Home Artificial Intelligence Demystifying Topic Modeling Techniques in NLP Introduction Different Methods of Topic Modeling 01. Latent Dirirchlet Allocation (LDA) Implementation in Python: 02. Latent Semantic Evaluation 03. Non Negative Matrix Factorization 04. Parallel Latent Dirirchlet Allocation 05. Pachinko Allocation Model Applications: Limitations of Topic Modelling : Conclusion:

Demystifying Topic Modeling Techniques in NLP Introduction Different Methods of Topic Modeling 01. Latent Dirirchlet Allocation (LDA) Implementation in Python: 02. Latent Semantic Evaluation 03. Non Negative Matrix Factorization 04. Parallel Latent Dirirchlet Allocation 05. Pachinko Allocation Model Applications: Limitations of Topic Modelling : Conclusion:

Demystifying Topic Modeling Techniques in NLP
Different Methods of Topic Modeling
01. Latent Dirirchlet Allocation (LDA)
Implementation in Python:
02. Latent Semantic Evaluation
03. Non Negative Matrix Factorization
04. Parallel Latent Dirirchlet Allocation
05. Pachinko Allocation Model
Limitations of Topic Modelling :

Welcome to this insightful article where we’ll delve into the fascinating world of topic modeling. We’ll uncover the true essence of topic modeling, explore its inner workings, and discover why it has turn out to be an indispensable tool. Along the best way, we’ll unveil essentially the most crucial techniques employed within the industry. To make things much more charming, we’ll showcase real-time applications and use cases where these techniques shine.

But fret not! We won’t leave you puzzled in a sea of theory. We understand the worth of practicality, so we’ve included coding snippets throughout the article.

Topic modeling is an algorithm for extracting the subject or topics for a set of documents. It’s the widely used text mining method in Natural Language Processing to achieve insights concerning the text documents. The algorithm is analogous to dimensionality reduction techniques used for numerical data.

It may well be regarded as the technique of obtaining required features from the bag of words. This is very necessary because in NLP each word present within the corpus is taken into account as a feature. Thus feature reduction helps us specializing in the suitable content as a substitute of wasting our time going through all of the text in the info. For higher understanding of the concepts, allow us to avoid the mathematics background.

This highly necessary process will be performed by various algorithms or methods. A few of them are:

  • Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)
  • Non Negative Matrix Factorization (NMF)
  • Latent Semantic Evaluation (LSA)
  • Parallel Latent Dirichlet Allocation (PLDA)
  • Pachinko Allocation Model (PAM)

Still there are numerous research occurring to enhance the algorithms to know the entire context of the documents.

Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) is a statistical and graphical model used to uncover relationships amongst multiple documents inside a corpus. It leverages the Variational Expectation Maximization (VEM) algorithm to estimate the utmost likelihood from all the text corpus. Unlike traditional methods that depend on identifying top words in a bag-of-words representation, LDA incorporates semantic information inside sentences.

The core idea behind LDA is that every document will be characterised by a probabilistic distribution of topics, and every topic will be described by a probabilistic distribution of words. This framework provides a clearer understanding of how topics are interconnected and enables the invention of latent thematic structures.


  1. Semantic understanding: LDA captures the semantic relationships between words and documents, allowing for a more nuanced understanding of the underlying content.
  2. Topic modeling: LDA identifies latent topics inside a corpus, enabling the extraction of meaningful themes and improving document organization.
  3. Flexibility: LDA is a versatile model that may adapt to several types of data and will be applied to numerous domains and languages.
  4. Interpretability: LDA produces interpretable results, because it assigns probabilities to topics and words, making it easier to investigate and interpret the output.


  1. Computational complexity: LDA will be computationally demanding, especially for large-scale corpora, as a result of the iterative nature of the VEM algorithm.
  2. Topic coherence: While LDA provides a probabilistic framework for topic modeling, the resulting topics may not at all times exhibit high coherence, and manual fine-tuning or post-processing could also be vital.
  3. Model selection: Determining the optimal variety of topics for LDA requires manual selection or using evaluation metrics, which will be subjective and time-consuming.

In summary, LDA is a statistical model that uncovers relationships amongst documents in a corpus by leveraging probabilistic distributions of topics and words. It offers benefits reminiscent of semantic understanding, topic modeling, flexibility, and interpretability. Nevertheless, it also has limitations related to computational complexity, topic coherence, and model selection.

For instance, consider you’ve a corpus of 1000 documents. After preprocessing the corpus, the bag of words consists of 1000 common words. By applying LDA, we are able to determine the topics that are related to every document. Thus it’s made easy to acquire the extracts from the corpus of knowledge.

Within the above picture, the upper level represents the documents, the center level represents the topics generated and the lower level represents the words. Thus it clearly explains the rule it follows that document is described a the distribution of topics and topics are described because the distribution of words.

The python implementation of all methods is given below. Please give a hands on try to know this completely. The information cleansing and text preprocessing part will not be covered in this text.

from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
from sklearn.decomposition import LatentDirichletAllocation as LDA
from sklearn.metrics import coherence_score
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
# Create a CountVectorizer
count_vectorizer = CountVectorizer(stop_words='english')
count_data = count_vectorizer.fit_transform(papers['preprocessed_text'])
# Split the info into train and test sets
X_train, X_test = train_test_split(count_data, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)
# Create an LDA model
number_topics = 5
lda = LDA(n_components=number_topics)
# Evaluate LDA using coherence rating
coherence_model_lda = coherence_score(model=lda, texts=papers['preprocessed_text'], dictionary=count_vectorizer.get_feature_names())
print("Coherence Rating:", coherence_model_lda)
# Evaluate LDA using perplexity
perplexity = lda.perplexity(X_test)
print("Perplexity:", perplexity)

Here, the parameter number_topics is totally depending on the context and the requirement. If the worth could be very high, then more topics might be created might turn out to be difficult to acquire the insights. If the worth could be very less, then only a few topics could be created and we won’t get enough insights from the info.

Latent Semantic Evaluation (LSA) is an unsupervised learning method that allows the extraction of relationships between words inside a set of documents. It serves as a worthwhile tool for identifying relevant documents based on their semantic similarity. LSA functions as a dimensionality reduction technique, allowing the reduction of the high-dimensional corpus of text data. By reducing the dimensionality, LSA helps filter out unnecessary noise, enabling the extraction of meaningful insights from the info.

Listed below are the professionals and cons of using LSA:


  1. Relationship extraction: LSA can reveal latent relationships between words and documents, helping to uncover hidden patterns and semantic similarities inside the corpus.
  2. Dimensionality reduction: LSA reduces the dimensionality of the text data, making it more manageable and facilitating computational efficiency.
  3. Noise reduction: By reducing the impact of irrelevant and noisy data, LSA enhances the accuracy and quality of the extracted insights.
  4. Information retrieval: LSA aids in information retrieval by identifying relevant documents based on their semantic similarity to a given query.


  1. Lack of interpretability: LSA transforms the unique text data right into a numerical representation, which might result in a lack of interpretability of the underlying textual content.
  2. Limited context understanding: LSA relies on statistical patterns and co-occurrence of words, which can not capture the complete context and nuances of the text.
  3. Sensitivity to preprocessing decisions: The performance of LSA will be affected by preprocessing decisions reminiscent of stop-word removal, stemming, and tokenization. Different preprocessing decisions can result in various results.
  4. Lack of topic labeling: LSA doesn’t provide explicit labels for topics. While it discovers latent relationships, it might not provide a transparent interpretation or labeling of the underlying themes within the corpus.

In summary, LSA is an unsupervised learning method that extracts relationships between words in a document collection. It reduces dimensionality and filters out noise, enabling the identification of relevant documents. Nevertheless, it might sacrifice interpretability and context understanding and is sensitive to preprocessing decisions. Moreover, LSA doesn’t provide explicit topic labeling.

from gensim import corpora
from gensim.models import LsiModel
from gensim.models.coherencemodel import CoherenceModel
from gensim.models.ldamodel import LdaModel
from gensim.models import TfidfModel
def create_gensim_lsa_model(doc_clean, number_of_topics, words):
# Create a dictionary from the document corpus
dictionary = corpora.Dictionary(doc_clean)
# Convert the dictionary right into a document-term matrix
doc_term_matrix = [dictionary.doc2bow(doc) for doc in doc_clean]
# Create an LSA model
lsamodel = LsiModel(doc_term_matrix, num_topics=number_of_topics)
# Print the topics generated by the LSA model
print(lsamodel.print_topics(num_topics=number_of_topics, num_words=words))
# Evaluate the LSA model using coherence and perplexity
coherence_model = CoherenceModel(model=lsamodel, texts=doc_clean, dictionary=dictionary, coherence='c_v')
coherence_score = coherence_model.get_coherence()
print("Coherence Rating: ", coherence_score)
# Calculate perplexity
tfidf_model = TfidfModel(doc_term_matrix)
tfidf_corpus = tfidf_model[doc_term_matrix]
perplexity_score = lsamodel.log_perplexity(tfidf_corpus)
print("Perplexity Rating: ", perplexity_score)
return lsamodel
number_of_topics = 6
words = 10
document_list, titles = load_data("", "corpus.txt")
model = create_gensim_lsa_model(clean_text, number_of_topics, words)

Here also the parameter variety of topics play a very important role. It’s an iterative process to find out the optimum variety of topics.

Non-Negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) is a matrix factorization method that ensures the weather of the factorized matrices are non-negative. Within the context of NMF, consider a document-term matrix derived from a corpus after removing stop words. This matrix will be decomposed into two matrices: a term-topic matrix and a topic-document matrix. Several optimization models exist for performing the matrix factorization, with Hierarchical Alternating Least Squares (HALS) being a faster and simpler approach. In HALS, the factorization process updates one column at a time while keeping the opposite columns constant.

Listed below are the professionals and cons of using NMF with HALS:


  1. Non-negativity constraint: NMF enforces non-negativity, making the resulting factorized matrices more interpretable, especially within the context of document-term relationships.
  2. Dimensionality reduction: NMF reduces the dimensionality of the document-term matrix, enabling more efficient computation and evaluation.
  3. Feature extraction: NMF can discover latent topics or themes inside the corpus, providing a compact representation of the document collection.
  4. HALS optimization: HALS offers faster convergence and improved performance in comparison with other optimization methods for NMF, making it well-suited for large-scale datasets.


  1. Initialization sensitivity: NMF’s performance is sensitive to the initial values of the factorized matrices. Different initializations can result in different results.
  2. Overfitting: NMF may overfit the info if the variety of components or topics is about too high or if the info incorporates noise or outliers.
  3. Lack of interpretability: While NMF produces interpretable factorized matrices, the precise meaning of the topics extracted will be subjective and require manual interpretation.
  4. Difficulty in handling sparse data: NMF may face challenges when coping with very sparse matrices, because the presence of many zero elements can affect the standard of the factorization.

In summary, NMF is a matrix factorization method that ensures non-negativity within the factorized matrices. HALS is a faster optimization algorithm for NMF. NMF provides interpretability and dimensionality reduction but will be sensitive to initialization, overfitting, and sparse data.

from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.decomposition import NMF
from sklearn.metrics import silhouette_score
# Vectorize the info using TF-IDF
vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(max_features=2000, min_df=10, stop_words='english')
vectorized_data = vectorizer.fit_transform(data)
# Create an NMF model
nmf = NMF(n_components=20, solver="mu")
W = nmf.fit_transform(vectorized_data)

# Evaluate NMF using reconstruction error
reconstruction_error = nmf.reconstruction_err_
print("Reconstruction Error:", reconstruction_error)

# Evaluate NMF using silhouette rating
silhouette_avg = silhouette_score(vectorized_data, nmf.transform(vectorized_data).argmax(axis=1))
print("Silhouette Rating:", silhouette_avg)

Partially Labeled Dirichlet Allocation (PLDA) is a subject modeling technique that assumes the existence of a set of predefined labels related to each topic in a given corpus. It’s an extension of Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) where topics are represented as probabilistic distributions over all the corpus.

In PLDA, each topic is related to one label, and the model assumes that there is barely one label for each topic within the corpus. Moreover, there may be an optional global topic assigned to every document, which implies there could be a separate topic representing the general theme of every individual document.

The fundamental advantage of PLDA is its efficiency and accuracy when the labels are provided beforehand. By leveraging the labeled information, PLDA can quickly and accurately assign topics to documents. This makes PLDA particularly useful in scenarios where the labeling process will be done prior to developing the model.

Nevertheless, there are also some limitations to contemplate. Since PLDA relies on pre-defined labels, its performance heavily is determined by the standard and relevance of the labels. If the labels are noisy or misaligned with the true topics, the resulting topic assignments may not accurately reflect the underlying structure of the corpus. Moreover, the requirement of getting just one label per topic might limit the flexibleness of the model in capturing more nuanced relationships between topics.

In summary, PLDA is a subject modeling technique that comes with predefined labels for every topic in a corpus. It offers benefits by way of speed and accuracy when the labels can be found, however it also has limitations regarding label quality and the constraint of getting just one label per topic.

Pachinko Allocation Model (PAM) is an enhanced version of the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) model, which goals to capture not only the thematic relationships between words in a corpus but in addition the correlation between topics. While LDA identifies topics based on the co-occurrence of words, PAM takes it a step further by modeling the relationships between these topics. This extra consideration allows PAM to raised capture the semantic relationships inside the data.

PAM derives its name from the favored Japanese game called Pachinko, and it employs Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) to represent the interrelationships amongst topics. A DAG is a finite directed graph that visualizes how topics are connected to one another.

Benefits of PAM:

  1. Improved semantic relationships: By incorporating the correlation between topics, PAM can higher capture the underlying semantic relationships inside a corpus. This results in more accurate and nuanced topic modeling.
  2. Enhanced topic coherence: PAM’s ability to model the relationships between topics often ends in improved topic coherence. It may well generate more coherent and meaningful topics in comparison with LDA.
  3. Greater interpretability: The utilization of DAGs provides a visible representation of the connections between topics, making the model’s output more interpretable and easier to investigate.

Limitations of PAM:

  1. Increased complexity: The incorporation of topic correlations adds complexity to the model, making it more difficult to implement and comprehend in comparison with traditional LDA.
  2. Higher computational requirements: PAM’s modeling of topic relationships may require more computational resources, including memory and processing power, especially when coping with large datasets.
  3. Sensitivity to hyperparameters: PAM’s performance will be sensitive to the alternative of hyperparameters, reminiscent of the variety of topics and the strength of topic correlations. Careful tuning and experimentation are vital to acquire optimal results.

In summary, Pachinko Allocation Model (PAM) enhances the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) model by incorporating correlations between topics using Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs). This approach improves the model’s ability to capture semantic relationships and produce more coherent topics. Nevertheless, it also introduces increased complexity and computational requirements, in addition to sensitivity to hyperparameter decisions.

  • Topic modeling will be utilized in graph based models to acquire semantic relationship between words.
  • It may well be utilized in text summarization to quickly discover what the document or book is explaining about.
  • It may well be utilized in exam evaluation to avoid biasing towards candidates. It also saves a variety of time and helps students get their results quickly.
  • It may well provide improved customer support by identifying the keyword the shopper is asking about and acting accordingly. This increases the trust of shoppers as they received the assistance needed at the suitable time with none inconvenience. This drastically improves the shopper loyalty and in turn increases the worth of the corporate.
  • It may well discover the keywords of search and recommend products to the purchasers accordingly.

Topic modeling, like all other technique, has its limitations. Listed below are some common limitations of topic modeling:

  1. Subjectivity in topic interpretation: Topic modeling algorithms provide a distribution of words for every topic, however the interpretation and labeling of topics are subjective and require human judgment. Different individuals may interpret the identical topic in another way, resulting in inconsistencies in topic labeling.
  2. Determining the optimal variety of topics: Selecting the suitable variety of topics for a given corpus is difficult. If the variety of topics is simply too low, the model may oversimplify the info, while an excessive variety of topics can result in overfitting and make it difficult to extract meaningful insights.
  3. Lack of semantic understanding: Topic modeling algorithms often deal with statistical patterns and co-occurrence of words, which can not capture the complete semantic meaning of the text. The algorithms don’t consider the context and nuances of language, leading to potential limitations in capturing complex relationships.
  4. Sensitivity to preprocessing decisions: The performance of topic modeling algorithms will be influenced by preprocessing decisions reminiscent of stop-word removal, stemming, or lemmatization. Different preprocessing decisions can impact the resulting topics and their interpretability.
  5. Difficulty in handling short or noisy texts: Topic modeling algorithms typically perform higher with longer documents that contain sufficient information for meaningful topic extraction. Short or noisy texts, reminiscent of tweets or chat messages, may pose challenges for accurate topic modeling.
  6. Lack of temporal dynamics: Traditional topic modeling techniques don’t inherently capture temporal dynamics or changes in topics over time. To research temporal patterns, additional methods, reminiscent of dynamic topic modeling, must be employed.
  7. Scalability: Topic modeling algorithms will be computationally intensive, especially for giant corpora with tens of millions of documents. Processing such volumes of knowledge will be time-consuming and resource-intensive.

It’s necessary to concentrate on these limitations while applying topic modeling techniques and to rigorously consider their implications within the context of your specific evaluation.

Thus each of those methods aid us in getting the proper information from the info we offer. It keeps us focused on the proper portion data by removing unnecessary data from the corpus. These methods are highly useful in obtaining the business value from the info.

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