OpenAI released GPT4-API: every part that you must know! What can we find out about GPT4? Summary Live demo: Bing AI Uses GPT4 tweaked for search Hallucination and other limitations? what’s recent? So…GPT4 or ChatGPT? Lean more Conclusion


The brand new multi-modal model, that ranks in top 10% on the bar exam, powering Bing AI!

A brief post to summarize what that you must find out about GPT-4, and there’s so much to cover!

As a matter of fact, today marks an exciting milestone for OpenAI with the discharge of their first multi-modal API, the very anticipated GPT-4!

With already several early adopters reminiscent of Morgan Stanley, Khan Academy, and the Government of Iceland!

You could find the announcement link here:

Every little thing that you must know! But first, Should you like this topic,
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  • : It’s indeed the primary multimodal model released by OpenAI since. It stays limited to though. It’s way smarter than ChatGPT with regards to complex reasoning. But we’ll get there in a bit.
GPT4 analyzing a meme (source)
  • there no public release yet. Access goes through a waitlist that you may find here: join the waitlist.
  • weeelll eventually yes! Handling text and pictures as input. But for the early access to those within the waitlist, GPT4 remains to be a text only GPT4! “Once you might have access, you’ll be able to make text-only requests to the gpt-4 model (image inputs are still in limited alpha)” (source).
    That is aligned with our previous predictions!
  • : “ChatGPT Plus subscribers will get GPT-4 access on with a usage cap.”
  • We see a pointy increase within the API price in comparison with ChatGPT. Depending on the GPT4 model used, token prices vary. For context, ChatGPT API is priced at $0.002/1k today. Recent prices are no less than x15 higher depending on the model used.
    : “Pricing is $0.03 per 1k prompt tokens and $0.06 per 1k completion tokens.”
    “Pricing is $0.06 per 1K prompt tokens and $0.12 per 1k completion tokens.”
  • : A 32k tokens context means about 25 000 words or 50 pages! This is big! It means it could actually process full reports, short books or long chapters, taxation code, and so forth, enabling scenarios that were inconceivable with ChatGPT’s 4k token limitation!

Covering some amazing applications, e.g., from a handwritten UI mock-up to functional code. Or complex taxation questions!

Does it still hallucinate & is it factual?

, GPT4 is significantly more reliable than ChatGPT but not bullet proof. So per our usual advice: trust & confirm!

“Despite its capabilities, GPT-4 has similar limitations as earlier GPT models. Most significantly, it still shouldn’t be fully reliable (it “hallucinates” facts and makes reasoning errors).”

: “GPT-4 scores 40% higher than our latest GPT-3.5 on our internal adversarial factuality evaluations”.

“GPT-4 poses similar risks as previous models, reminiscent of generating harmful advice, buggy code, or inaccurate information.”

Yet, GPT4 offers a greater alignment with OpenAI’s goals to design a safer AI. It means limiting answers to sensitive topics or harmful behavior.


This part hurts a bit!

After we depend on an AI model it’s vital to know when the AI is confident in the reply and when it’s not. By being calibrated, we may design thresholds to know when to reliably accept AI’s answer or not. Current post training of the model harms the calibration curve unfortunately.

GPT4 is clearly an enormous step forward in comparison with ChatGPT. Just take a look at these numbers.

, it could actually pass the bar exam or integrate any prestigious university hands down!

GPT4 shows an enormous improvement in reasoning tasks in comparison with ChatGPT
Yop scores for GPT4 on all exams!

GPT4 unlocks scenarios that where inconceivable before, yet…
Well the reply is “it depends”:

  • If image inputs can greatly enhance your result, then yes,
  • Should you need a much much large context (i.e., greater than 3000 words), then yes,
  • If having a model that’s far more factual is crucial on your application, then definitely yes!


  • In case your application can live with a 4k tokens (3k words) context with easy reasoning, then ChatGPT has the perfect ROI selection.
  • If semantic search is sufficient to capture real time additional context, then ChatGPT should do the trick too!

Need to know more about GPT4 inner mechanics? read this post in regards to the 3 principal optimizations which are supercharging it. Our predictions are aligned with GPT4’s alpha release, i.e., GPT4 is text just for now.

Want to begin constructing with OpenAI APIs, these two posts get you covered.

In conclusion, the discharge of GPT-4 is a major milestone in the event of AI language models. It’s the primary multi-modal model that may process each text and pictures as input, making it a robust tool for various applications. GPT-4 can be much smarter than its predecessor, ChatGPT, particularly in complex reasoning tasks. Nonetheless, access to the API is currently limited to a waitlist, and the costs are significantly higher than ChatGPT.

While GPT-4 is more reliable than ChatGPT, it still has limitations and might generate inaccurate information or harmful advice. Furthermore, its calibration curve needs improvement, which affects its confidence and reliability. Due to this fact, it is crucial to confirm its output before using it in critical applications.

Whether to decide on GPT-4 or ChatGPT is determined by the precise application’s needs. GPT-4 is a superb selection for scenarios that require image inputs, a much larger context, or factual accuracy. Alternatively, ChatGPT remains to be a great ROI selection for applications that may live with a 4k token context and straightforward reasoning or depend on semantic search.

Overall, GPT-4 is a formidable AI language model with significant potential for various applications. Nonetheless, it’s crucial to contemplate the fee, limitations, and specific application requirements before deciding to make use of it.


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