Understanding Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) — A Data Scientist’s Guide (Part 2)

LDA Convergence Explained with a Dog Pedigree Model“What if my a priori understanding of dog breed group distribution is inaccurate? Is my LDA model doomed?”My wife asked.Welcome back to part 2 of the series,...

Feature Transformations: A Tutorial on PCA and LDA

Reducing the dimension of a dataset using methods akin to PCAOn the left within the figure we will see how this will be represented as matrix multiplication. The unique dataset is a 3 by...

Linear Discriminant Evaluation (LDA) Can Be So Easy How it really works — the maths behind it Exploring the plot Final remarks

An Interactive Visualisation for You to Experiment WithSo given the LDA boundary, we will make classifications. But how can we draw the boundary line using the LDA algorithm?The road divides the plot where the...

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