of noise. This noisy version is then fed to the model, which attempts to ‘denoise’ or ‘de-corrupt’ it. Through multiple rounds of this, the model becomes adept at restoration, understanding each subtle and significant aberrations.

Generative AI - Midjourney Prompt
Image Generated from Midjourney

The strategy of generating latest images post-training is intriguing. Starting with a very randomized input, it’s repeatedly refined using the model’s predictions. The intent is to realize a pristine image with the minimum variety of steps. Controlling the extent of corruption is finished through a “noise schedule”, a mechanism that governs how much noise is applied at different stages. A scheduler, as seen in libraries like “diffusers“, dictates the character of those noisy renditions based on established algorithms.

An important architectural backbone for a lot of diffusion models is the UNet—a convolutional neural network tailored for tasks requiring outputs mirroring the spatial dimension of inputs. It is a mix of downsampling and upsampling layers, intricately connected to retain high-resolution data, pivotal for image-related outputs.

Delving deeper into the realm of generative models, OpenAI’s DALL-E 2 emerges as a shining example of the fusion of textual and visual AI capabilities. It employs a three-tiered structure:

DALL-E 2 showcases a three-fold architecture:

  1. Text Encoder: It transforms the text prompt right into a conceptual embedding inside a latent space. This model doesn’t start from ground zero. It leans on OpenAI’s Contrastive Language–Image Pre-training (CLIP) dataset as its foundation. CLIP serves as a bridge between visual and textual data by learning visual concepts using natural language. Through a mechanism referred to as contrastive learning, it identifies and matches images with their corresponding textual descriptions.
  2. The Prior: The text embedding derived from the encoder is then converted into a picture embedding. DALL-E 2 tested each autoregressive and diffusion methods for this task, with the latter showcasing superior results. Autoregressive models, as seen in Transformers and PixelCNN, generate outputs in sequences. However, diffusion models, just like the one utilized in DALL-E 2, transform random noise into predicted image embeddings with the assistance of text embeddings.
  3. The Decoder: The climax of the method, this part generates the ultimate visual output based on the text prompt and the image embedding from the prior phase. DALL.E 2’s decoder owes its architecture to a different model, GLIDE, which may produce realistic images from textual cues.
Architecture of DALL-E model (diffusion multi model)
Simplified Architecture of DALL-E Model

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Applications of Generative AI

Textual Domains

Starting with text, Generative AI has been fundamentally altered by chatbots like ChatGPT. Relying heavily on Natural Language Processing (NLP) and huge language models (LLMs), these entities are empowered to perform tasks starting from code generation and language translation to summarization and sentiment evaluation. ChatGPT, for example, has seen widespread adoption, becoming a staple for thousands and thousands. That is further augmented by conversational AI platforms, grounded in LLMs like GPT-4, PaLM, and BLOOM, that effortlessly produce text, assist in programming, and even offer mathematical reasoning.

From a business perspective, these models have gotten invaluable. Businesses employ them for a myriad of operations, including risk management, inventory optimization, and forecasting demands. Some notable examples include Bing AI, Google’s BARD, and ChatGPT API.


The world of images has seen dramatic transformations with Generative AI, particularly since DALL-E 2’s introduction in 2022. This technology, which might generate images from textual prompts, has each artistic and skilled implications. As an example, midjourney has leveraged this tech to supply impressively realistic images. This recent post demystifies Midjourney in an in depth guide, elucidating each the platform and its prompt engineering intricacies. Moreover, platforms like Alpaca AI and Photoroom AI utilize Generative AI for advanced image editing functionalities resembling background removal, object deletion, and even face restoration.

Video Production

Video production, while still in its nascent stage within the realm of Generative AI, is showcasing promising advancements. Platforms like Imagen Video, Meta Make A Video, and Runway Gen-2 are pushing the boundaries of what is possible, even when truly realistic outputs are still on the horizon. These models offer substantial utility for creating digital human videos, with applications like Synthesia and SuperCreator leading the charge. Notably, Tavus AI offers a novel selling proposition by personalizing videos for individual audience members, a boon for businesses.

Code Creation

Coding, an indispensable aspect of our digital world, hasn’t remained untouched by Generative AI. Although ChatGPT is a well-liked tool, several other AI applications have been developed for coding purposes. These platforms, resembling GitHub Copilot, Alphacode, and CodeComplete, function coding assistants and may even produce code from text prompts. What’s intriguing is the adaptability of those tools. Codex, the driving force behind GitHub Copilot, could be tailored to a person’s coding style, underscoring the personalization potential of Generative AI.


Mixing human creativity with machine computation, it has evolved into a useful tool, with platforms like ChatGPT and DALL-E 2 pushing the boundaries of what is conceivable. From crafting textual content to sculpting visual masterpieces, their applications are vast and varied.

As with all technology, ethical implications are paramount. While Generative AI guarantees boundless creativity, it’s crucial to employ it responsibly, being aware of potential biases and the ability of information manipulation.

With tools like ChatGPT becoming more accessible, now’s the right time to check the waters and experiment. Whether you are an artist, coder, or tech enthusiast, the realm of Generative AI is rife with possibilities waiting to be explored. The revolution isn’t on the horizon; it’s here and now. So, Dive in!


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