Tidyverse vs. Base-R: How To Select The Best Framework For You


Photo by Chris Wynn from Pexels

Programmers are passionate people. They’ll enter enthusiastic debates (read, heated arguments) about their favourite languages and frameworks, defending their preferred approaches from critics. Amongst R programmers, considered one of the most important sources of debate is the alternative between two frameworks; Base-R, and tidyverse.

Base-R refers to all of the functionality that comes built into the R programming language. The tidyverse is a group of packages that add onto R, with its own ethos and stance on data evaluation. Each are very talked-about, and folks can’t stop debating which one is healthier.

Tweets from Base-R fans calling out tidyverse users for not being “real programmers” appear to be an annual occurrence. It gets just a little heated.

Some people take this whole R programming thing pretty seriously. Screenshot from Twitter (edited by writer)

From my viewpoint, this rivalry is overblown. I believe each approaches are simply different toolsets that it’s best to use depending in your needs.

In this text, I’ll consider five questions that can make it easier to make a choice from tidyverse or Base-R. Based in your situation, I’ll also give my verdict on which one it’s best to select.

Just as a carpenter wouldn’t trim floorboards with a butter knife, it’s best to select the correct tools for the job when using R. Although Base-R and tidyverse offer much the identical functionality, it is far easier to do certain things in a single approach.

As an illustration, tidyverse is usually your best bet for quick and straightforward data manipulation. Grouping datasets by many variables to create summary statistics is far easier with packages like dplyr than with Base-R functions.

Yet, Base-R is healthier suited to other applications like running quick simulations. Depending on what your day-to-day work in R involves, your selected framework might change.

It’s also value considering your skill level and programming background when serious about usability.

Beginners are inclined to favour tidyverse since it’s easier to read than Base-R. The syntax is consistent across functions, making it easier to learn, and the important thing functions have descriptive names, which enables reading code like an easy set of instructions.

That said, some seasoned programmers are thrown off by this and like the texture of Base-R. Unlike tidyverse, Base-R puts more deal with programmatical features that feel familiar to those coming from other languages.

When doing computationally expensive operations, execution time matters. In lots of situations, there’s a giant difference in speed between Base-R and tidyverse.

To present an example of when Base-R is far faster, we will work with the mtcars dataset that’s built into R. Performing a basic operation like filtering the dataset to indicate only cars with six cylinders is over 40 times faster in Base-R than tidyverse!


results <- microbenchmark(mtcars %>% filter(cyl == 6),
mtcars[mtcars$cyl == 6,])

summary(results) %>%
as_tibble() %>%
select(expression = expr, mean_execution_time = mean)

Sure, the tidyverse version is more readable for beginners and has other perks. But, if you happen to’re running a script where you have got to repeat that filter operation lots of of times, a 40x performance boost could be very handy.

Although there are a lot of times when Base-R is quicker than tidyverse, the alternative is typically true too. Though Base-R normally wins out on speed for me, it’s value checking based on a case-by-case basis.

Although having the ability to write great code on your personal is very important, there comes a time in every R user’s life when they have to share it. Whether you’re a scientist, developer, or data analyst, having others have the option to know and work along with your code is important.

That is where it’s best to heed your colleagues’ taste in R packages. If everyone you’re employed with uses tidyverse, then consider defaulting to that at the very least a few of the time to make collaboration easier. Likewise, in the event that they all use Base-R.

Having an approach in common along with your colleagues can even help while you encounter problems or stubborn bugs. Speaking from personal experience, I had a much easier time collaborating with my tidyverse-focused colleagues after I learned it myself, two years into my R journey.

That’s to not say you need to limit yourself to tidyverse or Base-R based on the whims of your collaborators. Though I and most of the people I work with default to using tidyverse, I write Base-R code for them once in a while. But, it’s helpful to make use of their favoured approach as a foundation.

Following collaborating, probably the greatest things about learning R is the web community that comes with it. There are plenty of people and organisations that share R suggestions and updates that may make it easier to improve your code.

For each tidyverse and Base-R enthusiasts, there’s no shortage of community spirit. #RStats is a superb place to choose up tips about social media. There are also loads of blogs, on Medium and otherwise, that give Base-R and tidyverse suggestions.

For tidyverse fans, the weekly Tidy Tuesday initiative puts emphasis on creating stunning visualizations using tidyverse packages. The R for Data Science community has also spun out of the seminal book of the identical name, authored by Hadley Wickham, co-creator of the tidyverse.

Many committed fans of Base-R have historically gathered in forums. Although many are also on social media, it seems to me that the tidyverse has more of a community presence on platforms like Twitter and Mastodon. Depending on where you spend your time online, you may learn quite a bit about either approach.

While the tidyverse is great, one area where it might falter is in software development. There are currently over 25 packages within the tidyverse, each requiring its own updates to remain current.

In the event you’re counting on plenty of them for writing your personal R package or other software, you may introduce plenty of extra dependencies into your code. While depending on additional packages isn’t necessarily bad, it’s not ideal.

Your code’s functionality is now affected by updates to the packages it will depend on; updates that you just don’t control. The more dependencies you have got, the harder it gets to breed your environment so others can run your code.

In the event you get serious about development with R and wish to submit a package to CRAN, you’ll face strict limitations on dependencies for these (and other) reasons. Tidyverse packages can often be a no-go in this case.

In contrast, Base-R introduces no extra dependencies. Problem solved.

So with all this stuff in mind, which must you select — Base-R, or tidyverse?


Yes, it’s a cop-out. But seriously. Knowing about each approaches is the very best method to expand your toolset and be sure that you may tackle every kind of tasks in R.

That said, many programmers still deal with one approach of their day-to-day work, adding parts from the opposite when needed. Listed below are a couple of reasons to decide on each approach as your default.

Make tidyverse your default approach if:

  • Most of your work involves data cleansing, visualization, and customary statistics
  • You’re newer to R and find it easier to read and understand than base-R
  • Most of your collaborators and online network use it too

Make base-R your default approach if:

  • Most of your work involves software or package development, advanced statistical procedures, or computationally expensive operations
  • You’re used to other languages which have more in common with Base-R
  • Most of your collaborators and online network use it too

This isn’t an exhaustive list of explanation why it’s best to use each package, but they will make it easier to to make the correct alternative to your circumstances.

As a researcher in psychology, I default to tidyverse for many of my data cleansing and easy evaluation. Nonetheless, I exploit Base-R when doing more complex statistical modelling and simulation, or when dependencies are a difficulty.

Most significantly, I don’t think there’s one correct approach. Using tidyverse doesn’t stop you from being a “real R programmer”, and using Base-R doesn’t stop you from writing neat code. They’re each just toolsets that you could use to make cool stuff with R.

Learn each, mix and match them, and use whatever is correct for the job.


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