⌛ ChatGPT Voice Assistant Delayed


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  • OpenAI delays voice assistant launch over issues of safety.

  • AI is a challenge for central banks to enhance their performance, says BIS.

  • Day by day trending & featured AIs boost your profession and business.

  • Lawmakers raise concerns over AI denials in medicare advantage plans.

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OpenAI delays voice assistant launch over issues of safety.

Image Credit: AI Secret

OpenAI has announced a delay in the launch of its latest “Voice Mode” feature. Originally scheduled for release in late June, the feature’s introduction has been postponed to July as a result of technical challenges that need addressing before it meets the corporate’s launch standards.

The Details:

  • Launch Delay: The “Voice Mode” feature, which guarantees a practical voice conversation experience, was set for a limited release to ChatGPT Plus users but has been postponed by a month.

  • Technical Improvements Needed: OpenAI is specializing in enhancing the model’s content detection capabilities and refining the general user experience to make sure it could actually handle real-time interactions at scale.

  • Infrastructure Preparation: The corporate can also be making vital adjustments to its infrastructure to support the anticipated high demand and ensure seamless service for hundreds of thousands of users.

Why It Matters:

  • User Experience Enhancements: The delay highlights OpenAI’s commitment to quality and safety in user interactions, ensuring the brand new feature performs optimally upon release.

  • Content Moderation Focus: Improving content detection is crucial for maintaining the moral use of AI in consumer applications, reflecting OpenAI’s ongoing efforts to deal with potential misuse.

  • Scalability and Performance: Preparing the infrastructure to handle significant loads is significant for the success of the feature, indicating the challenges tech firms face when scaling revolutionary AI-driven solutions.


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AI is a challenge for central banks to enhance their performance, says BIS.

Image Credit: AI Secret

The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) has issued a call to central banks globally to adapt to the transformative impacts of AI on the economic system. Highlighting each the immense potential and significant risks related to AI, the BIS emphasizes the urgent need for central banks to boost their understanding and integration of this technology.

The Details:

  • Urgent Call for Adaptation: The BIS stresses the importance for central banks to rapidly adjust to the combination of AI, which is reshaping economic landscapes and financial structures.

  • Potential Advantages and Risks: While AI can greatly increase productivity and efficiency in financial operations, it also presents risks comparable to misinformation dissemination and susceptibility to cyber-attacks.

  • Impact on Monetary Policy and Financial Stability: The BIS discusses AI’s ambiguous effects on inflation and its broader impact on financial stability, urging central banks to arrange for these changes.

Why It Matters:

  • Innovation vs. Stability: The adoption of AI by central banks could revolutionize financial monitoring and policy-making, however it also requires careful management to avoid destabilizing the economic system.

  • Regulatory and Security Challenges: As AI technologies grow to be more pervasive, central banks must address the regulatory challenges and enhance security measures to guard against potential vulnerabilities.

  • Preparation for Future Financial Landscapes: By understanding and integrating AI, central banks can higher prepare for future challenges and opportunities, ensuring a stable transition into increasingly digitized financial environments.


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Lawmakers raise concerns over AI denials in medicare advantage plans.

Image Credit: AI Secret

Allegations cite UnitedHealth Group using the AI algorithm nH Predict to unjustly deny rehabilitative care, pressuring employees to stick to algorithm predictions for patient stays.

The Details:

  • Congressional Concerns: Fifty-one Democratic members of Congress and Senator Bernie Sanders address the misuse of AI in denying healthcare in Medicare Advantage plans.

  • Legal Challenges: A lawsuit alleges UnitedHealth Group’s AI system, nH Predict, wrongfully denies rehabilitative care, sparking broader investigations and outcry.

  • Regulatory Response: CMS clarifies that AI can assist but not override medical necessity in coverage decisions, aiming to make sure proper use of technology in healthcare decisions.

Why It Matters:

  • Ethical Implications: The controversy highlights the moral challenges of integrating AI in healthcare, emphasizing the necessity for equitable technology use that enhances patient care slightly than compromises it.

  • Policy Adjustments: Calls for stricter regulations and oversight to stop misuse of AI in healthcare, ensuring that technology serves the patient’s best interests.

  • Impact on Seniors: As AI technology becomes more prevalent, ensuring its responsible use in sensitive areas like healthcare for seniors and disabled individuals becomes crucial.

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