Text in Image 2.0: improving OCR service with PaddleOCR What’s OCR? Context Why PaddleOCR? Benchmarking one of the best OCR solution Working with PaddleOCR Text in Image service Takeaways


Read how the Cognition team improved the Text in Image service across Adevinta marketplaces using PaddleOCR

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is a well-liked topic for each industry and private use. In this text, we share how we tested and used an existing open source library, PaddleOCR, to extract text from a picture. This read is for anyone who would really like to search out out more about OCR, the needs of our customers at Adevinta, and the challenges we face in attending to them. You’ll learn how we upgraded an existing service, benchmarked different solutions and delivered the chosen one to satisfy our customers.

OCR stands for “Optical Character Recognition” and is a technology that enables computers to recognise and extract text from images and scanned documents. OCR software uses optical recognition algorithms to interpret the text in images and convert it into machine-readable text that might be edited, searched and stored electronically.

There are many use-cases where OCR might be used:

  • Digitising paper documents: to convert scanned images of text into digital text. This is beneficial for organisations that want to scale back their reliance on paper and improve their document management processes.
  • Extracting data from images: eg from documents equivalent to invoices, receipts and forms. This might be useful for automating data entry tasks and reducing the necessity for manual data entry.
  • Translating documents: to extract text from images of documents written in foreign languages and translate them into a unique language.
  • Archiving: to create digital copies of essential documents that have to be preserved for long periods of time.
  • Improving accessibility: to make scanned documents more accessible to individuals with disabilities by converting the text right into a format that might be read by assistive technologies equivalent to screen readers.
  • Searching documents: to make scanned documents searchable, allowing users to simply find specific information inside a big collection of documents.

Inside Adevinta, a world classifieds specialist with market-leading positions in key European markets, there’s space for the entire cited use cases. Nevertheless, for this text, we focus specifically on “extracting data from images.”

Applying deep learning to photographs is the essential expertise of our team, Cognition. We’re Data Scientists and Machine Learning (ML) Engineers that work together to develop image-based ML solutions at scale, helping Adevinta’s marketplaces construct higher products and experiences for his or her customers. Adevinta’s mission is to attach buyers and sellers, enabling people to search out jobs, homes, cars, consumer goods and more. By making an accessible ML API with features tailored to our different marketplaces’ needs, Adevinta’s marketplaces are empowered with ML tools at an inexpensive cost.

Extracting text from images allows us to detect unwanted content from the ads (insults, hidden messages, racist content), higher understand image content and even propose more efficient searches (as an example using the brand name of an item written on it). Our users’ needs might be sorted in the next categories: general text, url, email and phone number.

At Adevinta, the prevailing Text in Image service processed over 100 million requests monthly with strongly growing demand, but we weren’t completely satisfied with the standard of the service. Given the impact and recognition of the Text in Image service, we made a choice to update it to a newer, more accurate and (ideally) faster solution.

That is where the story begins: Cognition’s journey to supply Text in Image 2.0.

The prevailing service was based on Fast Oriented Text Spotting with a Unified Network (Yan et al., 2018). Despite being state-of-the-art in 2018, the algorithm achieved 0.4 accuracy on our internal benchmark of 200 marketplace images. Nevertheless, accuracy was not the only criteria of selection for the Text in Image 2.0, so we compiled a listing of edge cases where our partner marketplaces require high-performing algorithms.

After reviewing different open source OCR frameworks (including MMOCR, EASY OCR, PaddleOCR and HiveOCR) and different combos of proposed models on our internal benchmark and on the sting cases, a indisputable winner was PaddleOCR with a median accuracy of 0.8 and an appropriate performance on our edge cases. This result competes with the paid Google Cloud Vision OCR API on one of the best accuracy we measured.

Fig 1. The difference between FOTS-based text extraction a) and PaddleOCR-based text extraction b) Source: generated by Cognition, image randomly used from Unspalsh in image generator

To be able to construct our independent benchmark and validate the selection of PaddleOCR at scale, we built a “Text in Image generator” that uses open source images from Unsplash and Pikwizard and adds randomly generated text on top of them. The created tool is extremely customisable in an effort to simulate a wide selection of cases that mix aspects equivalent to font type, rotation, text length, background type, image resolution etc. Using a simulated benchmark of 20k images with a distribution of cases matching business needs, we obtained an improvement factor of x1.4.

Fig 2. Examples of images created with “Text in Image generator”.

We identified several cases where PaddleOCR fails. This is generally when there are different angles of rotated text, some alternative fonts and differing color/contrast. We also observed that in some cases, the proper words are detected however the spaces between them aren’t placed appropriately. This will likely or is probably not a problem depending on the best way the extracted text is used further.

Fig 3. Some cases where PaddleOCR doesn’t detect text appropriately and their possible reasons: a) Font difficult to decipher, b) Rotation angle makes text unreadable, c) Strong contrast and font type. Source: Images generated by the Cognition team.

To be able to evaluate the potential for improvement and mitigation of those errors, along with defining the serving strategy, we needed to deep dive into the PaddleOCR framework.

PaddleOCR builds on PaddlePaddle. Our team had no previous experience with this and it’s less popular in our community than other frameworks equivalent to Tensorflow, Keras or Pytorch.

From a technical perspective, PaddleOCR consists of three distinct models:

  • Detection, for detecting a bounding box where possible text is
  • Classification, rotating the text 180° if needed
  • Recognition, translating the detected image frame to raw text

Pre-trained models in several languages are provided by authors.

Whilst exploring the code base of PaddleOCR for inference, we were faced with convoluted code, which was difficult to read and understand. As we wanted to make use of the PaddleOCR solution in production, we decided to refactor the code, keeping in mind to preserve the performance and the speed of the unique code. You possibly can examine the small print of that process and the PaddleOCR model within the complementary article of this series.After refactoring the code, we had created a clean and readable code base.

We consider our code version is simpler to work with, given the use case of text extraction from images, and are working on making the code available open source. Different steps and pre-processing and post-processing parts are clearly separated, so that they might be called independently, which should make further community extensions easier so as to add. It also makes putting into production easier, because the simplified, modular code combines well with the structure of inference.py for serving SageMaker endpoints. Our proposed code version doesn’t alter predictions (in comparison with the two.6 release) for images.

Using the refactored code, we made the model available as an API. To assist our customers’ transition, we maintained the identical API contract utilized in the previous service.

Serving PaddleOCR might be done in multiple ways. The simple approach is asking its own Python API (provided by the PaddleOCR package) from inside a well known framework. We chosen Multi Model Server, Flask and FastAPI to conduct our benchmark. All our proposed solutions are served by AWS SageMaker Endpoint, constructing our own container (BYOC) from the identical Docker base image.

MultiModel Server uses its own JAVA ModelServer, while for Flask and FastAPI, we use nginx+gunicorn (combined with uvicorn staff for the ASGI FastAPI). The frontend for our customers is served by an API Gateway, which is out of the scope of this text.

For the performance testing, we recreated quite a lot of requests with a controlled amount of text and different image sizes, mimicking the expected distribution from our customers. We used Locust because the testing framework, and stimulated heavy bursts within the waiting time as a stress test.

With the info gathered from the performance tests, we were capable of define our infrastructure (sort of instance and autoscaling policy) in relation to the Service Level Agreement (SLA) terms, while balancing the chance of a sudden shift from the observed distribution (the service is sensitive to the quantity of text per image).

Currently, we take care of 330 million requests monthly, and we have now estimated that next yr, more Adevinta marketplaces will onboard a Text in Image service, leading to a 400% growth.

The brand new API resulted in an improved latency 7.5x in comparison with the FOTS-based solution, while providing a 7% cost reduction in serving. Also, for the reason that recent API being 12x cheaper than a typical external solution, equivalent to GCP OCR, we received positive feedback from our users about each the speed and the accuracy of the Text in Image 2.0.

As a pc vision team working for a world company serving thousands and thousands of individuals on daily basis, we aimed to enhance our OCR API for text extraction from classified ads. After testing quite a few frameworks, we built a picture simulator in an effort to find the algorithm matching the needs of our users. The chosen framework, PaddleOCR, went through our internal review and revamp. (There have been challenges along the best way and you may read more about them in ). Now, we’re pleased to say we’re providing a more accurate, faster and cheaper API using the PaddleOCR framework.


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