Easy methods to replace Apple’s Siri with ‘ChatGPT’


(Photo = shutterstock)

With the arrival of ‘ChatGPT’, voice recognition assistants who’ve been lively in artificial intelligence (AI) speakers corresponding to ‘Siri’ and ‘Alexa’ are losing their place.

Specifically, recently, an AI developer introduced a method to replace Apple’s ‘Siri’ with ‘ChatGPT’ on Twitter, which has turn out to be a hot topic.

When a video introducing this method was shared on Twitter, the variety of views quickly reached 3.2 million, showing an explosive response. That is what the Day by day Mail introduced on the twenty eighth (local time).

The tactic disclosed by this developer is understood to be available only to those that use the premium developer version of ChatGPT.

(Photo = McKay Wingly Twitter)
(Photo = McKay Wingly Twitter)

Within the meantime, there was no technological development of AI voice assistants corresponding to ‘Siri’. It was identified that it was being weeded out for this reason. Specifically, there was an expression that ‘GPT-4’ is sort of a version of Siri that has grown up and graduated from graduate school.

Because the Recent York Times reported on the fifteenth, plainly AI voice recognition assistants corresponding to ‘Siri’ and ‘Assistant’ are falling into obsolescence as a result of conversational AI corresponding to ChatGPT.

Reporter Juyoung Lee of AI Times juyoung09@aitimes.com


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