Can AI Assist in the World’s Most Dangerous Jobs?


AI has the potential to enhance workplace safety in a few of the world’s most dangerous jobs. From hazardous electrical work to dangerous life-saving surgeries, AI will help in lots of fields. This technology becomes more advanced and more capable 12 months after 12 months. How can AI be applied to high-risk jobs to create safer workplaces?

1. Mining and Underground Vehicle Operations

Mining careers have long been amongst essentially the most dangerous on the earth. People on this field face hazards like air pollution, chemicals, tunnel collapses and machinery accidents. Miners are at exceptionally high risk of developing pneumoconiosis, a lung disease attributable to exposure to respirable dust. It could possibly be worsened by exposure to diesel engine exhaust, similar to that created by mining machinery.

Robots can reduce this risk by taking up many high-risk jobs. As an alternative of working in tunnels themselves, mining employees could remotely control robots from a protected environment. Robots will help out on the job in some ways, including automated excavation, self-driving vehicles and AI safety monitoring technologies.

For instance, autonomous drones can patrol mining tunnels to watch air quality and pollution. If airborne hazards exceed a certain safety threshold, employees can evacuate from the world. Similarly, AI self-driving technology could possibly be applied to mining vehicles to take over high-risk manual tasks. Autonomous robotic excavators and rock drilling machines are already in development for this exact purpose.

2. Business Truck Driving

Lately, self-driving vehicle technology advances are making driverless trucks an actual possibility. Truck driving is one of the crucial dangerous jobs within the U.S. as a consequence of the prolonged time drivers spend on the road. They naturally face a higher-than-average risk of getting in a motorized vehicle accident and sometimes need to drive in adversarial conditions.

Self-driving vehicle technology could reduce or remove the necessity to put drivers’ safety in danger. More often than not truck drivers spend on the road is highway driving, sometimes even cross-country. Essentially the most complicated a part of the journey is often only the previous couple of miles, though. This “last mile” leg often includes navigating more traffic and getting around parking lots and loading bays.

AI may soon have the option to automate most road hours, allowing truck drivers to take over only for the previous couple of miles. This reduces the time drivers spend on the road and the gap they need to cover, reducing the risks they face. Multiple firms are working to make self-driving trucks a reality. For instance, developer TuSimple successfully accomplished a fully-driverless test drive of its self-driving truck program in 2021.

3. Utilities and Energy Maintenance

People within the utilities and energy industry face many workplace hazards, including electrification and falls. These jobs could be difficult to automate since they typically require high skill and flexibility. Nonetheless, there are still ways in which AI can improve safety for utilities and energy industry employees.

For instance, utility firms can reduce the chance employees are exposed by to using more precise predictive maintenance. With the assistance of AI-powered digital twins, they will closely monitor power grids to predict precisely where and when attention will probably be crucial. Predictive maintenance allows personnel to pay attention their efforts only on the points of the grid that need attention most.

Moreover, manual processes in electrical pole inspections can minimize with the assistance of LiDAR, photogrammetry and AI. Maintenance technicians can use these technologies to examine electrical poles, minimizing the variety of manual tasks they should perform. This reduces the likelihood of injuries as a consequence of electrical accidents.

AI robots may even help out in utility maintenance roles. Multiple developers worldwide are working on robots that may inspect high-voltage power lines autonomously or via handheld remote control. These robots roll along the ability lines using cameras and sensors to look for issues. Meanwhile, human maintenance technicians can safely review the info and imagery from the bottom.

4. High-Risk Medical Procedures

Surgeons have one of the crucial dangerous jobs on the earth. While the surgeons themselves might not be in immediate danger on the job, their work is high risk as a consequence of the sensitive nature of surgery. If medical staff make a mistake, it could negatively impact the patient’s well-being immediately.

Robots and AI can offer support within the operating room, improving patient outcomes and reducing risks. Each of those technologies are already in use in hospitals worldwide today. For instance, robotic assistance reduced incidents of life-threatening complications to 0%–2% in gastrointestinal surgeries.

AI-powered robots will help doctors by performing high-precision surgical tasks. Surgical robots may even allow doctors to oversee procedures remotely. This could enable people to get protected, high-precision surgeries from doctors anywhere on the earth. Moreover, AI will help surgeons predict post-op complications and discover patient risk aspects by analyzing medical data.

5. Farming and Agriculture

Careers in agriculture often involve working with large machinery, working with animals and going out in adversarial weather conditions, similar to high temperatures. AI-powered robots could make the agriculture industry safer by automating high-risk jobs. This may even help address labor shortages in farming roles.

Students at Monash University in Australia have developed an AI robot that may harvest apples autonomously. The robot uses camera vision to find out whether an apple is ripe. It uses a robotic soft gripper to delicately pluck apples from orchards at a rate of 1 apple every seven seconds. Robots like this might keep farm employees out of the sun and warmth, reducing exposure to sunburn, heat stroke and other temperature-related illnesses.

One of these robot isn’t just for selecting apples, either — the identical technology could apply to harvesting nearly any type of produce. Having a robot around to cover labor shortages would also reduce strain on understaffed teams. This might further reduce the likelihood of injuries and workplace stress.

AI and Robotics Improve Workplace Safety

Many individuals today are nervous about losing their jobs to a robot. Nonetheless, AI and robotics can actually make careers safer by automating high-risk tasks. The strategic use of AI in dangerous profession fields could reduce rates of work-related injuries and illnesses. Employees would get to remain safer, healthier and more comfortable on the job with their AI co-workers.


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