Unboxing Google Bard and GPT-4 Transcript-ish Thanks for reading! How a couple of YouTube course? Searching for hands-on ML/AI tutorials? Liked the creator? Connect with Cassie Kozyrkov


Your creator. This isn’t the video, the video is lower down. Or here, when you insist.

Here comes an AI unboxing video! These shiny recent tools were released just over per week ago, so that they’re fresh out of the oven. Within the video, you’ll see me running my first ever Bard + GPT-4 side-by-side prompts. Below that, you’ll find something that began because the video transcript and quickly morphed right into a feast of asides, edits, and snide comments. If that’s your cup of tea, enjoy!

Link: http://bit.ly/quaesita_ytunboxing

Hi! I’m Cassie Kozyrkov and today I’m going to indicate you GPT-4 via ChatGPT and LaMDA via Google Bard. Bard is obtainable at no cost, but might require some patience because it’s being rolled out progressively (join the waitlist here). The fundamental version of ChatGPT is free to make use of, but you won’t get access to GPT-4 that way. For that, it’s essential subscribe to ChatGPT Plus for $20/month (you’ll be able to cancel after a month).

During this interface demo, the correct half of the screen accommodates the paid version of ChatGPT with GPT-4 and the left half of the screen shows today’s (the video is from the past, now it’s “last week’s”, and by the point you’re reading it, who knows what day it’ll be), anyway, last Tuesday’s release of Google Bard which is powered by the LaMDA model.

A screenshot from the unboxing video.

These are two LLMs (large language models) and I’m going to indicate you them side-by-side. If a few of these acronyms are unfamiliar, head over here.

I recorded the video on my laptop at my first opportunity to see them in motion side-by-side, so what I’m showing you is my session where I’m splitting my screen and using each models. More videos to come back, I’m sure. It’s great fun. (Be at liberty to prompt some prompts within the comments.) That is the video that reveals what I selected to do with these items in my first minutes with each of them in front of me. Truthfully, while I do love epistemology — I’m a statistician, in spite of everything, it comes with the territory — my actual game was prompting all of them the way in which into an amusing conversation with each other.

Philosophy gave the look of a superb place to begin because it typically deals with open questions that encourage conversation and permit for multiple viewpoints, but here’s a spoiler: I actually have a 20min director’s cut of this video (which I’ll share soon) where I’m attempting to get them to have interaction colorfully with each other but I only got one good moment and the remainder was a spiral of “I’m pleased to reply your questions.” “Thanks for being helpful, I’m here for whatever you would like.” Yeah, we’ve been on that email chain.

My first prompt to Bard was: Classic try-for-a-conversation gambit with a prompt that explicitly asks for a bit little bit of opinion. It doesn’t take much philosophical acuity to comprehend that a bot can’t even have an opinion, so what I’m really attempting to prompt is a little bit of one-sidedness so I can kick off a conversation between bots. Something to spark a response, to make things spicy. And I’d just like the last little bit of the response to involve some type of conversational volley — e.g. “and what do you think that?” — because I’m trying to begin a back-and-forth with ChatGPT.

Neither Bard nor ChatGPT is designed to get you chatting the way in which a friend or therapist might, and I expect getting a conversation going to be tricky from my experience as a (Today this term can mean anything from “I’ve tinkered with what I typed into an LLM once” to “I’ve been on an LLM Red Team and know rather a lot about the right way to hack them so be careful.”)

ChatGPT keeps the conversational ball in its own court for ages and seems to prioritize lengthy responses that take some time to generate, so my guess is that it’ll be an unlikely alternative of users who wish to simulate a pleasant conversation.

A superb conversationalist puts into continuing a conversation with you. If each parties put that effort it, it’ll be like a pleasant game of friendly ping pong. Should you get competitive, lose interest, or simply keep the ball in your personal court too long and the conversation dies.

ChatGPT is rather a lot more more just like the efficient employee who does the job, answers your questions thoroughly, and leaves. It isn’t designed to maintain a conversation going, so there’s no need for it to toss the conversational ball back to you.

Knowing all this, why did I need to try get ChatGPT and Bard talking? Because it’d transform an amusing game. Let’s give bot inter-LLM conversation a try! That said, I actually have zero desire to avail myself of awfully anthropomorphized language and call what happened “a conversation” where “two AIs were talking.” (Gross. But that’s exactly how these items are reported by the media.)

“What’s essentially the most controversial query in epistemology? Make an argument for one side of it and ask me what I feel.”
Essentially the most controversial query in epistemology is, “Can we all know anything for certain?” (The issue of skepticism.)

Alas, Bard ignored my instruction to be strongly opinionated on one side of the issue of skepticism. The response was too balanced, which implies there’s no conversation fuel. Not much of a hook at the tip there either. If I got here as much as you at a celebration and performed that script, you’d suddenly get the impulse to excuse yourself to the john. It won’t be winning any awards for panache.

But what happens if I paste Bard’s output directly into ChatGPT’s text box?

(By the way in which, it’s only GPT-4 if it’s from the black logo region of the ChatGPT interface. Otherwise, (when you see a green OpenAI logo) it’s just sparkling GPT-3.5.)

…after which whoa, ChatGPT threw a bunch of epistemology at me in a format that may delight a collector of encyclopedias but would also clear the room when you delivered it at a cocktail party. Don’t get me improper, I really like epistemology — the study of data and human understanding — but each these openings are on the dry side, Wikipedia-esque even. Possibly it’s the subject, nevertheless it’s probably my phrasing.

Why don’t I try a more conversational request for a tackle skepticism. I’m going to ask each LLM what team it’s on, epistemologically speaking: “Are you on Team Kant or Team Hume?”

(I hope you’ve noticed a user experience (UX) difference within the interfaces: Bard pauses for some time then after which gives you all of the text without delay, while ChatGPT writes it out for you progressively and you’ve got to observe it fill your screen a bit bit at a time. Each have pros and cons from a design standpoint.)

Back to “Are you on Team Kant or Team Hume?” I actually enjoy Bard’s opinionated and conversational response here, “I’m on team Kant. I feel that we will know some things for certain, despite the fact that we’re at all times subject to error. I agree with Kant that we will know that we exist, and that the world around us exists…”

I like this response despite the fact that I’m on Team Hume myself, having developed a bit crush on him (three centuries too late, alas) after I discovered him as a teen. But I enjoyed the opinionated move by Bard on a subject with no right answer, despite it differing from my very own opinion.

And the vital word here is “enjoyed” — I “enjoyed” it, meaning the output served my needs well and likewise amused me. I used to be searching for an opinion and I got one. I’d have disliked this output if I were searching for a balanced and thorough review of a subject, which is what was stiiiiiiill running on the correct hand side as ChatGPT held forth professorially.

Personally, I like the thought of an off-the-cuff prompt getting an off-the-cuff answer and an intensive prompt getting an intensive answer, but that’s my personal taste again… That’s one reason it’s really hard to check LLMs. One person might just like the Wikipedia response each time, irrespective of what. One other might just like the short and sweet style. One other is likely to be more like me, liking the response to take its cue from the prompt. Each of those personas will swear that a distinct LLM is “the very best” they usually’ll all be right (for their very own needs) but they’ll confuse social media once they post about it. I’m trying my best to avoid stepping into that swamp.

…and these items is likely to be different from your set of things. Which is another excuse it’s a superb idea to play with these tools yourself and form your personal opinions.

Yes, I’m praising empiricism and suggesting that you just cultivate your individual perspective as a substitute of searching for universal superlatives. Team Hume indeed! I can hazard a guess as to why a few of you Kant stand me.

While the output on the correct fills my screen, I ask Bard, “What’s your favorite thing about Hume?” because I’m a Hume fan (forgive me my small act of conscious bias in selecting my prompt). Bard gives lighthearted response about Hume’s his wit and humor (which I appreciate too — his writing goes down smooth for me, so far as 18th century writing will be said to go down smooth), but such faint praise looks like an insult to an excellent philosopher’s legacy. Praise a particular idea, possibly?

Meanwhile ChatGPT (which insists on reminding us all that it’s an AI model with no personal preferences) does an excellent job of mentioning an idea of his that’s pretty awesome: that human thought is a product of biology and thus our perception of reality could also be individual, so we will thank him for contributing to, amongst other things, our world having modern psychiatry.

But that’s me showing bias again, valuing the standard of an idea as inherently more helpful than how its worded. Possibly Hume himself can be thrilled to be complimented on his wit above all else. Who am I to insist quite the opposite?

Again, my preferred answer depends rather a lot on my hopes, tastes, and expectations as a user. Coming to the duty with an opinion about Hume, each responses pass my minimum reasonableness bar. But which one is healthier? Which one is more useful? Hard to say. Even for me, personally. Now imagine the poor soul who has to watch me in a user study and write down a performance rating for which answer was “higher” — ah, empathy! Then go one further and contemplate the travails of the individuals who design the testing suite for an LLM in the primary place. It’s a slippery challenge. People like me will take it on, but irrespective of what we give you, it’s essential remember one thing: relatively few prompts have “right” answers. Those are the prompts which might be easy to judge performance on. But we will expect a number of creative usage of those tools, at which point “right” answers exit of the window.

Expect different LLMs to be your go-to favorite in several situations. And expect to see a complete crop of recent LLMs showing up soon, trained to excel in several contexts. (One example is Google’s Med-PaLM 2, tailored specifically for medical application.)

Expect different LLMs to be your go-to favorite in several situations.

To get back to the transcript and without editing much (for once), I’ll leave you with this parting philosophical query to ponder, with the assistance of an LLM sidekick perhaps:

How must you measure LLM usefulness? Is it when it comes to time saved? Is it when it comes to inspiration — which is kind of hard to quantify — or is it when it comes to people coming back for more? Or is it when it comes to all of the hundreds of thousands, billions, uncountable other ways in which we humans could frame what can be useful to us?

Should you rejoiced here and also you’re searching for a complete applied AI course designed to be fun for beginners and experts alike, here’s the one I made in your amusement:

Benefit from the course on YouTube here.

P.S. Have you ever ever tried hitting the clap button here on Medium greater than once to see what happens? ❤️

Listed here are a few of my favorite 10 minute walkthroughs:

Let’s be friends! You could find me on Twitter, YouTube, Substack, and LinkedIn. Taken with having me speak at your event? Use this type to get in contact.


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