Steven Hillion, SVP of Data and AI at Astronomer – Interview Series


Steven Hillion is the Senior Vice President of Data and AI at Astronomer, where he leverages his extensive academic background in research mathematics and over 15 years of experience in Silicon Valley’s machine learning platform development. At Astronomer, he spearheads the creation of Apache Airflow features specifically designed for ML and AI teams and oversees the interior data science team. Under his leadership, Astronomer has advanced its modern data orchestration platform, significantly enhancing its data pipeline capabilities to support a various range of information sources and tasks through machine learning.

Are you able to share some details about your journey in data science and AI, and the way it has shaped your approach to leading engineering and analytics teams?

I had a background in research mathematics at Berkeley before I moved across the Bay to Silicon Valley and worked as an engineer in a series of successful start-ups. I used to be comfortable to depart behind the politics and bureaucracy of academia, but I discovered inside just a few years that I missed the maths. So I shifted into developing platforms for machine learning and analytics, and that’s just about what I’ve done since.

My training in pure mathematics has resulted in a preference for what data scientists call ‘parsimony’ — the appropriate tool for the job, and nothing more.  Because mathematicians are likely to favor elegant solutions over complex machinery, I’ve all the time tried to emphasise simplicity when applying machine learning to business problems. Deep learning is great for some applications — large language models are good for summarizing documents, for instance — but sometimes a straightforward regression model is more appropriate and easier to elucidate.

It’s been fascinating to see the shifting role of the info scientist and the software engineer in these last twenty years since machine learning became widespread. Having worn each hats, I’m very aware of the importance of the software development lifecycle (especially automation and testing) as applied to machine learning projects.

What are the largest challenges in moving, processing, and analyzing unstructured data for AI and huge language models (LLMs)?

On the planet of Generative AI, your data is your Most worthy asset. The models are increasingly commoditized, so your differentiation is all that hard-won institutional knowledge captured in your proprietary and curated datasets.

Delivering the appropriate data at the appropriate time places high demands in your data pipelines — and this is applicable for unstructured data just as much as structured data, or perhaps more. Often you’re ingesting data from many alternative sources, in many alternative formats. You wish access to quite a lot of methods to be able to unpack the info and get it ready to be used in model inference or model training. You furthermore mght need to know the provenance of the info, and where it leads to order to “show your work”.

Should you’re only doing this infrequently to coach a model, that’s positive. You don’t necessarily must operationalize it. Should you’re using the model every day, to know customer sentiment from online forums, or to summarize and route invoices, then it starts to seem like every other operational data pipeline, which implies you want to take into consideration reliability and reproducibility. Or should you’re fine-tuning the model usually, then you want to worry about monitoring for accuracy and price.

The excellent news is that data engineers have developed an important platform, Airflow,  for managing data pipelines, which has already been applied successfully to managing model deployment and monitoring by a few of the world’s most sophisticated ML teams. So the models could also be latest, but orchestration shouldn’t be.

Are you able to elaborate on the usage of synthetic data to fine-tune smaller models for accuracy? How does this compare to training larger models?

It’s a robust technique. You may consider the perfect large language models as in some way encapsulating what they’ve learned in regards to the world, and so they can pass that on to smaller models by generating synthetic data. LLMs encapsulate vast amounts of data learned from extensive training on diverse datasets. These models can generate synthetic data that captures the patterns, structures, and knowledge they’ve learned. This synthetic data can then be used to coach smaller models, effectively transferring a few of the knowledge from the larger models to the smaller ones. This process is sometimes called “knowledge distillation” and helps in creating efficient, smaller models that also perform well on specific tasks. And with synthetic data then you definitely can avoid privacy issues, and fill within the gaps in training data that’s small or incomplete.

This might be helpful for training a more domain-specific generative AI model, and might even be simpler than training a “larger” model, with a greater level of control.

Data scientists have been generating synthetic data for some time and imputation has been around so long as messy datasets have existed. But you usually needed to be very careful that you simply weren’t introducing biases, or making incorrect assumptions in regards to the distribution of the info. Now that synthesizing data is a lot easier and powerful, you have got to be much more careful. Errors might be magnified.

A scarcity of diversity in generated data can result in ‘model collapse’. The model thinks it’s doing well, but that’s since it hasn’t seen the total picture. And, more generally, a scarcity of diversity in training data is something that data teams should all the time be searching for.

At a baseline level, whether you’re using synthetic data or organic data, lineage and quality are paramount for training or fine-tuning any model. As we all know, models are only pretty much as good as the info they’re trained on.  While synthetic data might be an important tool to assist represent a sensitive dataset without exposing it or to fill in gaps that is perhaps neglected of a representative dataset, you need to have a paper trail showing where the info got here from and have the ability to prove its level of quality.

What are some modern techniques your team at Astronomer is implementing to enhance the efficiency and reliability of information pipelines?

So many! Astro’s fully-managed Airflow infrastructure and the Astro Hypervisor supports dynamic scaling and proactive monitoring through advanced health metrics. This ensures that resources are used efficiently and that systems are reliable at any scale. Astro provides robust data-centric alerting with customizable notifications that might be sent through various channels like Slack and PagerDuty. This ensures timely intervention before issues escalate.

Data validation tests, unit tests, and data quality checks play vital roles in ensuring the reliability, accuracy, and efficiency of information pipelines and ultimately the info that powers your enterprise. These checks make sure that whilst you quickly construct data pipelines to fulfill your deadlines, they’re actively catching errors, improving development times, and reducing unexpected errors within the background. At Astronomer, we’ve built tools like Astro CLI to assist seamlessly check code functionality or discover integration issues inside your data pipeline.

How do you see the evolution of generative AI governance, and what measures must be taken to support the creation of more tools?

Governance is imperative if the applications of Generative AI are going to achieve success. It’s all about transparency and reproducibility. Do you already know the way you got this result, and from where, and by whom? Airflow by itself already gives you a approach to see what individual data pipelines are doing. Its user interface was one in every of the explanations for its rapid adoption early on, and at Astronomer we’ve augmented that with visibility across teams and deployments. We also provide our customers with Reporting Dashboards that supply comprehensive insights into platform usage, performance, and price attribution for informed decision making. As well as, the Astro API enables teams to programmatically deploy, automate, and manage their Airflow pipelines, mitigating risks related to manual processes, and ensuring seamless operations at scale when managing multiple Airflow environments. Lineage capabilities are baked into the platform.

These are all steps toward helping to administer data governance, and I consider corporations of all sizes are recognizing the importance of information governance for ensuring trust in AI applications. This recognition and awareness will largely drive the demand for data governance tools, and I anticipate the creation of more of those tools to speed up as generative AI proliferates. But they have to be a part of the larger orchestration stack, which is why we view it as fundamental to the best way we construct our platform.

Are you able to provide examples of how Astronomer’s solutions have improved operational efficiency and productivity for clients?

Generative AI processes involve complex and resource-intensive tasks that have to be fastidiously optimized and repeatedly executed. Astro, Astronomer’s managed Apache Airflow platform, provides a framework at the middle of the emerging AI app stack to assist simplify these tasks and enhance the power to innovate rapidly.

By orchestrating generative AI tasks, businesses can ensure computational resources are used efficiently and workflows are optimized and adjusted in real-time. This is especially necessary in environments where generative models should be often updated or retrained based on latest data.

By leveraging Airflow’s workflow management and Astronomer’s deployment and scaling capabilities, teams can spend less time managing infrastructure and focus their attention as a substitute on data transformation and model development, which accelerates the deployment of Generative AI applications and enhances performance.

In this fashion, Astronomer’s Astro platform has helped customers improve the operational efficiency of generative AI across a wide selection of use cases. To call just a few, use cases include e-commerce product discovery, customer churn risk evaluation, support automation, legal document classification and summarization, garnering product insights from customer reviews, and dynamic cluster provisioning for product image generation.

What role does Astronomer play in enhancing the performance and scalability of AI and ML applications?

Scalability is a significant challenge for businesses tapping into generative AI in 2024. When moving from prototype to production, users expect their generative AI apps to be reliable and performant, and for the outputs they produce to be trustworthy. This must be done cost-effectively and businesses of all sizes must have the ability to harness its potential. With this in mind, by utilizing Astronomer, tasks might be scaled horizontally to dynamically process large numbers of information sources. Astro can elastically scale deployments and the clusters they’re hosted on, and queue-based task execution with dedicated machine types provides greater reliability and efficient use of compute resources. To assist with the cost-efficiency piece of the puzzle, Astro offers scale-to-zero and hibernation features, which help control spiraling costs and reduce cloud spending. We also provide complete transparency around the associated fee of the platform. My very own data team generates reports on consumption which we make available every day to our customers.

What are some future trends in AI and data science that you simply are enthusiastic about, and the way is Astronomer preparing for them?

Explainable AI is a hugely necessary and engaging area of development. With the ability to peer into the inner workings of very large models is sort of eerie.  And I’m also interested to see how the community wrestles with the environmental impact of model training and tuning. At Astronomer, we proceed to update our Registry with all the newest integrations, in order that data and ML teams can hook up with the perfect model services and probably the most efficient compute platforms with none heavy lifting.

How do you envision the combination of advanced AI tools like LLMs with traditional data management systems evolving over the subsequent few years?

We’ve seen each Databricks and Snowflake make announcements recently about how they incorporate each the usage and the event of LLMs inside their respective platforms. Other DBMS and ML platforms will do the identical. It’s great to see data engineers have such easy accessibility to such powerful methods, right from the command line or the SQL prompt.

I’m particularly serious about how relational databases incorporate machine learning. I’m all the time waiting for ML methods to be incorporated into the SQL standard, but for some reason the 2 disciplines have never really hit it off.  Perhaps this time will likely be different.

I’m very excited in regards to the future of enormous language models to help the work of the info engineer. For starters, LLMs have already been particularly successful with code generation, although early efforts to provide data scientists with AI-driven suggestions have been mixed: Hex is great, for instance, whereas Snowflake is uninspiring up to now. But there may be huge potential to vary the character of labor for data teams, rather more than for developers. Why? For software engineers, the prompt is a function name or the docs, but for data engineers there’s also the info. There’s just a lot context that models can work with to make useful and accurate suggestions.

What advice would you give to aspiring data scientists and AI engineers seeking to make an impact within the industry?

Learn by doing. It’s so incredibly easy to construct applications lately, and to enhance them with artificial intelligence. So construct something cool, and send it to a friend of a friend who works at an organization you admire. Or send it to me, and I promise I’ll have a look!

The trick is to seek out something you’re obsessed with and find a very good source of related data. A friend of mine did a captivating evaluation of anomalous baseball seasons going back to the nineteenth century and uncovered some stories that need to have a movie made out of them. And a few of Astronomer’s engineers recently got together one weekend to construct a platform for self-healing data pipelines. I can’t imagine even attempting to do something like that just a few years ago, but with just just a few days’ effort we won Cohere’s hackathon and built the inspiration of a significant latest feature in our platform.


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