Harvard Neuroscientists and Google DeepMind Create Artificial Brain in Virtual Rat


In a powerful collaboration, researchers at Harvard University have joined forces with Google DeepMind scientists to create a synthetic brain for a virtual rat. Published in this modern breakthrough opens latest doors in studying how brains control complex movement using advanced AI simulation techniques.

Constructing the Virtual Rat Brain

To construct the virtual rat’s brain, the research team utilized high-resolution data recorded from real rats. The Harvard researchers worked closely with the DeepMind team to construct a biomechanically realistic digital model of a rat. Graduate student Diego Aldarondo collaborated with DeepMind researchers to coach a synthetic neural network (ANN), which serves because the virtual brain, using the powerful machine learning technique deep reinforcement learning.

The neural network was trained to make use of inverse dynamics models, that are believed to be employed by our brains for guiding movement. These models enable the brain to calculate the needed trajectory and translate it into motor commands for achieving a desired motion, corresponding to reaching for a cup of coffee. The virtual rat’s neural network learned to generate the required forces to provide a wide selection of behaviors, including those not explicitly trained, through the use of reference trajectories derived from real rat data.

As Ölveczky noted, “DeepMind had developed a pipeline to coach biomechanical agents to maneuver around complex environments. We simply did not have the resources to run simulations like those, to coach these networks.” The collaboration was “implausible,” he added, emphasizing the crucial role played by the DeepMind scientists in realizing this breakthrough.

The result’s a virtual brain able to controlling a biomechanically realistic 3D rat model inside a complicated physics simulator, closely mimicking the movements of an actual rodent.

Potential Applications

The virtual rat with its artificial brain presents a novel approach for probing the neural circuits chargeable for complex behaviors. By studying how the AI-generated brain controls the virtual rat’s movements, neuroscientists can gain helpful insights into the intricate workings of real brains.

This breakthrough could also pave the best way for engineering more advanced robotic control systems. As Ölveczky suggests, “While our lab is involved in fundamental questions on how the brain works, the platform may very well be used, as one example, to engineer higher robotic control systems.” By understanding how the virtual brain generates complex behaviors, researchers may give you the chance to develop more sophisticated and adaptive robots.

Perhaps most excitingly, this research may enable a brand new field of “virtual neuroscience,” where AI-simulated animals function convenient and fully transparent models for studying the brain, even in disease states. These simulations could provide an unprecedented window into the neural mechanisms behind various neurological conditions, potentially resulting in latest treatment strategies.

Next Step: More Virtual Rat Autonomy

Constructing upon this groundbreaking work, the researchers plan to present the virtual rat more autonomy to resolve tasks akin to those encountered by real rats. As Ölveczky explains, “From our experiments, we’ve got numerous ideas about how such tasks are solved, and the way the educational algorithms that underlie the acquisition of expert behaviors are implemented.”

By granting the virtual rat more independence, the scientists can test their theories in regards to the learning algorithms that enable the acquisition of recent skills. This might provide helpful insights into how real brains learn and adapt to latest challenges.

Ultimately, the goal is to advance our understanding of how real brains generate complex behavior. “We would like to start out using the virtual rats to check these ideas and help advance our understanding of how real brains generate complex behavior,” Ölveczky states. By continuing to refine and expand upon this modern approach, neuroscientists and AI researchers can work together to unravel the mysteries of the brain and create more intelligent, adaptable systems.


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