Suncheon Wangjo District Office, Jeonnam Provincial Office Chosen as Best Regional Office


Suncheon Police Station (Chief Kuk Seung-in) Wangjo District Team was chosen as the most effective regional police station by the Jeonnam Police Agency and held a certification plaque presentation ceremony on the twenty sixth.

The Best Regional Office is chosen annually through a comprehensive evaluation of 206 district stations and police boxes under the Jeonnam Provincial Police Agency based on ▲security needs ▲arrests of major criminals ▲on-site response capabilities ▲best practices, etc.

The Wangjo District of Suncheon Police Station was chosen as the most effective police station within the South Jeolla Province Police Agency and held a certificate award ceremony. (Photo = Suncheon Police Station)

The Wangjo District Police Station is an area police station accountable for roughly 18% of all 112 calls within the Suncheon area. It received excellent grades in each indicator through lively security activities equivalent to arresting major criminals and strengthening on-site response capabilities through public-private-police cooperation, making it the most effective local police station. was chosen

On today, the top of the Life Safety Department of the Jeonnam Police Agency (Police Officer Na Won-oh) attended the award ceremony and presented a certificate of appreciation to the wonderful police officer for cooperation in public security, in addition to a certificate of commendation and a certificate of recognition for the most effective local police station.

The Suncheon Police Chief expressed his gratitude for the staff’s labor, saying, “That is the results of all the staff of the Dynasty District Unit doing their best of their duties with one mind and one mind in a continually tense public security field.” He added, “We’ll proceed to make Suncheon a protected and blissful place through sincere public security activities.” “Please do your best,” he emphasized.

Reporter Yang Jun-seok


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