
AI literacy could be ChatGPT’s biggest lesson for schools

The teachers Will spoke to had already began applying a critical lens to technologies similar to ChatGPT. Emily Donahoe, a writing tutor and academic developer on the University of Mississippi, said she thinks...

A Lesson on Applied Reinforcement Learning in Production

Reinforcement Learning (RL) has gained significant popularity as a technology for achieving superhuman performance in a variety of applications, from games, complex physical control to mathematical computations. Although RL has produced impressive research advancements,...

How Google Sheets Saved My Day: A Lesson in Efficiency and Problem-Solving

As an information science enthusiast, I ceaselessly encounter problems that require me to process large amounts of text data. Recently, I discovered myself faced with the duty of translating over 40,000 lines of English...

How Google Sheets Saved My Day: A Lesson in Efficiency and Problem-Solving

As an information science enthusiast, I continuously encounter problems that require me to process large amounts of text data. Recently, I discovered myself faced with the duty of translating over 40,000 lines of English...

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