Google Focuses on Bard AI Technology…Reorganizes Assistant Team


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Google decided to deal with its artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot technology ‘Bard’, which began testing within the US and UK last week.

To this end, the virtual assistant department was reorganized, and the major task was shifted to bard support and integration. The position of assistant engineering vice chairman of Jianchang Mao, who left the corporate, was replaced by Piyushi Ranjan, who oversaw the payment division. Bard Team Engineering is led by Amar Subramanya, Vice President of Engineering for Google Assistant.

CNBC reported on the thirtieth (local time) that Xixi Xiao, vice chairman of Google Assistant, announced the organizational change by sending out a memo to employees titled “Changes to Assistant and Bard Teams.”

On this memo, Sissi Xiao is alleged to have stressed the importance of supporting and implementing the brand new AI chatbot technology, ‘Bad’.

Google Assistant is a virtual assistant application that uses AI technology. It’s utilized in various devices akin to smartphones, smart speakers, smart displays, and vehicles. In the longer term, we’ll work on integrating a latest chatbot technology, bard.

Chan Park,


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