
Study: When allocating scarce resources with AI, randomization can improve fairness

Organizations are increasingly utilizing machine-learning models to allocate scarce resources or opportunities....

The Pillars of Responsible AI: Navigating Ethical Frameworks and Accountability in an AI-Driven World

Within the rapidly evolving realm of recent technology, the concept of ‘Responsible AI’ has surfaced to handle and mitigate the problems arising from AI hallucinations, misuse and malicious human intent. Nonetheless, it has proven...

Tigran Sloyan from CodeSignal talks closing the talent gap and mitigating bias in hiring

Welcome back to Found, where we get the stories behind the startups. This week Becca and Dom are joined by Tigran Sloyan, the co-founder and CEO of skills assessment platform CodeSignal. Sloyan spoke to the duo about how...

AI detector that judges by AI if English is poor

As the quantity of content generated by artificial intelligence (AI) increases, tools are being developed to screen it. Demand for such tools is growing, especially in the academic field. Nonetheless, it's shocking to...

Latest York City Enforces AI Recruitment Tool Audit Act

A law mandating regular audits of bias for programs that mechanically evaluate employees with artificial intelligence (AI) goes into effect for the primary time in Latest York City. Bloomberg News reported that Latest York City,...

The Art of Prompt Design: Prompt Boundaries and Token Healing An example of a prompt boundary problem Fixing unintended bias with “token healing” What about subword regularization? Conclusion

Note that the output generated by the LLM doesn't complete the url with the apparent next characters (two forward slashes). It as an alternative creates an invalid URL string with an area in the...

The Art of Prompt Design: Prompt Boundaries and Token Healing An example of a prompt boundary problem Fixing unintended bias with “token healing” What about subword regularization? Conclusion

Note that the output generated by the LLM doesn't complete the url with the plain next characters (two forward slashes). It as an alternative creates an invalid URL string with an area in the...

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