Mastering the Art of Regression Evaluation: 5 Key Metrics Every Data Scientist Should Know The residuals 1. The mean squared error (MSE) 2. The basis mean square error (RMSE) 3. The mean absolute error (MAE) 4. The Coefficient of Determination (R²) 5. The adjusted R² Calculating all of the Metrics in Python Conclusions


Image created by Writer on Dall-E by the prompt “A futuristic robot teaching math at a blackboard”.

In the case of Supervised Learning, we are able to subdivide the ML problems into two subgroups: regression and classification problems.

In this text, we’ll discuss the five metrics we use within the case of regression evaluation to grasp if a model is sweet or bad to unravel a specific ML problem.

But, initially, let’s refresh what’s a regression evaluation.

is a mathematical technique useful to search out a functional relationship between a dependent variable and a number of independent variable(s).

In ML we define “feature” because the independent variable and “label” (or “goal”) because the dependent variable, so the aim of regression evaluation is to search out an estimate ( one!) between the features and the label.

The residuals
1. The mean squared error (MSE)
2. The basis mean square error (RMSE)
3. The mean absolute error (MAE)
4. The Coefficient of Determination (R²)
5. The adjusted R²
Calculating all of the Metrics in Python

Before talking in regards to the metrics, we want to speak in regards to the .

For the sake of simplicity, let’s consider the linear regression model (but the outcomes could be generalized for another ML model).

So, suppose we now have a dataset where the information are distributed in some way linearly. We typically discover a situation just like the following:

A regression line. Image by Writer.

The red line is known as the and it’s the line through which we’ll make our predictions. As we are able to see, the information points don’t lie perfectly on the regression line; so we are able to define the because the error between the regression line (the predictions) and the actual data points, within the vertical direction.

So, with respect to the above image, we mathematically define a residual as:

The definition of a residual. Image by Writer.

What we would love to have is e_i=0 because which means that all the information points lie exactly on the regression line but, unfortunately, this shouldn’t be possible and that is why we use the next metrics to validate our ML models, within the case of a regression problem.

We define “hat” y because the or (fitted/predicted by the model: on this case, the linear regression model), while y is the . So, the anticipated values could be calculated as:

The right way to calculate the anticipated values. Image by Writer.

where within the above formula the coefficients w (called the weight) and b (called the bias or constant) are estimated values, which implies which can be learned throughout the learning process by the ML model.

This information is very important because now we are able to define the as:

The formula for the Residuals Sum of Squares. Image by Writer.

Now, if we substitute contained in the parenthesis the formula for the anticipated values we’ve seen before we get:

The prolonged formula for the Residuals Sum of Squares. Image by Writer.

Where the estimated coefficients w and b are those that minimize the RSS.

In truth, we now have to keep in mind that the means of learning requires that the chosen (also called or ) should be minimized.

In mathematics, minimizing a function means calculating its derivative and equaling it to 0. So, we must always perform something like that:

The derivative of the RSS function with respect to w. Image by Writer.


The derivative of the RSS function with respect to b. Image by Writer.

We won’t do the calculations here; so, consider that the outcomes of those calculations are:

The values that minimize the RSS function Image by Writer.

Where, within the above formula, x and y with a “bar” above are the mean values. In order that they could be calculated as:

The mean value of x (it also applies to y). Image by Writer.

Now, with all this in mind, we’ll define and calculate the 5 cost functions.

We’ll use 5 numbers in a table to indicate the differences between the varied metrics. The table has the next:

  • The true values.
  • The anticipated values (the values predicted by the linear regression model).
The table we’ll check with for the next calculations. Image by Writer.
: consider these data as calculated on the train set. In the next
calculations we'll give as a right that we refer simply to the train set
and we cannot discuss the test set.

We define the () as follows:

The definition of the MSE. Image by Writer.

Where n is the variety of observations. In other words, it represents what number of values in total we now have. In our case, since we now have a table with just 5 numbers, then n=5.

The MSE measures the common squared difference between the anticipated and the actual values. In other words, it tells us how far our predictions are from the actual values, on average.

Let’s calculate it, with respect to the tabled values:

The calculation of MSE with the given numbers. Image by Writer.

And we get: MSE = 51.2

The (is just the basis square of the MSE; so its formula is:

The definition of the RMSE. Image by Writer.

Now, let’s consider the values within the above table, and calculate the RMSE:

The calculation of RMSE with the given numbers. Image by Writer.

There shouldn’t be an enormous difference between MSE and RMSE. They check with the identical quantities, and the one mathematical difference is that RMSE has a square root. Nevertheless, RMSE is less complicated to interpret, because it is in the identical units because the input values (the anticipated and the true values), so is more directly comparable to them.

Let’s make an example to grasp that.

Imagine that we now have trained a linear regression model to predict the value of a house based on its size and variety of bedrooms. We calculate the values of the MSE and RMSE and compare them.

Suppose the model predicts that a house with 1000 square feet and a couple of bedrooms can have a price of 200,000 USD. Nevertheless, the actual price of the home is 250,000 USD. We’ll have:

MSE for the value of the home (n=1 on this case because we calculated only one value). Image by Writer.


RMSE for the value of the home (n=1 on this case because we calculated only one value). Image by Writer.

So, here’s the purpose: RMSE is definitely comparable with the input data because, in such cases, how would we explain USD² as a unit of measure? Just isn’t explainable, however it is the proper one!

So, that is the difference between these two metrics.

The () is one other solution to calculate the gap between the actual data point and the anticipated one. Its formula is:

The definition of the MAE. Image by Writer.

Here the gap between the actual and the estimated values is calculated with the norm (sometimes called “Manhattan distance”).

As we are able to see from the formula, even MAE is in the identical units because the input values, so is straightforward to interpret.

Now, let’s consider the values within the table, and calculate MAE:

The calculation of MAE with the given numbers. Image by Writer.

And we get: MAE = 5.6.

Now, before explaining the opposite two metrics, we now have to say something in regards to the three above.

Now we have seen that MAE and RMSE are more easily explainable than MSE because the outcomes we get have the identical unit because the input data, but this shouldn’t be the one thing we are able to say.

One other thing to say is that a worth near 0 of those metrics indicates that the model’s predictions are closer to the actual values; in other words, the model predicts pretty much the information.

As an alternative, values which can be removed from 0 indicate that the model’s predictions are removed from the actual values; in other words, the model badly predicts the information.

One other thing we are able to say is that MSE and RMSE are sensitive to outliers, because they’re based on the squared differences between the anticipated and true values. In cases where there are a number of large errors between the actual and the anticipated values, the squared errors might be very large, and this affects significantly MSE and RMSE. In these cases, it might be more appropriate to make use of a distinct MAE, which is less sensitive to outliers.

If we analyze the above table, we are able to see that the prediction for the fifth data point could be very far off (the true value is 50 while the anticipated value is 64), and this has a major impact on the MSE but a smaller impact on MAE, as we are able to see from the outcomes we now have obtained.

So, considered one of the primary things we must always all the time do is to appropriately treat the outliers (and here’s an article explaining how you possibly can achieve this).

One other thing to take into consideration is that we won’t use a single model to unravel our ML problems: typically, we start with 4–5, refine their hyperparameters and, in the long run, we’ll select the most effective model.

But as a start line, as we may understand, we are able to’t calculate MAE, MSE, and RMSE for 4–5 models because it’s going to be time-consuming.

So, let’s see a situation we typically face: we now have decided to make use of a pool of 5 ML models and, for instance, we now have calculated MAE and get the next results:

  • MAE for ML_1: 115
  • MAE for ML_2: 351
  • MAE for ML_3: 78
  • MAE for ML_4: 1103
  • MAE for ML_5: 3427

We all know that the worth of MAE (but this is applicable even for MSE and RMSE) must be as near as possible to 0; so we understand immediately that ML_1 and ML_3 are the most effective among the many 5 we now have chosen, however the query is: how good are they?

Each of those metrics can reach any value, even 1 million or more. We only know that we now have to be as near as possible to 0 to say that our model is sweet to unravel this ML problem; but how near must the result be to 0? Is an MAE of 78 enough to say that ML_3 is excellent to unravel this ML problem?

So, due to the incontrovertible fact that each of those metrics can reach any value, statisticians have defined other two metrics which have values bounded between 0 and 1. This may increasingly be more helpful for some Data Scientists when comparing the results of the metrics between different models.

We define the (or)as follows:

The definition of the coefficient of determination. Image by Writer.

where we’ve defined RSS because the residual sum of squares before. Then we now have the Total Sum of Squares which is defined as:

The definition of the Total Sum of Squares. Image by Writer.

The TSS is just the variance of the anticipated variable y; in truth, let’s stick altogether and multiply and divide for 1/n each the numerator and the denominator:

The modified definition of the coefficient of determination. Image by Writer.

Now, the numerator is precisely the MSE and the denominator is the variance of y; so we are able to write:

One other form to define the coefficient of determination. Image by Writer.

If R²=1 it signifies that MSE=0, so the model perfectly matches the information. As an alternative, R²=0 indicates that our model doesn’t fit the information in any respect.

R² is bounded between 0 and 1, as we wanted, but just for the train set. Which means that TSS>RSS or var(y)> MSE. As an alternative, within the test set, R² can change into negative, which implies that our model is badly fitting the test set (but we won’t discuss it any further here).

Now, let’s recall what we now have done before. Using the table provided above we had:

  • MSE = 51.2
  • RMSE = 7.15
  • MAE = 5.6

So, judging from RMSE and MAE the (only) model we’re using for these calculations seems good, because we’re near 0.

But, in case you are aware of Mathematical Evaluation you possibly can agree that 5.6 could be considered removed from 0. It is because we now have no reference to evaluate.

Now, let’s see what happens if we calculate R².

Let’s calculate the mean value of y:

The mean value of y with the provided values within the table. Image by Writer.

Now we are able to calculate the variance:

The variance of y with the provided values within the table. Image by Writer.

We calculated MSE before (MSE = 51.2) so, finally, we now have:

The calculation of the coefficient of determination with the provided values. Image by Writer.

Remembering that, on the train set, R² is bounded between 0 and 1 and that the more we’re near to 1 the higher the model, an R² of 0.7 or higher is usually considered to be fit.

So, immediately and with none doubt, we are able to say that our model matches the information pretty much because we all know that the most effective value we are able to get is 1, and since we found 0.739 because of this we are able to say, for comparison, that this result’s pretty good.

The issue with R² is that it tends to extend once we add extra-explanatory variables to our model. This happens for a straightforward reason: additional variables can potentially improve the fit of the model. So, as we add more explanatory variables to a model, it has more information in regards to the predicted variable, and this could allow it to make more accurate predictions. Then, this could result in a decrease within the variance of the anticipated variable, which may result in a rise within the R².

To find out if a variable is explanatory for our model, we now have to think about whether it is prone to impact the dependent variable. For instance, if we’re studying the connection between income and happiness, the cash spent on holidays could also be considered an explanatory variable since it is prone to impact happiness. Then again, the colour of the automotive of the people interviewed is probably not considered an explanatory variable on this context, since it is unlikely to impact happiness.

To take care of this behavior of R² statisticians have defined the adjusted R².

The is a special type of R² we use to correct the overestimation in R² that could be attributable to recent explanatory variables within the model. We are able to define it as follows:

The definition of the adjusted R-squared. Image by Writer.


  • n is the variety of samples in our data.
  • p is the variety of features (sometimes called predictors within the case of a regression problem: that is why we use the letter p).

Let’s say we now have a model with 2 independent variables and a sample size of 10, and R² for this model is 0.8. Now we have:

The calculation of the adjusted R-squared. Image by Writer.

Normally, it is strongly recommended to make use of the adjusted R² when we now have a lot of independent variables within the model, since it gives a more accurate measure than the “standard” R².

Luckily to make use of, in Python we don’t need to calculate these metrics: the library sklearn does it to be used, apart from the adjusted R²: on this case, we now have to calculate the parameters of the formula by coding them.

Let’s see an example. We generate some random data, fit the train set with a linear regression model, and print the outcomes of all of the metrics.

import numpy as np
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error, mean_squared_error, r2_score

# generate random data
X = np.random.rand(100, 5)
y = 2*X[:,0] + 3*X[:,1] + 5*X[:,2] + np.random.rand(100)

# split data into train and test sets
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2,

# fit linear regression model to the train set
reg = LinearRegression(), y_train)

# make predictions on the train set
y_pred_train = reg.predict(X_train)

# calculate metrics on the train set with 2 decimals
mae_train = round(mean_absolute_error(y_train, y_pred_train), 2)
mse_train = round(mean_squared_error(y_train, y_pred_train), 2)
rmse_train = round(np.sqrt(mse_train), 2)
r2_train = round(r2_score(y_train, y_pred_train), 2)

# calculate adjusted r-squared on the train set with 2 decimals
n = X_train.shape[0] #variety of features
p = X_train.shape[1] #variety of predictors
adj_r2_train = round(1 - (1 - r2_train) * (n - 1) / (n - p - 1), 2)

# print the outcomes
print("Train set - MAE:", mae_train)
print("Train set - MSE:", mse_train)
print("Train set - RMSE:", rmse_train)
print("Train set - r-squared:", r2_train)
print("Train set - adjusted r-squared:", adj_r2_train)


Train set - MAE: 0.23
Train set - MSE: 0.07
Train set - RMSE: 0.26
Train set - r-squared: 0.98
Train set - adjusted r-squared: 0.98

Now, on this case, there is no such thing as a difference between R² and the adjusted R² because the information were created on purpose and, also, we now have just 5 features.

This code was only a solution to show how we are able to use the knowledge we got in this text in a practical case, in Python.

Also, here we are able to clearly see what it means for MAE, MSE, and RMSE to be near 0. As R² is 0.98, in truth, these metrics are “0.xx” which is just about near 0 than 5.6, as we present in the tabled example.

To date, we’ve seen an entire overview of all of the metrics related to regression evaluation in Machine Learning.

Even when we got here out with a really long article, we hope that this will help the reader higher understand what’s under the hood on these metrics, to raised understand how one can use them, and the differences between them.

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