Fresh Ink: Hello, Poolside! On the intersection of AI and Software comes the system that may construct all future systems


Redpoint Ventures

Erica Brescia and Jacob Effron

Jason Warner incubates recent AI company, Poolside, at Redpoint

Software has already revolutionized the best way we communicate, collaborate, transact, discover and learn. And while very early innings, AI has recently improved the best way we create software. Large language models like those behind ChatGPT have shown early abilities at assisting developers, generating code and documentation. But these models and their capabilities are still of their infancy. While today they supply additional productivity to engineers, they haven’t yet ushered in a real step change in the best way we create software as a society.

Poolside goals to unlock humanity’s potential by pursuing AGI for software creation, with the elemental belief that the transitional path for humanity to AGI is by constructing for specific capabilities as a substitute of a general purpose approach. For Poolside, that starts with unlocking the facility of software creation and understanding and constructing the systems that may create all future systems.

It would take an exceptionally special team to execute on this ambitious vision. Poolside co-founders Jason Warner and Eiso Kant have lived on the forefront of the primary generation of AI on code systems and have spent their careers leading corporations dedicated to improving the lives of developers. Eiso built a few of the first AI on code models and the infrastructure to coach them, and Jason incubated Copilot and Code Search while CTO at GitHub, together with GitHub Actions. Jason also led engineering at two other seminal developer corporations: Heroku and Canonical. We’ve also had the privilege of working with Jason for the past few years as an investor at Redpoint. Knowing Jason and Eiso, we couldn’t imagine more perfect founders and leaders for Poolside; each are extremely enthusiastic about the potential of AI to rework our world for the higher, and each are deeply committed to and focused on the protection and ethics of their approach to constructing Poolside and AI generally, which we consider is paramount.

As investors, there may be nothing more exciting than partnering with a team with a vision that would truly change the world who also has the experience, network and conviction to go and do it. Poolside is constructing powerful, next-gen foundation models and infrastructure that may reimagine our relationship with creating software. The democratization of who can create software — where the one practical limit is their very own creativity and the protection features built into the systems — can have a monumental impact on the worldwide economy and, ultimately, our quality of life. At Poolside’s full potential, an artist could dream up a video game, a physician a selected app for a patient, a genomics researcher an information pipeline for advanced evaluation, an educator a tailored product for a toddler’s specific learning style, after which those visions will be made into reality — 1,000+ times faster than is feasible today. Software creation can be accessible to everyone, all over the place, for virtually any purpose.

Poolside’s unique approach to training and reinforcement learning will ultimately create the foundational AI systems that understand more of the basics of code, with deep and advanced understanding of all features of software development, moving the cutting-edge from easy code generation to systems able to allowing anyone to create whatever their imagination dreams up.

It’s hard to not get excited in regards to the impact of Poolside’s vision when realized at its full potential — to be the corporate that builds the primitive on which all future software can be built — while transitioning to a world with AGI at your fingertips. We couldn’t be more thrilled to be incubating Poolside at Redpoint, to be leading the seed and having Erica — who was fortunate to have also worked side-by-side with Jason at GitHub before each joined Redpoint — joining the board, and partnering with Jason and Eiso as they embark on this ambitious and essential mission!


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