Home Artificial Intelligence Bridging the expectation-reality gap in machine learning

Bridging the expectation-reality gap in machine learning

Bridging the expectation-reality gap in machine learning

There isn’t a quick-fix to closing this expectation-reality gap, but step one is to foster honest dialogue between teams. Then, business leaders can begin to democratize ML across the organization. Democratization means each technical and non-technical teams have access to powerful ML tools and are supported with continuous learning and training. Non-technical teams get user-friendly data visualization tools to enhance their business decision-making, while data scientists get access to the robust development platforms and cloud infrastructure they should efficiently construct ML applications. At Capital One, we’ve used these democratization strategies to scale ML across our entire company of greater than 50,000 associates.

When everyone has a stake in using ML to assist the corporate succeed, the disconnect between business and technical teams fades. So what can firms do to start democratizing ML? Listed here are several best practices to bring the ability of ML to everyone within the organization.

Enable your creators

One of the best engineers today aren’t just technical whizzes, but additionally creative thinkers and vital partners to product specialists and designers. To foster greater collaboration, firms should provide opportunities for tech, product, and design to work together toward shared goals. In line with the Forrester study, because ML use might be siloed, specializing in collaboration is usually a key cultural component of success. It can also be certain that products are built from a business, human, and technical perspective. 

Leaders must also ask engineers and data scientists what tools they should be successful to speed up delivery of ML solutions to the business. In line with Forrester, 67% of respondents agree that a scarcity of easy-to-use tools is slowing down cross-enterprise adoption of ML. These tools needs to be compatible with an underlying tech infrastructure that supports ML engineering. Don’t make your developers live in a “hurry up and wait” world where they develop a ML model within the sandbox staging area, but then must wait to deploy it because they don’t have the compute and infrastructure to place the model into production. A strong cloud-native multitenant infrastructure that supports ML training environments is critical.

Empower your employees

Putting the ability of ML into the hands of each worker, whether or not they’re a marketing associate or business analyst, can turn any company right into a data-driven organization. Corporations can start by granting employees governed access to data. Then, offer teams no-code/low-code tools to investigate data for business decisioning. It goes without saying these tools needs to be developed with human-centered design, so that they are easy to make use of. Ideally, a business analyst could upload a knowledge set, apply ML functionality through a clickable interface, and quickly generate actionable outputs.

Many employees are desperate to learn more about technology. Leaders should provide teams across the enterprise with some ways to learn recent skills. At Capital One, we’ve got found success with multiple technical upskilling programs, including our Tech College that provides courses in seven technology disciplines that align to our business imperatives; our Machine Learning Engineering Program that teaches the talents essential to jumpstart a profession in ML and AI; and the Capital One Developer Academy for recent college graduates with non-computer science degrees preparing for careers in software engineering. Within the Forrester study, 64% of respondents agreed that lack of coaching was slowing the adoption of ML of their organizations. Thankfully, upskilling is something every company can offer by encouraging seasoned associates to mentor younger talent.

Measure and have fun success

Democratizing ML is a robust approach to spread data-driven decision-making throughout the organization. But don’t forget to measure the success of democratization initiatives and continually improve areas that need work. To quantify the success of ML democratization, leaders can analyze which data-driven decisions made through the platforms delivered measurable business results, comparable to recent customers or additional revenue. For instance, at Capital One, we’ve got measured the sum of money customers have saved with card fraud defense enabled by our ML innovations around anomaly and alter point detection.

The success of any ML democratization program is built on collaborative teamwork and measurable accountability. Business users of ML tools can provide feedback to technical teams on what functionality would help them do their jobs higher. Technical teams can share the challenges they face in constructing future product iterations and ask for training and tools to assist them succeed.


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