DCA Plus: a machine-learning-powered risk averaging strategy Introducing the mission for DCA+ Standard DCA DCA Plus: the present state Results The ultimate product and the user experience Topping up DCA Plus: the longer term


A strong on-chain tool on your investing toolbox


Investing is like playing a game along with your money. Sometimes you’ll be able to win and get more cash, but sometimes you’ll be able to lose and have less money. One investing game people wish to play is named cryptocurrency. It’s like digital money that you may use to purchase things, but it could actually be really tricky to know when to purchase and sell since the value goes up and down loads.


The dollar cost averaging strategy is all about reducing your risk of losing capital. We intuitively feel — perhaps more-so in crypto than every other market — that deploying all our capital in a single lump sum is incredibly dangerous. If the market goes down 10% in a day, so does our net price. If it goes down 90%, it’s a really painful experience.

Investors will probably want to reduce their risk, but there’s a value for doing so. That cost is missing out on potential gains. Just as crypto can tank 90%, so can also it pump 100%… maybe even 100x! And when it does, for those who’ve only got somewhat skin in the sport, then your mate who aped in all his funds a month ago will likely be laughing.

To create a buying strategy that increases potential gains relative to plain DCA without sacrificing the favourable low-risk profile that standard DCA offers. Same risk, higher gains.

The journey to our final DCA+ solution starts with an overview of how standard DCA reduces risk. It does so by increasing the sample size of buy prices such that the boldness interval across the difference between your average buy-price and the present price is reduced. In other words, the more times you purchase, the lower the likelihood that each single certainly one of those buys will likely be way above the longer term price.

That is, after all, an indirect way of managing risk. Could we go straight for the jugular and as an alternative assess risk more directly and reply to it accordingly? During research and development, we followed this line of questioning and a recent (so far as we all know), previously unexplored type of temporal asset allocation emerged: we term it ‘risk averaging’.

It really works like this: you are taking some data and process it in some technique to establish a risk rating. You compare this risk rating to the long-term average risk, after which use this ratio to change your ‘usual’ buy-amount. More formally, the dollar value (‘buy-amount’ from here onwards) of your purchase is calculated in accordance with:

Nonetheless, with the range of possible definitions of risk, there’ll come a wide range of performances when applying the strategy. And that is where the majority of our research has been directed. It’s also where our secret sauce lies. We will’t spill all our secrets but suffice to say that statistical tools and machine learning techniques have gotten increasingly powerful and there may be a growing body of literature demonstrating their effectiveness in identifying patterns in asset markets and forecasting certain trends. And thru DCA+, we’re putting our state-of-the-art proprietary risk assessment criteria in your hands.

So, for those who wrap our proprietary risk assessment algorithm into the Risk Averaging strategy, you get DCA Plus: the machine-learning-driven, set-and-forget strategy for all market conditions. The query is, how does it perform?

This figure compares the quantity of Bitcoin and ATOM collected by DCA Plus and traditional DCA for over seven hundred ‘trials’ throughout the backtesting window between 2020–2022. The gold lines represent performance of the DCA Plus strategy and the blue lines represent results of traditional DCA. The figure displays performance of the DCA Plus algorithm over various DCA durations, with longer time periods (180 day DCA duration) yielding the very best returns in comparison with traditional DCA and shorter durations (30 day DCA) yielding the smallest difference. The horizontal axis represents the day that the strategy commenced, with points on the road showing the ultimate amount bought for the strategy that played out over the next 180/90/30(+/-) days
This figure shows mean and standard error for returns (%) of 365 comparisons of DCA plus vs Standard DCA over the yr 2020–2021. Profits were, on average, 50% higher for the DCA Plus strategy compared to Standard DCA strategy.
This figure shows percentage returns on an initial investment when following either the DCA Plus or Standard DCA strategy. It shows the outcomes of over 180 trials commencing between 08/21 and 02/22. Returns were consistently negative for each strategies as trials commenced in the course of the peak bull market, nevertheless it is evident that DCA Plus is in a position to scale back the impact of the worth drop throughout 2022 by buying less at the highest.

So how will DCA Plus work? Under the hood, we’ll be scanning a wide range of market-related metrics on a each day basis. Every day, the fresh set of values is input into the trained model and an assessment of risk is generated. It will initially be held off-chain though we’re investigating avenues for training models on-chain. As mentioned earlier, the chance rating will then be in comparison with a long-term mean and this final rating will likely be used to moderate / alter regular buy-amount.

After all, we all know that many individuals decide to DCA because they often don’t have lump sums able to deploy. For these users, we’ve top up options for our DCA+ strategies. You’ll simply determine whether you’d wish to extend your strategy through time (keep your ‘regular buy amount’ constant but make the strategy go longer) or increase your regular buy-amount (and keep your expected finish time constant).

We’re incredibly excited to place DCA Plus in your hands. But we’re not done here. With more data comes more accurate assessments of risk and thus higher performance. We’ll proceed to update and train our model commonly, and ultimately we hope to maneuver this on-chain.


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