Team Creates Recent Lidar System That Could Improve Autonomous Driving Safety


A team of investigators led by Susumu Noda from Kyoto University in Japan have described their recent non-mechanical 3D lidar system in The brand new system can fit into the palm of the hand and may be used to measure the space of poorly reflective objects and mechanically track the motion of the objects.

“With our lidar system, robots and vehicles will have the option to reliably and safely navigate dynamic environments without losing sight of poorly reflect objects corresponding to black metallic cars,” Noda says. “Incorpating this technology into cars, for instance, would make autonomous driving safer.”

Because of the researchers’ development of a singular chip-based light source called a dually modulated photonic-crystal laser (DM-PCSEL), the brand new system was made possible. This advancement may eventually result in the creation of an on-chip, all-solid-state 3D lidar system.

“The DM-PCSEL integrates non-mechanical, electronically controlled beam scanning with flash illumination utilized in flash lidar to amass a full 3D image with a single flash of sunshine,” Noda says. “This unique source allows us to attain each flash and scanning illumination with none moving parts or bulky external optical elements, corresponding to lenses and diffractive optical elements.”

The Combination of Scanning and Flash Illumination

Lidar systems use laser beams to light up objects and calculate their distance by measuring the time it takes for the beams to travel, reflect, and return (ToF). Nonetheless, most lidar systems currently in use and under development depend on moving parts corresponding to motors to scan the laser beam, making them bulky, expensive, and unreliable.

Flash lidar is a non-mechanical approach that uses a single broad, diffuse beam of sunshine to light up and evaluate the distances of all objects in the sector of view. Nonetheless, flash lidar systems are unable to measure the distances of poorly reflective objects corresponding to black metallic cars resulting from their low reflectivity. Furthermore, external lenses and optical elements are required to create the flash beam, making these systems large.

The researchers developed the DM-PCSEL light source to beat these limitations. The sunshine source features a flash source that may illuminate a large 30°×30° field of view and a beam-scanning source that gives spot illumination with 100 narrow laser beams.

The researchers integrated the DM-PCSEL right into a 3D lidar system, which enabled them to measure the distances of multiple objects concurrently using wide flash illumination while selectively illuminating poorly reflective objects with a more concentrated beam of sunshine. To perform distance measurements and automatic tracking of the motion of poorly reflective objects, the researchers installed a ToF camera and developed software that uses beam-scanning illumination.

Measuring the Distance of Poorly Reflective Objects

“Our DM-PCSEL-based 3D lidar system lets us range highly reflective and poorly reflective objects concurrently,” says Noda. “The lasers, ToF camera and all associated components required to operate the system were assembled in a compact manner, leading to a complete system footprint that’s smaller than a business card.”

The researchers demonstrated the brand new system by utilizing it to measure the distances of poorly refelctive objects that were placed on a table in a lab. They were also capable of exhibit that the system could mechanically recognize poorly reflective objects and track their movement through selective illumination.

The team will now look to exhibit the system in practical applications just like the autonomous movement of robots and vehicles.


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