32 Open Source Libraries for Python’s thirty second Birthday



Completely happy Birthday Python!

Guido van Rossum created Python on this present day, February twentieth, in 1991. Within the last 32 years Python has change into probably the most popular programming languages on this planet with over 15 million developers! There are even entire sites dedicated to people learning Python corresponding to RealPython, PythonAlgos, and LearnPython. Together with full sites dedicated to Python, there are over 137k open source libraries! Let’s take a take a look at 32 amazing open source libraries for Python’s thirty second birthday.

The preferred use case of Python is AI/ML in order that’s where these libraries are coming from. The order of the libraries is unfair

Natural Language Processing

  1. DeepSpeech — Speech to Text
  2. CoreNLP —Text Evaluation
  3. spaCy —Text Evaluation
  4. PyNLP — End to End NLP
  5. NLTK — Text Evaluation
  6. SpeechRecognition — Speech to Text (tutorial)
  7. TorchAudio — Audio Processing (intro)
  8. Porcupine — Wake Word Detection

Computer Vision

9. OpenCV — Segmentation/Recognition

10. YOLOv5 — Segmentation/Recognition

11. YOLOv8 — Segmentation/Recognition

12. PaddleOCR — Optical Character Recognition

13. SciKit-Image — Image Processing

14. TorchVision — Image Processing

15. DeepFace — Facial Recognition

16. MMDetection — Object Recognition

Machine Learning

17. PyTorch — Neural Nets

18. TensorFlow — Neural Nets

19. Keras — Neural Nets

20. Sci-Kit Learn — Machine Learning

21. Theano — Neural Nets

22. Caffe — Deep Learning

23. NNI — AutoML

24. Chainer — Deep Learning


25. NumPy — Data Processing

26. Pandas — Data Processing

27. MatPlotLib — Data Visualization

28. SciPy — Data Processing

29. Seaborn — Data Visualization

30. Bokeh — Data Visualization

31. Pillow — Imaging

32. GGPy — GGPlot for Python

Bonus from Jan Katins on Twitter — PlotNine, apparently GGPy is not any longer maintained.

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