Massive Security Flaw Discovered in AI Device


Good morning. It’s Friday, June twenty eighth.

Did you understand: On at the present time in 2011, Google+ was introduced as an invite-only beta.

  • OpenAI Restricts Access to Adversarial Countries

  • Rabbit R1 Security Breach

  • Zuck: Closed Source AI Trying To Create God

  • AI Avatar Video Calls

  • 10 Latest AI Tools

  • Latest AI Research Papers

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Today’s trending AI news stories

OpenAI To Restrict Access To China, Russia, North Korea

Starting July ninth, OpenAI will impose stricter API restrictions on unsupported countries, notably China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran. This motion follows a warning email to developers about API usage from these regions. Affected developers face challenges in identifying traffic from unsupported areas, as OpenAI doesn’t provide detailed data on API key usage by region.

Recent findings by OpenAI highlight the misuse of its AI models by state-backed actors from Russia, China, Iran, and Israel for propaganda and disinformation campaigns, though these efforts have shown minimal impact on account of frequent human errors exposing AI-generated content. Previously, OpenAI and Microsoft identified and terminated accounts of state actors exploiting AI for malicious activities. The brand new API restrictions aim to curb such misuse, especially significant in an election yr. Read more.

Jailbreakers Find Massive Security Flaw In Rabbit R1’s Code

Rabbit’s R1 AI gadget has been implicated in a security breach uncovered by a bunch of developers, Rabbitude. They found hardcoded API keys in Rabbit’s software, potentially exposing sensitive data to unauthorized access. These keys provided entry to Rabbit’s accounts with services like ElevenLabs and SendGrid, used for email communications.

In response to Rabbitude, this flaw allowed access to all responses from R1 devices. Despite being aware of the difficulty for over a month, Rabbit reportedly delayed securing the exposed data adequately. While some API keys have been revoked, access to the SendGrid key remained open as of the newest update. Rabbit responded by acknowledging the breach on its website and Discord channel, stating ongoing investigations into the protection of customer data. Read more.

Zuckerberg Disses Closed-Source AI Competitors As Trying To ‘Create God’

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg recently took a not-so-subtle jab at competitors within the AI field for his or her closed-source approaches, likening their ambitions to “creating God.” In a recent interview, Zuckerberg stressed the importance of open-source AI, arguing against the concept of a single, dominating AI entity. He emphasized the necessity for diverse AI developments that cater to numerous human interests, contrasting Meta’s approach with those focused on monopolistic control.

This push for openness reflects Meta’s overall strategy of constructing an open AI ecosystem where a large number of AI solutions can flourish, versus walled gardens. This philosophy aligns perfectly with their recent launch of AI Studio, a tool that lets creators whip up custom AI avatars for interactive messaging on Instagram. Read more.

Character.AI Allows Users To Talk With AI Avatars Over Calls

Character.AI has introduced a brand new feature allowing users to have interaction in calls with AI avatars, supporting multiple languages including English, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Korean, Japanese, and Chinese. Before its public launch, the feature underwent testing and has already facilitated over 20 million calls by 3 million users. It enables language practice, mock interviews, and integration into role-playing games. Users can easily initiate calls with user-generated AI characters with a single tap, ensuring smooth interactions with reduced latency.

The platform also offers seamless switching between calling and texting and includes an choice to interrupt AI responses. Earlier, Character.AI launched Character Voices for one-on-one chats, featuring over 1 million user-created voices. This initiative coincides with user feedback noting changes in character behavior, attributed by the corporate to testing phases. Read more.

Etcetera: Stories you could have missed

10 latest AI-powered tools from around the online enables side-by-side AI model comparisons, facilitating informed decisions with shared results, community voting, and prompt evaluation.

Aire quickly builds customizable business web apps from AI prompts, generating data models, workflows, user interfaces, and charts.

Dappier 2.0 is an internet marketplace that protects and monetizes AI-accessed content, ensuring fair compensation for content creators.

ToucanFX, created by Leo Nagano, is an AI-powered platform for generating custom sound effects. It utilizes ElevenLabs’ sound effects API.

Skyvern is an open source AI agent that automates browser-based workflows, replacing fragile scripts with a straightforward API for diverse tasks.

Query Base uses AI to automate responses to repetitive questions in Slack, capturing and organizing knowledge shared in conversations.

GPUDeploy is a marketplace offering low-cost, on-demand GPU rentals from reliable providers at wholesale prices, simplifying access to compute resources.

AiTerm simplifies terminal usage by converting natural language into executable commands, providing real-time AI assistance and command suggestions.

Inductor Custom Playgrounds auto-generate shareable playgrounds for LLM apps using a single CLI command, facilitating collaborative development and rapid iteration.

Proxlight Designer 3 accelerates GUI development in Python using AI for code generation and Figma for designing Tkinter interfaces.

arXiv is a free online library where researchers share pre-publication papers.

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