In a groundbreaking announcement, Liquid AI, an MIT spin-off, has introduced its first series of Liquid Foundation Models (LFMs). These models, designed from first principles, set a brand new benchmark within the generative AI...
Welcome, AI enthusiasts. We have now an exclusive for you today.In case you missed it, last week Google released two recent upgraded Gemini 1.5 models—achieving recent, state-of-the-art performance across math benchmarks.We partnered with Google...
These models were deployed on Stretch, a robot consisting of a wheeled unit, a tall pole, and a retractable arm holding an iPhone, to check how successfully they were capable of execute the tasks...
Simplifying the neural nets behind Generative Video DiffusionIt's speculated that OpenAI has collected a somewhat large annotation dataset of video-text data which they're using to coach conditional video generation models.Combining all of the strengths...
The sector of artificial intelligence is evolving at a panoramic pace, with large language models (LLMs) leading the charge in natural language processing and understanding. As we navigate this, a brand new generation of...
Good morning. It’s Monday, September sixteenth.Did you recognize: On at the present time in 1997, Steve Jobs was named interim CEO of Apple. Large World Models o1-preview Classified as...
World Labs, a 'spatial intelligence' startup led by Stanford University professor Feifei Li, has reportedly succeeded in attracting investment of 230 million dollars (about 300 billion won). The corporate announced that it is going...
The flexibility to accurately interpret complex visual information is a vital focus of multimodal large language models (MLLMs). Recent work shows that enhanced visual perception significantly reduces hallucinations and improves performance on resolution-sensitive tasks,...