I Think I’ll Cancel My ChatGPT Plus $20 Subscription


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Last week, I subscribed to ChatGPT Plus, but I feel I’ll cancel my subscription soon.

I really like ChatGPT, so once I first saw that ChatGPT Plus was available in my region I assumed it’ll be a great idea to provide it a try. The predominant difference between the free and paid version are these.

Which means with the paid version we wouldn’t get the annoying message “too many requests in 1 hour. try again later.” Nevertheless, I didn’t subscribe for this reason. I almost never had trouble using ChatGPT even when the demand was high.

The predominant reason for me to upgrade to ChatGPT Plus was speed. I heard that ChatGPT Plus had a Turbo mode that was faster than the one we have now within the free plan.

And that’s true.

Nevertheless, it wasn’t as fast as I expected (a minimum of not value it $20/month).

Let’s see if ChatGPT Plus is value it for you. I’ll test ChatGPT and ChatGPT Plus with prompts that generate 100, 1000, and greater than 1000 words.

Test #1: Easy prompt to generate lower than 100 words

First, I used each ChatGPT Plus (left) and free ChatGPT (right), to generate a SQL query through the prompt below.

A question to list the names of the departments which employed greater than 10 employees within the last 3 months. Consider the next SQL tables with their properties: # Worker(id, name, department_id), # Department(id, name, address), # Salary_Payments(id, employee_id, amount, date)

ChatGPT Plus took around 7 seconds to do that, while free ChatGPT needed 38 seconds. ChatGPT Plus is 31 seconds faster.

To be certain this wasn’t a coincidence, I tested each versions of ChatGPT with one other easy prompt.

send an email from “email_1” to “email_2” with the topic “Email sent by ChatGPT” and the content “ChatGPT rocks!” using Python

ChatGPT Plus did it in 14s, while free ChatGPT did it in 47s.

Again, a minimum of 30 seconds faster. This isn’t bad, but I expected faster results for the paid version. This may occasionally seem insignificant when generating lower than 100 words, but speed is relevant when giving ChatGPT more complex requests.

Let’s take a look.

Test #2: Prompt to generate lower than 1000 words

The gap in speed between the free and paid version ought to be greater the more characters they must generate, so I made them each simulate a job interview conversation with a maximum of 1000 words (Yow will discover this and 100+ prompts on my free cheat sheet)

Simulate a job interview for a software engineer position by asking and answering questions as for those who are a possible employer and I’m the candidate . Consider that I’ve only taken online courses and don’t have any working experience. Generate 1000 words

Listed below are the outcomes.

This time I pressed the stop button 5 seconds after the test ended (Oops!). Anyway, ChatGPT Plus generated 655 words in 1 minute and a pair of seconds, while free ChatGPT generated 589 words in 1 minute and 53 seconds.

Now we have now a 51-second gap.

This looks good, but to be honest I wouldn’t pay $20 a month to attend 1 minute to generate 600 words.

Actually, I already get that speed from OpenAI Playground.

Yes, Playground isn’t the exact same as ChatGPT, but for a few of us, Playground’s features can be enough. Besides, they provide you with an $18 credit which ought to be good enough for the 3-month trial.

Again, I wouldn’t pay $20 for a “faster response speed,” which isn’t that fast with regards to generating 1000’s of tokens.

In my final test, we’ll see this a lot better.

Test #3: Prompt to generate an entire website

For my last test, I take advantage of each versions of ChatGPT to generate Python code and HTML code to construct a web site. The prompt is sort of long, nevertheless it helped me construct almost the entire website from scratch (for more information about constructing a web site with ChatGPT, watch my YouTube tutorial)

First I asked ChatGPT to generate only the Python code. It took ChatGPT Plus 36 seconds, while free ChatGPT did it in 1 minute and 51 seconds BUT free ChatGPT also generated a part of the HTML code (I didn’t ask for it though).

Anyway, I needed to type “proceed” on free ChatGPT to generate the remainder of the HTML code and ask ChatGPT Plus to generate the HTML code for the primary time.

Considering each the Python and HTML code, it took ChatGPT Plus 1 minute and 16 seconds, while it took 2 minutes and 16 seconds for the free version.

ChatGPT Plus is indeed faster than ChatGPT, however the boost in speed isn’t value $20. I do know that this subscription plan will help OpenAI make ChatGPT free to make use of, but I don’t think the value is affordable considering that now free engines like google like Microsoft Bing have some ChatGPT functionalities.


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