
‘Lee Sedol after AlphaGo’ introduction article is met with criticism… “AI killed the bottom level of creativity”

The Latest York Times (NYT) article introducing the recent activities of 9-dan Lee Sedol is being criticized by many individuals. It's because of the nuance that plainly artificial intelligence (AI) is trampling on human...

Pytorch Introduction — Enter NonLinear Functions

With our data in-place, it’s time to coach our first Neural Network. We’ll use an identical architecture to what we’ve done within the last blog post of the series, using a Linear version of...

Introduction to Mathematical Optimisation in Python

Data Science FundamentalsBeginner’s practical guide to discrete optimisation in PythonData Scientists tackle a big selection of real-life problems using data and various techniques. Mathematical optimisation, a robust technique that could be applied to a...

Reinforcement Learning: an Easy Introduction to Value Iteration

Solving the instance using Value IterationVI should make much more sense once we complete an example problem, so let’s get back to our golf MDP. We've formalised this as an MDP but currently, the...

Beyond the Bell Curve: An Introduction to the t-distribution

Discover the origins, theory and uses behind the famous t-distributionThe t-distribution, is a continuous probability distribution that could be very just like the normal distribution, nevertheless has the next key differences:Heavier tails: More of...

Introduction to Data Version Control

PYTHON | DATA | PROGRAMMINGA step-by-step guide to implementing your individual DVC in Python using HangarAny production-level system requires some type of versioning.A single source of current truth.Any resources which might be constantly updated,...

A Gentle Introduction to Bayesian Deep Learning

Welcome to the exciting world of Probabilistic Programming! This text is a mild introduction to the sector, you simply need a basic understanding of Deep Learning and Bayesian statistics.By the tip of this text,...

Introduction to Graph Evaluation using cuGraph What’s Graph Evaluation? Let’s dive right into a problem What happens when the info set gets larger? What makes cuGraph special?

When analyzing data, sometimes the relationships between the info elements are vital together with the scope of the query being asked. In those cases, it is best to represent the info as a graph...

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