Wing Dan ‘ChatGPT’


(Video production = AI Times)

With ‘Chat GPT’, you possibly can seek for real-time information reminiscent of soccer game results or do shopping. In the event you plan your trip, you possibly can even make a reservation.

‘ChatGPT’ is a language model learned with data as much as 2021, so we have no idea any information after that. Since it is a chatbot with no search function, it isn’t possible to reply based on real-time information during a conversation.

OpenAI has overcome this limitation with a technology called ‘(Plugins).’

Previously, an organization called Johnson & Johnson within the US released a product that made air fresheners available in a plug-in format. It was a approach to connect the product to an influence outlet on the wall and use it while changing only the air freshener.

As an analogy, ‘ChatGPT’ users can switch between different applications and use them together, like changing air fresheners, and various tasks have develop into possible.

(Photo = Open AI)

For instance, through the plug-in of ‘Clana’, a shopping company, users can use the ‘Shopping GPT’ function.

Users can install the ‘Clana Plugin’ from the ChatGPT Plugin Store after which ask ChatGPT. In the event you ask, “What type of headphones can I purchase with $150,” it recommends products.

By installing the ‘Browsing Plugin’, you possibly can retrieve real-time information from the net using the API provided by Microsoft’s ‘Bing’ search. In the event you’re planning a vacation, you possibly can seek for flights and hotels with the ‘Browsing Plugin’ and even make reservations with the Travel Plugin.

With the ‘code interpreter plug-in’, you should utilize the API provided by the Python interpreter model to unravel math problems, analyze and visualize data, convert file formats, and more.

While introducing the plug-in function, OpenAI explained that ChatGPT has eyes and ears. As ChatGPT uses an external tool, its usefulness improves, but the danger also increases.

For instance, malicious users can use ChatGPT’s plug-in function to send plausible fraudulent emails to others.

ChatGPT’s plug-in function isn’t immediately available to general users. Initially, OpenAI is a policy to offer limited services to paid users and a few developers who use ‘ChatGPT Plus’, and to review the distribution and addition of plug-in functions through risk checks.

Next, we are going to let you know in regards to the technology trends.

(Photo = shutterstock)
(Photo = shutterstock)

■Elon Musk Tesla CEO and 1,000 AI experts urged a short lived suspension of artificial intelligence technology development due to threat to society. In an open letter, they argued that development of a giant language model that surpasses OpenAI’s ‘GPT-4’ ought to be suspended for six months.

■ChatGPT-level language model that could be built with only $100, one server, and three hours of coaching has been released. Databricks, a giant data company, unveiled ‘Dolly’ built with an open source model and 50,000 training data.

(Photo = Cerebras)
(Photo = Cerebras)

■Cerebras, a synthetic intelligence (AI) chip developer, has released seven small language models as open sources. Small language models with small parameters can reduce training cost and duration, and have the advantage of being easier to integrate with real-world applications.

■It wasn’t even a month after ‘GPT-4’ got here out that ‘GPT-5’ could be released. A developer named Schi Chen wrote on Twitter: “I heard that GPT-5 will complete training by December of this yr”.

Next, we are going to deliver key industry news.

(Photo = Captured from Tom's promotional video)
(Photo = Captured from Tom’s promotional video)

■ Corporations specializing in AI tools related to ‘productivity’, reminiscent of Tome, an organization that creates presentation slides with only text, and Canva, which creates graphic designs, are difficult Microsoft or Google. It’s evaluated that it has sufficient competitiveness by adding generative AI technology to expertise and differentiation in each field.

■Disney has unveiled a robot harking back to the rabbit character from the animation ‘Zootopia’. Disney said it’ll develop this robot called ‘Judy’ in order that it may possibly emotionally communicate with Disneyland visitors in the long run.

(Photo = Nvidia)
(Photo = Nvidia)

■Nvidia has opened an AI Art Gallery online with the theme of ‘art and music viewed through AI’. Works using generative AI and Nvidia’s technology could be viewed on the GTC site.

■Smart Cube, an organization specializing in metabus, sets out to determine a digital twin for safety improvement and management in the whole cycle of production, transportation, storage and utilization of the hydrogen pilot city. Won an order from KEPCO KDN.

Jeong Byeong-il, member


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