China’s latest Sora rival is here


Welcome, AI enthusiasts.

The AI world anxiously awaits the general public arrival of OpenAI’s Sora — but a Chinese firm’s newly released model is already kicking the text-to-video race into high gear.

Kuaishou’s KLING is here, and the mind-blowing demos show that we’ve come a LONG way from the times of Will Smith’s spaghetti dinner. Let’s dive deeper…

In today’s AI rundown:

  • Kuaishou launches latest Sora rival

  • ByteDance’s AI chip loophole

  • Run your code with Mistral’s latest model

  • OpenAI probes GPT’s inner workings

  • 6 latest AI tools & 4 latest AI jobs

  • More AI & tech news

Read time: 4 minutes



🎥 Kuaishou launches latest Sora rival

Image source: Kuaishou

The Rundown: Chinese tech firm Kuaishou just introduced KLING, a brand new text-to-video AI model able to generating high-quality videos as much as 2 minutes long with outputs that appear to rival OpenAI’s still-unreleased Sora.

The small print:

  • KLING can produce videos at 1080p resolution with a maximum length of two minutes, surpassing the 1-minute Sora videos demoed by OpenAI.

  • KLING’s demos include realistic outputs like a person eating noodles and scenic shots, in addition to surreal clips like animals in clothes.

  • The model uses a 3D space-time attention system to simulate complex motion and physical interactions that higher mimic the true world.

  • The model is currently available to Chinese-based users as a public demo on the KWAI iOS app.

Why it matters: These generations are much more mind-blowing whenever you consider that Will Smith’s spaghetti-eating abomination was barely a yr ago. With users still anxiously waiting for the general public release of Sora, other competitors are stepping in — and the AI video landscape looks prefer it’s about to heat up in a serious way.


🔓 Unlock your AI’s web potential

The Rundown: Equip your AI applications with the information they should deliver accurate, relevant, and interesting results using Brave Search API — a robust alternative to costlier options like Bing.

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🇨🇳 ByteDance’s AI chip loophole

Image source: ByteDance

The Rundown: TikTok parent company ByteDance is renting advanced Nvidia AI chips and using them on U.S. soil, exploiting a loophole to sidestep restrictions on China’s AI chip exports.

The small print:

  • On account of national security concerns, the U.S. government prohibits Nvidia from selling AI chips just like the A100 and H100 on to Chinese corporations.

  • The restrictions don’t prevent Chinese firms from renting chips to be used inside the U.S. — ByteDance is allegedly leasing servers with chips from Oracle.

  • ByteDance reportedly had access to over 1,500 H100 chips and a number of other thousand A100s last month through the Oracle deal.

  • Other Chinese giants like Alibaba and Tencent are also reportedly exploring similar options, either renting from U.S. providers or establishing US data centers.

Why it matters: The AI race between the U.S. and China is just escalating — and it appears major players are going to get AI chips by any means vital. While the U.S. tries to stall its rival’s progress with restrictions, it seems like a game of whack-a-mole that won’t stop China from reaching its AI goals.


🧑‍💻 Run your code with Mistral’s latest model

The Rundown: Mistral recently released a code-focused AI model that performs impressively across major coding benchmarks — a game-changer for programmers looking to reinforce their workflows and productivity.


  1. Enroll for a free account or log in at Mistral’s Le Chat platform.

  2. Select Codestral from the “Models” dropdown menu.

  3. Input your coding prompt or query, and let Codestral generate code snippets.

  4. Copy the code, head over to Replit’s Python Online Compiler, select “+ Create Repl” (if prompted), paste the code on the left side and press “Run”.

Get more AI tutorials →


🏆 Honor AI’s brightest minds

The Rundown: The EVOLVECON AI Awards provide a platform to honor individuals and firms who’ve made the largest impact in artificial intelligence over the past yr.

At EVOLVECON, you may:

  • Nominate the highest AI innovators across 20 different categories

  • Join visionaries, innovators, and thought leaders Feb. 10-13 in Nashville, TN

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Click here to nominate, register, or sponsor the EVOLVECON AI Awards. Snag an early bird discount now — limited spots remain.


🔍 OpenAI probes GPT’s inner workings

Image source: OpenAI

The Rundown: OpenAI just released a brand new paper detailing a way for reverse engineering concepts learned by AI models and higher understanding ChatGPT’s inner workings.

The small print:

  • The paper was authored by members of the recently disbanded superalignment team, including Ilya Sutskever and Jan Leike.

  • ‘Scaling and Evaluating Sparse Autoencoders’ outlines a way to ID patterns representing specific concepts inside GPT-4.

  • Through the use of an extra model to probe the larger model, researchers found a technique to extract tens of millions of activity patterns for further exploration.

  • OpenAI released open-source code and a visualization tool, allowing others to explore how different words and phrases activate concepts inside models.

Why it matters: Very like Anthropic’s recent “Golden Gate Claude” and corresponding research, AI firms are still working to know what’s truly happening underneath the hood. Cracking AI’s black box could be a giant step towards higher safety, tuning, and controllability of rapidly advancing models.


Trending AI Tools

  • 🎵 Udio Audio Prompting – Upload a sound and let AI generate a song

  • 🎥 Haiper AI Any-Frame – Make smooth animation between two input frames

  • 🗃️ Riffo – AI file renaming and organization

  • 💻 Pinokio – Install, run, and control AI models in your computer

  • ✍️ Jenni AI – Supercharge your research paper with AI

  • 🌏 BiRead – Transform any website content into bilingual text

Browse more AI tools →

Latest AI Job Opportunities

  • 📊 Harvey – Data Analyst

  • 🧠 Meta – Applied AI Research Scientist – Reinforcement Learning

  • 📣 DeepL – Corporate Communications Lead

  • 🤝 Palantir Technologies – Enablement Partner

Browse more AI jobs →


Alibaba’s open-source Qwen 2-72B model moved into the highest spot on Hugging Face Open LLM Leaderboard, surpassing rivals Mixtral and Llama-3 across a spread of benchmarks.

Meta launched a brand new AI assistant for businesses in WhatsApp, together with other AI tools aimed toward supporting businesses with customer interactions and sales.

Nvidia’s market value surpassed $3T, with the AI chip leader soaring past Apple to grow to be the world’s second-most helpful public company behind only Microsoft.

The U.S. government opened antitrust investigations into Microsoft, OpenAI, and Nvidia, with the FTC and DOJ reportedly specializing in monopolistic practices and investment scrutiny.

Jasper AI released Flash Diffusion, a brand new method for accelerating diffusion models, producing faster, higher-quality image generations while reducing computing costs.

Social platform Cara has grown from 40,000 to 650,000 users up to now week, with the artist-focused, anti-AI social media app seeing an inflow of traffic amid backlash against Meta’s AI policies.



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