Low Code/No Code Cloud AI Solutions Why you wish low code/no code AI Solutions? What’s the excitement word low code/no code AI solutions? How can these Low code/No Code solution be implemented?


On this blog, We’ll cover Cloud AI Solutions. What’s No Code , Low Code AI Solutions. Why it’s important and the way you’ll be able to start.

With the intention to run the algorithm, you wish massive amounts of information, storage to store the info, compute to remodel the info to the format your ML algorithms understand and lastly you wish compute to coach the model itself. Once you’ve trained the model, you’ve to take into consideration improving model accuracy, for that you just would wish extra compute to run hyperparameter tuning jobs.

Finally, you bought your perfect model, which you should publish.On this scenario you’ve to take into consideration hosting a model on a server and in addition scaling your models in case it becomes popular.

With Low/Code no code Cloud AI solutions, you would not have to fret about all this infrastructure heavy lifting and management. You get APIs for common use cases resembling Text Classification, Image classification or chatbots. You may directly use these API by sending a request and also you get a response back. These APIs are server less and managed by Cloud providers resembling AWS or Google.

Any user who have no idea learn how to code or have no idea the nitty gritty of model training, model deployment or model tuning can just start with the pre -trained model provided by the low code/no code APIs.

What’s pre trained model? These models are already trained to resolve a task so it provides a baseline to you when you should start with machine learning.

AWS NLP Book with low code/no code examples

You can see easy to make use of example code with datasets on learn how to architect a scalable no code/low code solution using Amazon AI Services.

A few of the industry examples covered are

  1. Document classification
  2. Find out how to create intelligent search solution.
  3. Find out how to create a chat bot
  4. Advanced topics- learn how to train these low code/no code pretrained APIs using AutoML or transfer learning.

In the subsequent blog, I’m going to speak about a number of the low code/no code solutions provided by Google.


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