Musk “Optimus robot will save Tesla… 1000’s of units can be operational starting next yr”


(Photo = Shutterstock)

Tesla CEO Elon Musk, who confirmed shareholder support, emphasized that the Optimus robot is the longer term of the corporate. He stated that this can allow the corporate to sooner or later reach a market capitalization of $25 trillion. This figure is currently 8 times that of Apple and 43 times that of Tesla.

CNBC reported on the thirteenth (local time) that CEO Musk claimed on the annual general shareholders’ meeting held in Austin, Texas that the Optimus robot will turn Tesla into an organization with a market cap of $2.5 billion.

In accordance with FactSet data, the worth of the highest 500 corporations listed within the U.S. by market capitalization (S&P 500) is $45.5 trillion. Musk claimed that the $25 trillion announced would amount to greater than half. It didn’t say when this value can be reached.

As well as, it’s 8 times greater than the present market cap of Apple, which ranks first at $3 trillion (roughly 416.7 billion won), and 43 times that of Tesla, which ranks tenth with $580 billion (roughly 806 trillion won).

In his speech that day, he described himself as “pathologically optimistic.” He also said that “Tesla is starting a brand new chapter” and that he intends to jot down a “recent chapter.”

It hasn’t been revealed exactly what Optimus is currently able to. As a substitute, he said, robots sooner or later “will act like ‘R2-D2’ or ‘C-3PO’ from Star Wars,” and will “cook or clean, do factory work, and even teach your kids.” “There may be,” he said.

He predicted that by 2025, “greater than 1,000 to 1000’s of Optimus robots can be working at Tesla.” He also predicted, “What’s really essential is whether or not we will be much faster than others and whether our products will be accomplished just a few years before their products and be higher.” “It’s,” he said.

Optimus carrying eggs (Photo = Tesla)
Optimus carrying eggs (Photo = Tesla)

Musk’s daring remarks that day continued in other fields as well. He said that self-driving cars could raise the corporate’s market capitalization to $5 trillion to $7 trillion, and in addition declared that it had surpassed Nvidia in technology for artificial intelligence (AI) operations.

Regarding the atmosphere of the shareholder meeting, CNBC expressed, “The Gigafactory auditorium was filled with a crowd consisting mainly of flattering fanboys.”

Also, on at the present time, Musk received a bonus of $56 billion (roughly 77 trillion won) through a shareholder vote, which was met with strong criticism.

American media criticized the corporate, saying, “Tesra does whatever Musk wants.” There may be also a greater evaluation that the vote on at the present time was the results of a push by shareholders with minority shares. Actually, the evaluation shows that shareholders with 75% of Tesla’s shares opposed the bonus payment, and only 25% of the shares approved it.

Nevertheless, it is alleged that it can’t be denied that Musk’s remarks, which could appear absurd, are the driving force behind Tesla. The Verge identified that CEO Musk recently led $6 billion in xAI funding and identified that “the worth of stocks is in regards to the future.”

He also said, “If Musk leaves, Tesla’s premium may disappear.”

CEO Musk also said on the shareholders’ meeting that day, “I’m a one who helps promote the longer term.”

Reporter Lim Da-jun


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