Does Open Content mean Free?


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Today, we delve into the whirlwind of controversy stirred by Microsoft’s AI CEO, Mustafa Suleyman.

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  • Microsoft’s AI CEO says it’s nice to “steal” open web content.

  • Harnessing AI for early alzheimer’s detection through speech evaluation.

  • Each day trending & featured AIs boost your profession and business.

  • MIT robotics pioneer believes persons are overestimating generative AI.

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  • SK Hynix Publicizes $75 Billion Investment – SK Hynix has unveiled plans to invest 103 trillion won ($74.8 billion) by 2028, with a big concentrate on high-bandwidth memory (HBM) chips optimized for Nvidia’s AI accelerators.

  • Chinese AI Startups Relocate to Singapore – Chinese AI founders are moving to Singapore to gain access to foreign capital and advanced technologies amid growing geopolitical tensions.

  • AI Landlords – Landlords are increasingly turning to AI chatbots for tenant communications, rent reminders, and maintenance issues, raising concerns about impersonal service and potential misinformation.

  • Chaos on Facebook – Facebook’s algorithm continues to advertise bizarre AI-generated images, including law enforcement officials carrying misspelled “Holy Bibles” through floods. These posts, fueled by spammers, gain significant engagement despite their artificial origins.


Microsoft’s AI CEO says it’s nice to “steal” open web content.

The controversial statements by Microsoft AI’s CEO, Mustafa Suleyman, about using content on the open web as “freeware” for training AI models, have sparked plenty of discussion.

The Details:

  • Microsoft’s Daring Claim: Mustafa Suleyman asserts that content on the open web has been considered “freeware” because the ’90s, usable for training AI without restrictions.

  • Legal Controversies: Microsoft and OpenAI face lawsuits for allegedly using copyrighted online stories to coach their AI models, suggesting a conflict between corporate practices and copyright law.

  • The Fair Use Argument: Suleyman references a “social contract” of fair use that he claims allows the free use of web content, a view at odds with the legal definition of fair use determined by courts.

  • The robots.txt Dilemma: Suleyman points to the robots.txt file as a “social contract” for web scraping, though it lacks legal force, illustrating the murky territory of AI’s interaction with online content.

Why It Matters:

  • Mental Property Rights: The controversy highlights critical issues about copyright laws as AI technologies evolve.

  • Corporate Responsibility: Microsoft’s stance raises questions on the moral responsibilities of AI firms in respecting creators’ rights.

  • Legal and Social Implications: The outcomes of those legal battles and public debates could reshape the landscape of content creation, AI development, and copyright enforcement.


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Harnessing AI for early alzheimer’s detection through speech evaluation.

Image Credit: AI Secret

Scientists at Boston University created an AI algorithm that may accurately predict the progression from mild cognitive impairment (MCI) to Alzheimer’s.

The Details:

  • AI Algorithm Development: Boston University researchers have created an AI that may predict Alzheimer’s progression from MCI based on speech evaluation with 78.5% accuracy.

  • Methodology and Training: The AI was trained using voice recordings from individuals known to develop Alzheimer’s, utilizing a machine learning approach to detect crucial speech pattern changes.

  • Potential for Early Detection: This research highlights the AI’s ability to forecast Alzheimer’s risk years upfront, potentially allowing for earlier interventions and treatment strategies.

  • Broader Implications for Healthcare: The simplicity and accessibility of the test could revolutionize how we approach Alzheimer’s diagnosis and management, enabling widespread use even through smartphones.

Why It Matters:

  • Advancing Alzheimer’s Research: Early detection could lead on to higher management strategies and speed up the event of effective treatments.

  • Impact on Patient Care: With early diagnosis, patients can receive treatments sooner and possibly take part in clinical trials, improving overall outcomes.

  • Technological Innovation in Healthcare: This research exemplifies how AI can transform traditional diagnostic methods, making them more efficient and accessible.


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MIT robotics pioneer believes persons are overestimating generative AI.

Paul Marotta

Rodney Brooks, a pioneer in robotics from MIT, critically assesses the present enthusiasm surrounding generative AI, suggesting that its capabilities are being significantly overestimated by the general public and a few sectors of the tech industry.

The Details:

  • Brooks’ Background and Credibility: As an influential figure in robotics and a former director of MIT’s CSAIL, Brooks brings a seasoned perspective to the controversy on AI capabilities.

  • Critical View on Generative AI: Brooks argues that while generative AI is a remarkable technological achievement, it will not be as versatile or capable as many imagine.

  • Realistic Application of AI in Robotics: He emphasizes practical applications of AI in settings like warehouses, where AI-driven solutions can optimize operations without attempting to mimic human behavior.

Why It Matters:

  • Balanced Expectations for AI: Brooks’ insights help temper unrealistic expectations about AI, promoting a more balanced view of its potential and limitations.

  • Guidance for AI Application: His emphasis on practical and achievable AI applications can guide industries in making more informed decisions about integrating AI technologies.

  • Impact on AI Research and Development: Understanding the realistic capabilities of AI can influence future research directions, focusing efforts on areas where AI can truly make a difference without overselling its potential.

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