
7 Best AI for Math Tools (July 2024)

The best way we approach education, particularly in mathematics, has modified so much over the past few years. As students face increasingly complex math problems, AI-powered tools have emerged as invaluable resources for learning,...

GOAT (Good at Arithmetic Tasks): From Language Proficiency to Math Genius

Large language models (LLMs) have revolutionized natural language processing (NLP) by excellently creating and understanding human-like text. Nonetheless, these models often need to enhance in terms of basic arithmetic tasks. Despite their expertise in...

Why does AI being good at math matter?

That is the second time in recent months that the AI world has got all enthusiastic about math. The rumor mill went into overdrive last November, when there have been reports that the boardroom drama...

Google DeepMind used a big language model to solve an unsolvable math problem

FunSearch (so called since it searches for mathematical functions, not since it’s fun) continues a streak of discoveries in fundamental math and computer science that DeepMind has made using AI. First AlphaTensor found...

Implementing math in deep learning papers into efficient PyTorch code: SimCLR Contrastive Loss

IntroductionOne of the perfect ways to deepen your understanding of the mathematics behind deep learning models and loss functions, and likewise an incredible strategy to improve your PyTorch skills is to get used to...

Wish to Hone your Math Skills? Try Project Euler!

A few years ago, I stumbled across an interesting website called Project Euler. Named after one the very best mathematicians of all time Leonhard Euler, this site publishes math problems which can be designed...

The complex math of counterfactuals could help Spotify pick your next favorite song

“Causal reasoning is critical for machine learning,” says Nailong Zhang, a software engineer at Meta. Meta is using causal inference in a machine-learning model that manages what number of and what sorts of notifications...

Learning Math Through Code: Derivatives

Gain a deeper understanding of derivatives with PythonThe derivative approximation implemented in this text is generally known as the “forward difference quotient” and is one in all some ways to perform numerical differentiation. It’s...

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