Out with the old and in with the “latest IT”


However the human baby doesn’t learn to acknowledge a cat this fashion. The babies, they exit, see a cat or two, after which they know what a cat looks like. They do not need one million training samples, they only need one or two. In order that’s very different. So that they don’t need big data to learn. As a substitute, small data is sufficient. So that is certainly one of the large challenges that should be addressed for AI to succeed in the following level. So one possible route is to maneuver from today’s data-driven AI to future hybrid AI where it integrates each the data-driven and knowledge-driven together. In order that’s my thoughts about AI’s future.

No, that is amazing. It is also really interesting to listen to about AI in production in manufacturing after which this concept of learning AI, and such as you said, a baby doesn’t learn what a cat is. And there is clearly a lot in between each of those ideas. I feel particularly this idea is so complex and once we take into consideration how AI is now changing and type of evolving into this thing, we’re now calling the commercial metaverse, right? Which is a mix of those virtual and real-world capabilities. This is not science fiction anymore, this is definitely happening. So what are a few of those examples of prolonged reality or XR that we’d see in those next few years?

That is correct, Laurel. Actually, I feel the fact is here, and with that said, the metaverse itself continues to be in its early stage of development. And different people have different definitions of what the metaverse is. From Lenovo’s perspective, the metaverse is a hybrid of physical and virtual worlds where people and objects connect and interact with one another. And the XR devices, including AR, VR, MR are the important thing human machine interface of and the portal to, the metaverse, with the combined and reinforced information from each words, the physical and the virtual. Within the metaverse, we are able to provide users with more immersive and interactive experiences and solve industry challenges with higher efficiency and lower cost. So let me show you an example. So let’s take the electrical power industry, for instance. Historically, the inspection of power station equipment has been time-consuming and sometimes, as you’ll be able to imagine, dangerous. Besides, human employees could make mistakes causing power outages and other accidents.

As such, these tasks can incur high cost for power firms. But now with the brand new metaverse technologies, we’ve the chance to rework this industry right into a safer and more efficient industry. The bottom line is to construct a metaverse that connects the virtual and the physical. And we actually considered this loads, and we concluded there are 3 ways to attain this. The 3 ways are physical virtual mapping, physical virtual superimposition, and physical virtual interactivity. Again, let me use the electrical power industry example for instance this. First, the physical virtual mapping signifies that we want to construct a virtual version of the physical power station, which we seek advice from because the “meta-space.” Actually, two months ago we just finished our Tech World [conference]. I actually have a reasonably detailed description about this meta-space. I probably won’t have time to go over that today with you, but for those within the audience who’ve interest, I might refer them to the Lenovo Tech World 2022 that happened in October.

They’ll have a more detailed scenario there. After which after this physical virtual mapping then comes the physical virtual superimposition, which implies we overlay the digital information onto real objects through, for example, AR glasses. This actually will significantly augment the capabilities of human employees, allowing them to envision the status and discover more functions faster and perform maintenance tasks more efficiently. And thirdly, the human employees usually are not in a position to cover every corner of the ability station, especially those hazardous areas that poses risks to health and life.

In that case, human employees can send a physical robot to do the job of their place, they will plan a path for the robot within the virtual power station. Then the robot can move within the physical power station and perform the inspection task, including recognizing equipment readings, detecting abnormal heat and monitoring equipment status in the ability station. And the third way, again, we call it the physical virtual interactivity. So those are the 3 ways we expect that we connect the virtual and physical world. And after all, above, I used the ability station inspection for instance for instance the metaverse, but these technologies really can create huge opportunities across many other industries.

You possibly can really imagine that example in healthcare just being absolutely industry changing, for those who were in a position to. Yeah, that is really quite astounding. And I feel it’s distinction to essentially define for folk what the commercial metaverse could bring us with this ability, with the XR technologies, to do things that have not been done before with that nice mix between what’s virtual after which that physical world. So speaking of that physical world, how will adoption of technologies like these that we have been talking about today help sustainability and enterprise social and governance or ESG goals? And what are Lenovo’s own sustainability goals? Because as you mentioned, those enormous factories creating quite a few laptops, one out of each eight on the planet, that is quite a challenge for Lenovo as well.

Laurel, thanks for asking this query. I feel for any technology innovation, we must always be responsible too. And you only mentioned the massive factory LCFC, right? Imagine if we are able to save 5% of electricity power, that is going to save lots of lots of carbon emission. That may reduce lots of carbon emission. That is definitely something we’re very committed to and we’re very seriously working on. So overall, Lenovo is committed to attain a sustainable growth by helping decarbonize the worldwide economy.


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