National Strategic Technology Special Committee launched…4 projects including K-UAM were chosen at the first meeting


(Photo = shutterstock)

A complete of 4 projects were chosen as candidates for national strategic technology projects in the primary half of this 12 months, including Korean Urban Air Transportation (K-UAM), next-generation secondary batteries, lunar exploration phase 2, and 6G technology development.

The Ministry of Science and ICT (Minister Lee Jong-ho) announced on the 4th that it confirmed the contents through the primary meeting of the National Strategic Technology Special Committee of the National Science and Technology Advisory Council.

The National Strategic Technology Project, launched on today, is a public-private joint strategic technology R&D project aimed toward supporting and managing projects that require intensive support to create tangible results.

Last 12 months, quantum and small nuclear reactors (SMR) were included, and this 12 months, a complete of around 10 projects shall be chosen and promoted in the primary and second half of the 12 months.

The Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT) explained that the project candidate selection criteria comprehensively considered whether the project may very well be launched quickly, the completeness of the project plan, etc., specializing in representation (importance and symbolism) throughout the strategic technology field and whether or not a transparent national level goal was presented.

As well as, the necessity for promotion is high, however the semiconductor and display fields that require supplementary planning are designated as priority review targets within the second half of the 12 months and are planned to be intensively managed.

As well as, on the meeting, it was decided that the National Strategic Technology Special Committee under the National Science and Technology Advisory Council (chaired by the President) will review and adjust major policies on national strategic technology across ministries and play a pivotal role in industry-academia-research cooperation.

Under the strategic technology special committee, technology-specific coordination committees, during which industry, academia, and research experts participate, are sequentially formed to ascertain a strategic planning system for every of the 12 national strategic technology fields.

12 National Strategic Technologies (Photo = Ministry of Science and ICT)
12 National Strategic Technologies (Photo = Ministry of Science and ICT)

However, national strategic technologies check with strategically necessary technologies within the national economy, diplomacy, security, and creation of recent industries. It refers to a complete of 12 fields, including artificial intelligence, next-generation communication, advanced robotics and manufacturing, and quantum.

Joo Young-chang, head of the Science and Technology Innovation Division of the Ministry of Science and ICT, said, “As science and technology has develop into a strategic weapon that shakes even the international order, comparable to diplomacy and security, the era of competition for technological supremacy is in full swing.” He emphasized that it’s a really urgent national policy task that should focus the capacities of the private and public sectors.”

Reporter Lim Dae-jun


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