Tweeny (CEOs Cheon Young-seok, Cheon Hong-seok), a specialist in self-driving robots, announced on the twenty ninth that it'll strengthen the event of logistics and delivery robots centered on 'carrying and order picking' and expand...
As soon as we place an order on Swiggy, our eyes are glued to the tracking screen to see how distant our food is in realtime. Seeing the food getting prepared and being a...
The federal government will announce the 'Digital Bill of Rights' in September, which can present the essential direction of the brand new digital order. To this end, a public-private consultative body will likely...
A temporary guide on how databases interpret your SQL queriesIf we were to filter this table all the way down to only those cities in Recent Zealand we could write the next query, for...
Finding the suitable balance between exploitation and explorationAllocating orders? Embrace uncertainty!The dummy example simulation results strongly indicate that relying solely on a greedy approach may not yield optimal outcomes. It's, due to this fact,...
The federal government will present a 'digital recent order roadmap' and 'digital bill of rights' within the second half of this yr.
The Ministry of Science and ICT (Minister Lee Jong-ho) announced on the 2nd...