The ChatGPT Skill That Pays As much as $335,000 a 12 months


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AI has created a field that never existed before — prompt engineering.

To work as a prompt engineer, you need to know easy methods to create prompts that generate desirable responses from AI models corresponding to those utilized by ChatGPT.

The salary isn’t bad.

Artificial intelligence company, Anthropic, has a job for a “prompt engineer and librarian” with a salary range between $175,000 and $335,000.

And that’s not the one company in search of prompt engineers! Let’s see in additional detail what prompt engineers do, how you possibly can grow to be a prompt engineer and what are the necessities for this role.

What does a prompt engineer do?

A prompt engineer is someone who develops and refines AI models using prompt engineering techniques. That is like teaching a model easy methods to do something by giving step-by-step instructions or “prompts.”

Prompt engineers work with large language models like GPT-3 (or the brand new GPT-4), which may generate human-like responses to text prompts. Their work focuses on designing prompts that generate desirable responses from language models, in addition to enhancing the models to supply more accurate and relevant text outputs.

Listed here are some tasks a prompt engineer does:

  • Optimize language models using established techniques and tools
  • Write prose to check AI systems for quirks (discover AI’s errors and hidden capabilities)
  • Review and analyze datasets to discover patterns and trends in language and develop recent prompts
  • Develop and maintain documentation for language models (examples, instructions, best practices, etc)
  • Train language models on recent data sets, and monitor model performance to discover areas for improvement
  • Collaborate with data scientists/software engineers to integrate language models into software applications and systems.

As you possibly can see, prompt engineers don’t write code all day, but they still need some programming knowledge to find a way to work with datasets, develop and fine-tune language models, and collaborate with data scientists and software engineers.

How one can learn prompt engineering

You don’t have to know coding to start out learning prompt engineering. In reality, in the next link, you will discover 4 free prompt engineering courses to affix the highest 1% of ChatGPT users.

After learning the fundamentals, follow the steps below to proceed your path as a prompt engineer.

  • Learn the fundamentals of programming: As a prompt engineer, you’ll have to work with datasets and understand basic programming concepts. Python could be a very good language for this.
  • Learn natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) concepts: Prompt engineers have to know concepts in each NLP and ML corresponding to text preprocessing, feature engineering, model training, and optimization.
  • Practice developing prompts and fine-tuning language models: Learn to make use of prompt engineering techniques to generate text outputs from language models. Test different prompt types and fine-tune language models to enhance performance.
  • Create a portfolio of prompt engineering projects to showcase your expertise.

The prompt engineering job that pays $335k

Anthropic pays prompt engineers as much as $335k. The corporate specializes in developing general AI systems and language models, which can explain the high salary. It’s no surprise that Google has invested nearly $400 million on this company.

Listed here are among the requirements for this job:

  • Excellent communicator, and love teaching technical concepts and creating high-quality documentation that helps out others
  • High-level familiarity with the architecture and operation of huge language models
  • Basic programming skills and could be comfortable writing small Python programs
  • Not sleep-to-date and informed by taking an lively interest in emerging research and industry trends.

Note that the sphere of prompt engineering is lower than 2 years old, so the prompt engineer role may differ from one company to the following, and, just like all other job, the salary for prompt engineers also varies.

The salary for similar jobs in other corporations may not be as generous as Anthropic. Here’s an estimation by Indeed for an AI prompt engineer role at Boston Childrens Hospital.


If we compare each job postings, we’ll see that the necessities are different. Within the second job posting, they specifically require individuals with 5 years of engineering/coding experience with at the least two-year experience in AI and NLP and a bachelor’s degree in computer science, artificial intelligence, or a related field (healthcare preferred).

Again, the necessities could also be higher or lower in some corporations, so in case you don’t have any experience, a project portfolio might be one of the best option to get ahead of other applicants.


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