SK C&C establishes ‘13 forms of lineup’ of AI services customized for firms


(Photo = SK C&C)

SK C&C has begun to spread the appliance of ‘generative artificial intelligence (AI)’ across various job functions and tasks, including general paperwork, human resources, financial accounting, legal affairs and production management, and R&D (research and development).

SK C&C (CEO Poongyoung Yoon) announced on the sixth that it has released 13 forms of custom-generated AI services that could be used immediately by firms in reference to Large Language Model (LLM).

This includes 3 forms of general-purpose AI services similar to ▲AI chatting, ▲coding, and ▲report production, in addition to job areas similar to ▲Human Resources and Finance/Accounting ▲Legal and Compliance ▲Purchase/Logistics ▲Production Management-R&D ▲IT Development ▲Marketing and Customer Management. Specialized AI services are included.

It was developed by linking the 'AI Orchestration' platform, which consists of AI prompts, in-house data storage, and AI orchestrator, with domestic and overseas LLM, and the Small Language Model (sLLM), which is in high demand within the financial and manufacturing fields.

Specifically, it’s explained that 'MY CHAT', an AI chat service, is installed as a basic service within the creation AI orchestration platform, increasing the usability of general paperwork. The reason is that domestic and foreign LLMs could be used while maintaining perfect security even in an in-house virtual desktop (VDI) work environment.

Through My Chat, you possibly can ask about corporate financial information, market trends, etc., or entrust tasks similar to report writing, document summarization, and foreign language translation. As well as, by linking with various business systems, it might probably expand its role as an in-house knowledge search and consultation center. reported.

The core orchestration technology has also been applied to the ‘Woori Bank AI Knowledge Consulting Service’ established last 12 months. It’s getting used by affiliates similar to SK Corporation, SK Networks, SKC, and SK Shielders, and plans to expand its use to in-house help desks.

As well as, it was announced that the expertise of AI services for every job was improved by developing actual industry application cases as a basic model. It reflects actual cases of AI service application, similar to detecting abnormal signs of producing equipment and facilities, responding to failures, recommending customer consultation FAQs and sales consultation scripts using internal and external data, and AI-based underwriting.

Human resources tasks similar to automation of recruitment process, personalized personnel evaluation and development, and HR system automation, in addition to finance/accounting (IR information support), legal affairs (more efficient legal review), regulatory compliance (more efficient regulatory evaluation and review), and buying/logistics (supply chain) management efficiency), production management (process optimization), research and development (data search and evaluation), IT development (development and quality management automation), marketing (campaign automation), customer management (consultation summary and post-processing), and plenty of other industrial fields. Best practices were comprehensively applied.

He emphasized that security stability could be secured by going through ▲fantastic tuning ▲prompt engineering ▲data security and permission management within the orchestration platform. The reason is that not only the associated fee of introducing AI created with a specialized language model, but in addition problems similar to information errors, hallucinations, and internal data leaks have been minimized.

Lastly, it was emphasized that the accuracy of the outcomes was improved by applying a wise agent method based on RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation), which mixes the external LLM and the corporate's internal information retrieval system in real time.

Cha Ji-won, head of SK C&C G.AI Group, said, “Generative AI has the potential to recreate all work areas currently occurring inside an organization,” and added, “This customized generative AI service serves as a lever to extend work efficiency and business value. “You’ll give you the option to do it,” he said.

Reporter Jang Se-min


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