Computer vision

Researchers leverage shadows to model 3D scenes, including objects blocked from view

Imagine driving through a tunnel in an autonomous vehicle, but unbeknownst to...

InstructIR: High-Quality Image Restoration Following Human Instructions

A picture can convey an important deal, yet it can also be marred by various issues comparable to motion blur, haze, noise, and low dynamic range. These problems, commonly known as degradations in low-level...

Recent algorithm unlocks high-resolution insights for computer vision

Imagine yourself glancing at a busy street for a couple of moments,...

YOLO-World: Real-Time Open-Vocabulary Object Detection

Object detection has been a fundamental challenge in the pc vision industry, with applications in robotics, image understanding, autonomous vehicles, and image recognition. Lately, groundbreaking work in AI, particularly through deep neural networks, has...

How AI’s Peripheral Vision Could Improve Technology and Safety

Peripheral vision, an often-overlooked aspect of human sight, plays a pivotal role in how we interact with and comprehend our surroundings. It enables us to detect and recognize shapes, movements, and essential cues that...

Researchers enhance peripheral vision in AI models

Peripheral vision enables humans to see shapes that aren’t directly in our...

Image recognition accuracy: An unseen challenge confounding today’s AI

Imagine you might be scrolling through the photos in your phone and...

A pose-mapping technique could remotely evaluate patients with cerebral palsy

It could be a hassle to get to the doctor’s office. And...

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