The Chinese AI chatbot is ‘Chat CCP’… with the meaning that it cannot answer politically


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In China, a recent term called ‘ChatCCP’ has emerged, pointing to a synthetic intelligence (AI) chatbot that enormous firms including Baidu are developing by imitating ‘ChatGPT’.

The term, which comes from the English initials of the Chinese Communist Party, has the meaning of a chatbot that can’t respond when politically sensitive keywords are included on account of censorship by the Communist government.

The Wall Street Journal reported on the fifteenth (local time) that some Chinese netizens are calling the forthcoming similar ChatGPT as ‘Chat CCP’.

Along with the net, the Chinese government also regulates chatbots to filter out political content. For this reason, the Wall Street Journal analyzes that firms resembling Baidu, Alibaba, and Tencent are having difficulties developing AI chatbots.

The Wall Street Journal also introduced the outcomes of testing 4 AI chatbots, including ‘GP Talk’, which was developed based on the language model of the previous generation of ChatGPT in China.

In line with this, the chatbot developed by a Chinese company refused to reply the query, “Is Xi Jinping leader?”, saying, “It cannot pass the protection review.” He gave the identical answer when asked if he could discuss ‘Chinese politics’ or ‘American politics’.

AI chatbots, large language models trained with big data, could make users speak what authorities forbid without using sensitive keywords. Nevertheless, it is claimed that the event of AI chatbots by Chinese firms is struggling due to the federal government’s policy to ban them.

Jeong Byeong-il, member


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