B2N releases business metadata solution ‘Bizmeta’


(Photo = B2N)

B2N (CEO Cho Kwang-won), an organization specializing in big data and artificial intelligence (AI), announced on the twentieth that it had launched ‘BizMeta’, which manages metadata information in order that information will be accessed and simply understood from a business perspective.

B2N explained that with the recent emphasis on user-centered data strategies, business organizations are changing to investigate and utilize data directly without the assistance of IT teams.

Metadata is structured information for users to administer and utilize data, and a tool that supports integrating, managing, and utilizing such information is known as a metadata management solution. In accordance with a report published by Markets and Markets, already in North America and European countries, increasing adoption of metadata management tools in key verticals is accelerating the expansion of the market, with the market size growing at a CAGR of 19.0% from 2021 to 2026. expected to be recorded.

While general metadata solutions are solutions from the IT perspective, B2N’s Bizmeta provides business users with easy-to-understand explanations and relationships for data to maximise the use of data.

It may even be used as an add-on module for SMETA, B2N’s metadata management solution. Business meta information will be managed in the shape of independent properties and classification systems for every type, and integrated management is provided from a business perspective through information management linked to IT meta data.

“If metadata is managed only from the IT perspective, it’s not possible to envision accurate data when making data-based business decisions, and it becomes not possible to interpret it from the identical business perspective throughout the corporate,” said Jinseung Yoo, head of B2N’s Solution Business Division. “Data Governance Since Bizmeta is changing from a control-centered to a utilization perspective, Bizmeta was developed in order that business users can maximize data utilization, and it’s designed in order that corporations using existing SMETA can easily moreover introduce it to efficiently expand data utilization from a business perspective. We considered it,” he said.

Reporter Lim Dae-jun ydj@aitimes.com


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