Google’s major AI upgrades


Welcome, AI enthusiasts.

It has been a quiet Summer for Google since May’s I/O event — however the tech giant just released a formidable double-feature blockbuster.

With the launch of Gemma 2 and several other recent Gemini upgrades, is Google about to steal the AI highlight once more? Let’s investigate…

In today’s AI rundown:

  • Google launches Gemma 2, Gemini upgrades

  • TIME strikes major take care of OpenAI

  • Use ChatGPT to show docs into spreadsheets

  • OpenAI’s critics train smarter AI systems

  • 6 recent AI tools & 4 recent AI jobs

  • More AI & tech news

Read time: 4 minutes



🚀 Google launches Gemma 2, Gemini upgrades

Image source: Google

The Rundown: Google just launched Gemma 2, the subsequent generation of its open lightweight AI model series — alongside recent upgrades to its Gemini 1.5 Pro model including a 2M token context window and enhanced coding capabilities.

The main points:

  • Gemma 2 is available in two sizes, a 9B parameter model and a bigger 27B parameter model — with a 2.6B parameter lightweight version teased for the long run.

  • The 27B model offers competitive performance to models greater than twice its size, while the 9B significantly outperforms similar-class models like Llama 3 8B.

  • Alongside Gemma 2, Google also opened access to Gemini 1.5 Pro’s 2M token context window, allowing for processing of for much longer inputs.

  • Recent code capabilities for Gemini Pro and Flash enable the models to generate and run Python code to enhance accuracy on math and data reasoning tasks.

Why it matters: Google’s Gemma upgrades send a brand new open-source powerhouse to the highest of the rankings while running efficiently (and affordably) on a single GPU. To not be overshadowed is Gemini’s 2M context window release, which opens up a mind-blowing number of latest capabilities to users.


The Rundown: Transform the way in which you create and share complex workflows with Guidde, an AI-powered platform that helps users produce engaging video documentation immediately.

With Guidde’s GPT-powered extension, you’ll be able to:

  • Design stunning visuals like a professional with no prior experience

  • Benefit from AI-generated step-by-step descriptions and voiceovers

  • Capture workflows effortlessly with Guidde’s efficient browser extension

Experience the magic of AI-powered documentation and try Guidde’s free extension today.


🤝 TIME strikes major take care of OpenAI

Image source: OpenAI

The Rundown: TIME just announced a brand new multi-year licensing agreement and partnership with OpenAI, infusing the media giant’s library of content into ChatGPT, AI model training, and other products.

The main points:

  • TIME’s 101-year archive will probably be used to coach OpenAI’s models, with each past and current content also available for more accurate responses to news queries.

  • ChatGPT and other OpenAI products will surface TIME content in responses, including citations and links back to the articles.

  • TIME gains access to OpenAI tech to develop recent features for readers — with the corporate already integrating several AI-powered tools on their website.

  • TIME joins media giants like AP, NewsCorp, and Vox in striking a take care of OpenAI, which comes despite ongoing lawsuits from NYT and others.

Why it matters: ‘Should you can’t beat em, join em’ appears to be the theme of the present state of AI and journalism — and it’s getting lonelier on the side of publishers still attempting to fight against the present. With the recent news of MTV’s archives being deleted, possibly AI models cannot only inform but in addition act as a preservation tool for years of content currently fading from the Web.


📊 Use ChatGPT to show docs into spreadsheets

The Rundown: With a straightforward prompt, ChatGPT can analyze documents, answer questions, perform calculations, and create a downloadable spreadsheet — multi functional conversation!


  1. Log in to ChatGPT and upload your document to the chat (remember to remove any sensitive data before submitting).

  2. Ask questions on it, e.g., “How much is the safety deposit?”

  3. Request calculations, like the full first month’s costs, including deposits and charges.

  4. Easy prompt ChatGPT to “create a downloadable budget spreadsheet”, specifying the time-frame and desired columns.

Note: Only share documents you are comfortable with. Be cautious with sensitive information and consider redacting critical details before uploading.

Get more AI tutorials →


The Rundown: Galileo Luna is transforming how enterprises evaluate their generative AI systems — offering quick, accurate, and cost-effective detection of hallucinations, prompt attacks, and data leakage.

Luna offers:

  • Real-time detection of hallucinations, prompt attacks, and data leakage

  • 18% higher accuracy, 11x faster speed, and 97% lower costs than GPT-3.5

  • No need for ground truth data, saving you time and resources

  • Customizable evaluation models tailored to your specific needs

Start with Galileo Luna and experience the long run of AI evaluations today.


🔎 OpenAI’s critics train smarter AI systems

Image source: OpenAI

The Rundown: OpenAI just published recent research exploring how you can improve model training using AI ‘critics’ that help human trainers spot errors in AI outputs more effectively.

The main points:

  • OpenAI developed a model called CriticGPT to help human trainers in evaluating and catching errors in code written by AI systems like ChatGPT.

  • In tests, CriticGPT caught 85% of inserted bugs in AI-generated code, in comparison with just 50% for human reviewers alone.

  • Human trainers also preferred CriticGPT’s code critics over their very own 63% of the time on naturally occurring bugs.

  • OpenAI said that CriticGPT-type models are already being integrated into the corporate’s training workflow, helping prepare for advancing AI systems.

Why it matters: As OpenAI states within the research paper, each LLMs and AI critics will proceed to scale — human intelligence is not going to. The constraints of our own puny mortal brains look to be no match for evaluating systems which are continuing to soar, meaning AI is quickly becoming its own trainer.


Trending AI Tools

  • 🎨 Figma AI – AI built-in Figma, turns text into visual design with ease

  • 📞 Character AI Character Call – Interactive phone conversations with AI characters

  • 💬 Sider ChatScreen – AI chat for on-screen content, available on iOS

  • Query Base – Robotically answer repetitive questions in Slack

  • 🏋️‍♂️ The Fittest – Gamify your fitness journey with AI

  • 🖍️ AI Gradient Generator – Create gradients from text prompts in seconds

Browse more AI tools →

Recent AI Job Opportunities

  • 👁️ Waymo – Senior Software Engineer, Perception Evaluation

  • ✏️ Grammarly – Software Engineer, Front-End

  • 🔬 Tempus – Manager, Molecular Extractions

  • 🚀 Palantir – Forward Deployed Software Engineer

Browse more AI jobs →


A Reddit user shared a clip that reportedly demos early access to OpenAI’s upcoming Voice Mode upgrades, showcasing the flexibility to weave in background sound effects during responses.

Character AI launched Character Calls, a free feature enabling users to have two-way voice conversations with AI characters across multiple languages on the platform’s mobile app.

University of Tokyo researchers developed a brand new technique to bind living human skin to robotic faces, potentially enabling more lifelike androids along with other medical applications.

Meta is set to start testing its creator-made AI chatbots on Instagram within the U.S., with a broader rollout expected by August.

Eureka Health introduced Eureka, an ‘AI doctor’ offering personalized care plans, lab orders, and medicine adjustments under physician supervision with a specialty in thyroid and diabetes treatments.

Recent York University researchers published a brand new paper on MLLMs and vision-centric approaches, also introducing a brand new Cambrian-1 model family and a brand new benchmark to measure vision-related tasks.



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