Public-private joint investment of greater than 2 trillion won to develop core robot technology


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The federal government will invest greater than 2 trillion won over 5 years in cooperation with private firms to secure core technologies for the robot industry.

The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (Minister Lee Chang-yang) announced on the twentieth that it plans to announce the ‘Advanced Robot Industry Strategy 1.0’ containing these contents through the second quarter by holding an organization briefing session for advanced robot regulatory innovation with the Korea Robot Industry Promotion Agency at Seoul’s El Tower.

Joo Yeong-joon, head of the Industrial Policy Department on the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, said, “To secure core technology for super-gap robots, the private and non-private sectors will jointly invest greater than 2 trillion won over the following five years, proceed to advertise daring and speedy regulatory innovation to create a robot-friendly environment, and reply to labor shortage and safety. We are going to create a robot market by expanding robot dissemination and demonstration, giving priority to fields, etc.”

As well as, he said, “We plan to determine and announce the advanced robot industry strategy 1.0 throughout the second quarter of this yr by synthesizing these policy directions.”

This briefing session was prepared to share the advanced robot regulatory innovation plan announced on the third Regulatory Innovation Strategy Meeting on the 2nd with firms in the sphere of robots and collect opinions from the sphere.

This includes a call to enhance 51 core tasks in 4 areas, including the expansion of robot mobility, entry into the security industry, proliferation of collaborative/assistant robots, and expansion of robot-friendly infrastructure, and 39 of those tasks might be promptly promoted by next yr. .

Director Joo Young-hoon emphasized, “Robots are an industry with the potential for industrial innovation, response to changes within the labor market, and recent growth engines with the potential of three trillion won with one stone.

Then again, this briefing was attended by about 80 officials, including robot development firms in various fields resembling delivery, patrol, cooperation, and underwater robots, and demand organizations that want to introduce robots.

Reporter Lim Dae-jun


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