Bryon Jacob, CTO & Co-Founder of – Interview Series


Bryon Jacob is the CTO and co-founder of – on a mission to construct the world’s most meaningful, collaborative, and abundant data resource. Prior to, he spent ten years in roles of accelerating responsibility at, culminating in a VP of Tech / Technical fellow role. Bryon has also previously worked at Amazon, and is a long-time mentor at Capital Factory. He has a BS/MS in computer science from Case Western University.

What initially attracted you to computer science?

I’ve been hooked on coding since I got my hands on a Commodore 64 at age 10. I began with BASIC and quickly moved on to assembly language. For me, computer science is like solving a series of intricate puzzles with the added thrill of automation. It’s this problem-solving aspect that has at all times kept me engaged and excited.

Are you able to share the genesis story behind was born from a series of brainstorming sessions amongst our founding team. Brett, our CEO, reached out to Jon and Matt, each of whom he had worked with before. They began meeting to toss around ideas, and Jon brought a couple of of those concepts to me for a tech evaluation. Although those ideas didn’t pan out, they sparked discussions that aligned closely with my very own work. Through these conversations, we stumble on the concept eventually became Our shared history and mutual respect allowed us to quickly construct an excellent team, bringing in the most effective people we might worked with previously, and to put a solid foundation for innovation.

What inspired to develop the AI Context Engine, and what specific challenges does it address for businesses?

From the start, we knew a Knowledge Graph (KG) can be critical for advancing AI capabilities. With the rise of generative AI, our customers wanted AI solutions that would interact with their data conversationally. A major challenge in AI applications today is explainability. In the event you cannot show your work, the answers are less trustworthy. Our KG architecture grounds every response in verifiable facts, providing clear, traceable explanations. This enhances transparency and reliability, enabling businesses to make informed decisions with confidence.

How does the knowledge graph architecture of the AI Context Engine enhance the accuracy and explainability of LLMs in comparison with SQL databases alone?

In our groundbreaking paper, we demonstrated a threefold improvement in accuracy using Knowledge Graphs (KGs) over traditional relational databases. KGs use semantics to represent data as real-world entities and relationships, making them more accurate than SQL databases, which give attention to tables and columns. For explainability, KGs allow us to link answers back to term definitions, data sources, and metrics, providing a verifiable trail that enhances trust and usefulness.

Are you able to share some examples of how the AI Context Engine has transformed data interactions and decision-making inside enterprises?

The AI Context Engine is designed as an API that integrates seamlessly with customers’ existing AI applications, be they custom GPTs, co-pilots, or bespoke solutions built with LangChain. This implies users don’t need to modify to a brand new interface – as an alternative, we bring the AI Context Engine to them. This integration enhances user adoption and satisfaction, driving higher decision-making and more efficient data interactions by embedding powerful AI capabilities directly into existing workflows.

In what ways does the AI Context Engine provide transparency and traceability in AI decision-making to satisfy regulatory and governance requirements?

The AI Context Engine ties into our Knowledge Graph and data catalog, leveraging capabilities around lineage and governance. Our platform tracks data lineage, offering full traceability of knowledge and transformations. AI-generated answers are connected back to their data sources, providing a transparent trace of how each bit of knowledge was derived. This transparency is crucial for regulatory and governance compliance, ensuring every AI decision could be audited and verified.

What role do you see knowledge graphs playing within the broader landscape of AI and data management in the approaching years?

Knowledge Graphs (KGs) have gotten increasingly vital with the rise of generative AI. By formalizing facts right into a graph structure, KGs provide a stronger foundation for AI, enhancing each accuracy and explainability. We’re seeing a shift from standard Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) architectures, which depend on unstructured data, to Graph RAG models. These models convert unstructured content into KGs first, resulting in significant improvements in recall and accuracy. KGs are set to play a pivotal role in driving AI innovations and effectiveness.

What future enhancements can we expect for the AI Context Engine to further improve its capabilities and user experience?

The AI Context Engine improves with use, as context flows back into the information catalog, making it smarter over time. From a product standpoint, we’re specializing in developing agents that perform advanced knowledge engineering tasks, turning raw content into richer ontologies and knowledge bases. We constantly learn from patterns that work and quickly integrate those insights, providing users with a robust, intuitive tool for managing and leveraging their data.

How is investing in research and development to remain on the forefront of AI and data integration technologies?

R&D on the AI Context Engine is our single biggest investment area. We’re committed to staying on the bleeding fringe of what’s possible in AI and data integration. Our team, experts in each symbolic AI and machine learning, drives this commitment. The robust foundation we’ve built at enables us to maneuver quickly and push technological boundaries, ensuring we consistently deliver cutting-edge capabilities to our customers.

What’s your long-term vision for the long run of AI and data integration, and the way do you see contributing to this evolution?

My vision for the long run of AI and data integration has at all times been to maneuver beyond simply making it easier for users to question their data. As a substitute, we aim to eliminate the necessity for users to question their data altogether. Our vision has consistently been to seamlessly integrate a corporation’s data with its knowledge—encompassing metadata about data systems and logical models of real-world entities.

By achieving this integration in a machine-readable knowledge graph, AI systems can truly fulfill the promise of natural language interactions with data. With the rapid advancements in generative AI over the past two years and our efforts to integrate it with enterprise knowledge graphs, this future is becoming a reality today. At, we’re on the forefront of this evolution, driving the transformation that enables AI to deliver unprecedented value through intuitive and intelligent data interactions.


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