Learning the language of molecules to predict their properties


Discovering recent materials and medicines typically involves a manual, trial-and-error process that may take many years and price thousands and thousands of dollars. To streamline this process, scientists often use machine learning to predict molecular properties and narrow down the molecules they should synthesize and test within the lab.

Researchers from MIT and the MIT-Watson AI Lab have developed a recent, unified framework that may concurrently predict molecular properties and generate recent molecules rather more efficiently than these popular deep-learning approaches.

To show a machine-learning model to predict a molecule’s biological or mechanical properties, researchers must show it thousands and thousands of labeled molecular structures — a process generally known as training. Because of the expense of discovering molecules and the challenges of hand-labeling thousands and thousands of structures, large training datasets are sometimes hard to return by, which limits the effectiveness of machine-learning approaches.

Against this, the system created by the MIT researchers can effectively predict molecular properties using only a small amount of knowledge. Their system has an underlying understanding of the principles that dictate how constructing blocks mix to supply valid molecules. These rules capture the similarities between molecular structures, which helps the system generate recent molecules and predict their properties in a data-efficient manner.

This method outperformed other machine-learning approaches on each small and huge datasets, and was capable of accurately predict molecular properties and generate viable molecules when given a dataset with fewer than 100 samples.

“Our goal with this project is to make use of some data-driven methods to hurry up the invention of recent molecules, so you’ll be able to train a model to do the prediction without all of those cost-heavy experiments,” says lead creator Minghao Guo, a pc science and electrical engineering (EECS) graduate student.

Guo’s co-authors include MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab research staff members Veronika Thost, Payel Das, and Jie Chen; recent MIT graduates Samuel Song ’23 and Adithya Balachandran ’23; and senior creator Wojciech Matusik, a professor of electrical engineering and computer science and a member of the MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab, who leads the Computational Design and Fabrication Group inside the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL). The research will probably be presented on the International Conference for Machine Learning.

Learning the language of molecules

To attain the perfect results with machine-learning models, scientists need training datasets with thousands and thousands of molecules which have similar properties to those they hope to find. In point of fact, these domain-specific datasets are often very small. So, researchers use models which have been pretrained on large datasets of general molecules, which they apply to a much smaller, targeted dataset. Nonetheless, because these models haven’t acquired much domain-specific knowledge, they have an inclination to perform poorly.

The MIT team took a unique approach. They created a machine-learning system that robotically learns the “language” of molecules — what’s generally known as a molecular grammar — using only a small, domain-specific dataset. It uses this grammar to construct viable molecules and predict their properties.

In language theory, one generates words, sentences, or paragraphs based on a set of grammar rules. You possibly can consider a molecular grammar the identical way. It’s a set of production rules that dictate generate molecules or polymers by combining atoms and substructures.

Similar to a language grammar, which may generate a plethora of sentences using the identical rules, one molecular grammar can represent an unlimited variety of molecules. Molecules with similar structures use the identical grammar production rules, and the system learns to know these similarities.

Since structurally similar molecules often have similar properties, the system uses its underlying knowledge of molecular similarity to predict properties of recent molecules more efficiently. 

“Once we have now this grammar as a representation for all the various molecules, we are able to use it to spice up the means of property prediction,” Guo says.

The system learns the production rules for a molecular grammar using reinforcement learning — a trial-and-error process where the model is rewarded for behavior that gets it closer to achieving a goal.

But because there might be billions of the way to mix atoms and substructures, the method to learn grammar production rules could be too computationally expensive for anything however the tiniest dataset.

The researchers decoupled the molecular grammar into two parts. The primary part, called a metagrammar, is a general, widely applicable grammar they design manually and provides the system on the outset. Then it only must learn a much smaller, molecule-specific grammar from the domain dataset. This hierarchical approach hastens the educational process.

Big results, small datasets

In experiments, the researchers’ recent system concurrently generated viable molecules and polymers, and predicted their properties more accurately than several popular machine-learning approaches, even when the domain-specific datasets had only a couple of hundred samples. Another methods also required a costly pretraining step that the brand new system avoids.

The technique was especially effective at predicting physical properties of polymers, resembling the glass transition temperature, which is the temperature required for a fabric to transition from solid to liquid. Obtaining this information manually is commonly extremely costly since the experiments require extremely high temperatures and pressures.

To push their approach further, the researchers cut one training set down by greater than half — to only 94 samples. Their model still achieved results that were on par with methods trained using your complete dataset.

“This grammar-based representation may be very powerful. And since the grammar itself is a really general representation, it will probably be deployed to different sorts of graph-form data. We try to discover other applications beyond chemistry or material science,” Guo says.

In the longer term, additionally they wish to extend their current molecular grammar to incorporate the 3D geometry of molecules and polymers, which is essential to understanding the interactions between polymer chains. Also they are developing an interface that might show a user the learned grammar production rules and solicit feedback to correct rules which may be unsuitable, boosting the accuracy of the system.

This work is funded, partially, by the MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab and its member company, Evonik.


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